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Text: Leslie Pastor, 06/06/04 The Control Paradigm's ultimate weapon is and has been the 'control' of education. For once a method or process of 'education' has been 'inculcated' into the minds of developing young students, that methodology ultimately formulates and articulates the 'idealization' of 'reality' facts. All 'facts' are assimilated by the 'mind's interpretation of 'reality,' thus 'structuring' all content [data, perception, reception, and interpretation there of]. This is known as the science of 'cognitive dissonance.' Highly skilled 'educators' have developed this methodology to formulate 'control' vis-à-vis significant 'specialization' involving psychological 'influence.' The Russell Trust Association having had great foresight determined to 'control' the entire apparatus concerning education, thereby setting the ultimate stage of control within specific 'timeframes.' It is interesting that they have/had the capability to accomplish this. It is even more interesting that the 'citizens' of this great land have allowed them to accomplish this process, and that they not only don't protest, but actually acquiesce, by paying significant amounts of 'property' taxes to accomplish the RTA's objective 'agenda.' Research: The 'Control' [Paradigm] of Education [Click on Source Links] How the Order Controls Education [Sutton] The Order's Objectives For Education [Sutton] America's Secret Establishment [Sutton] Education: Main Page [Click on Source Headings within Links] Reference: What is immediately apparent is the 'diabolical' nature of this kind of control, and how it has influenced 'surreptitiously' the 'mindset' of the people of the United States of America. What is even more interesting is that we have two 'candidates' for President of the United States who are both 'members' of the Russell Trust Association right now. Both intent upon fulfilling their specific agenda regardless of the outcome of the election, both having ample amounts of 'liquidity' providing ample 'resources' in fulfillment of their objective goals. In essence, there is no choice between the two candidates, they both subscribe to the same 'agenda' and they both owe 'allegiance' to the same 'brotherhood,' the Russell Trust Association, whose 'intent' is a 'secret'-- This is amazing since there are roughly 300 million people living within the United States and the only 'personages' who are 'allowed' to run for the Office of the President are the two prominent members of the Russell Trust at Yale University. It is interesting to note: No need for a 'vote scam' or special 'election' due to 'irregularities' at the polls, because the entire outcome of the election process is already 'rigged' at the highest echelons of power to begin with. With the murder of Eugene Mallove As Chief Science Writer at the MIT News Office from 1987 through 1991, and as an engineer (MIT, S.B. 1969, S.M. 1970) familiar with heat measurements and the various other experiment claims, I was in a position to ascertain the true facts surrounding: the media and Press Conference events at MIT before and after May 1, 1989; the ill-fated calorimetric experiment performed by the MIT Plasma Fusion Center; and the MIT Administration's so-called investigation of this experiment. This activity led to widespread disparagement of the Fleischmann-Pons claims. A reconstruction of these events will be outlined, together with original supporting evidence that confirm that the "standard story" of how cold fusion was "debunked" at the May 1, 1989 APS meeting in Baltimore is not only wrong, but catastrophically so. Eugene Mallove Source: [Cold Fusion Advocate Extraordinaire] and the upcoming Dept of Energy Review of Cold Fusion Research, I suspect that another 'control' has been 'initiated' to 'silence' interest in 'cold fusion.' I hope not, because the need for energy worldwide is outpacing 'access' of supply, regarding deliberate 'structures' with deliberate intent at creating the appearance of 'scarce resources'. There is plenty of oil and gas in Alaska, but it is deliberately being sent 6,000 away to Japan. Why not to the lower 48 states? Source: >From my prior post I have shown the result of 'cognitive dissonance' and how difficult it is to broach let alone breach 'structured thinking' regarding 'novelties of fact.' Thomas S. Kuhn knew so very well how difficult it was to preempt 'paradigms' that he spent a significant portion of his life and energy to research and describe The Structure of Scientific Revolutions [1962]. Antony C. Sutton was so impressed with Dr. Kuhn's revelation that he personally informed me [via email] of Dr. Kuhn's magnificent treatise. For years I have been studying the 'control' paradigm via a 'macro' perspective at the global level of understanding. But recently I have begun to visit 'local' aspects of the 'nature' of the 'control' paradigm. And the results, in my findings at the beginning stage of my investigation, are simply amazing to say the least. In a little known 'workshop regarding 'traffic' James Benjamin Woods, III provides detailed 'sources' and 'references' regarding your 'Travel As Of Right,' and the 'control' aspects are glaringly 'significant' to say the least. His treatise on the 'laws of governance' are amazingly accurate, giving a clear understanding of what the 'inherent holders of the political power' are responsible for and to whom. He should be a University professor, teaching 'government' a la 'political science.' But like another 'professor' I once knew [Antony C. Sutton--Economics] he was not allowed to 'reeducate.' Source: I strongly recommend that you buy these books, and reeducate yourself on 'governance' and the role that the 'inherent holders of the political power' must play in order to regain, and yes retain their rightful 'authority' regarding their 'responsibility' as United States 'sovereign' citizens. Be forewarned, this 'subject matter' is serious business and requires serious study. A good knowledge of the English language and a true desire to 'study' [read, read, read] is an absolute requirement. The simple truth is that 'you' only have 'rights' if 'you' are willing to exercise those 'rights.' 'Rights' not exercised are de facto 'non-rights.' Knowledge regarding over-unity ultimately leads to 'freedom' as in: the ability to 'come, go, be, think,' and ultimate to 'do' what one wants to 'do.' And as you will discover in Mr. Woods excellent research, the 'controls' at the local level, where most people ultimately live and breathe are themselves deliberately 'stealthy.' America needs to wake-up out of its 'matrix' and regain their responsibilities as leaders, manufacturers, promulgators, and inventors. Only then will the people of the United States become 'free' once again. All the Best, Leslie R. Pastor PS: For those who don't believe in the take over of the United States should examine these documents: Source: Research: Howard R. Johnson [Johnson Motor] The Permanent Magnet Motor

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