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Text: Redefining Earth Change Prophecies Q: If there is to be a catastrophe on the Earth planet, as is prophesied in the Christian Bible, would our space brothers, the outer space brotherhood, be allowed to interfere to help humankind on this planet? B: Here we go. (AUD: laughter) All right. Here we go. First of all, are you familiar with some of the ideas we have shared about what we define prophecy to be? Q: No, this is my first time here. B: All right. Q: I profess an ignorance. B: Oh, no, no, no - no need to. In this way, first of all, let us lay the foundations, very briefly. To us the idea that is called prophecy or prediction is not a prediction of the future. It is the sensing of the energy at the time the prediction is made, that has the highest degree of probability of being manifested - but it does not mean it has to. Do you follow me so far? Q: I do, yes. B: Now therefore recognize, that sometimes the prediction or prophecy itself can change the energy. Because now you are aware of it, and if you don't like what has been predicted, you can change it. So recognize, however, that what was being predicted was the transformation that is taking place upon your planet now - and which will continue for some time - but as is it was predicted, in the way it could be best understood, at that time. Let me remind you that at the time the prediction was made, the only way such radical transformation could be understood was through the idea of "trials by fire." It could not be understood how one could simply know that one deserves ecstasy. And not have to experience the idea of negative transformation or catastrophe in order to know that one simply deserves ecstasy. Now this does not mean that many individuals and many isolated locations upon your planet will not - as they have already done, to some degree - will not continue to create some of these catastrophic ideas. Because that may be the only way that their mentality can relate to the idea of such a radical transformation. They think they have to, in your terms, take themselves "out" in order to put themselves "back in." Therefore the idea as it has been translated to you, would be this: the recognition, the recognition, that the Association - what you call the different civilizations within the Association that you have referred to as the space brothers - the recognition that we are interacting with you, the recognition that we can do so, is, in and of itself, an indication that your vibration has changed, and is your willingness to recognize that you are equal to us. And being willing to recognize that you are equal to us, in a sense places you in contact with us; places you within our vibratory matrix. And in that sense, to a great degree, that is what you all have translated into the terminology that we are going to come down and "save" you. The idea, from our point of view, is that you do not really need saving. (AUD: comments and laughs) The idea is that you are choosing upon your planet to do whatever you wish. Now it is not impossible that individuals upon your planet, should they allow themselves to simply accelerate to the level of equality with us, may create interactions in that way. And may participate in the sharing of the idea of interaction aboard spacecraft, at certain times within the transformation. But in an overall aspect it is our, to use your term, "wish," that you would understand that the idea of our spacecraft coming down to rescue you is more of an allegorical understanding of your willingness to be simply equal with us, and simply not need to experience the transformation in catastrophic ways. So that you can simply accelerate and/or ascend, so to speak, into the fourth density light body state - a bit at a time. Simply recognize that ecstasy is your birthright, and if you know that that is the vibrational reality that you exist upon, then you can aid and assist us in the transformation. Now, you will find that you have reduced this idea of catastrophic transformation by a factor of, let us say, to use an example, from ten to approximately two and one half. The idea also is that the remainder of the energy in certain ways - while again, some of it will be utilized and has already been done so - may create, let us say, isolated catastrophes with miniature groups of mass consciousness on your planet that cannot relate to the transformation in any other way. But for the most part, a lot of this energy can be rechanneled in more positive ways. Q2: Have we done this through prayer and lightwork? B: Yes, in a sense, that is one symbolic way. For prayer is simply opening up conduits for the communication and the link that always has existed between yourself and All That Is. Q: So those that are on the vibrational matrix, as you put it, through prayer and lightwork, can work for those who are experiencing catastrophic conditions - for example, in Africa? Can our prayer and lightwork make the transformation and transmutation for them? B: It can assist. It cannot force them to change. Q: Right. B: But it can assist them by providing them a substance and a material that, if they so desire to change, they can avail themselves of, yes. Q: Bless you. B: Oh, and our love to you all. Q: Thank you. B: Thank you. Sharing!

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