Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: 1. The Earth rotates on its axis from West to East with its axis in the North/South direction (by definition of North and South). So it is rotating "due North" because of the right hand rule. 2. The Earth revolves around the sun 23 degrees from "due north". (This is why we have seasons!) 3. The Moon revolves around the Earth about 5 degrees from the direction the Earth revolves around the Sun. The Moon's rotation is about 1.5 degrees from the direction the Earth revolves around the Sun. 4. All the planets revolve in the same general direction, with Pluto's orbit being the most inclined (17 degrees). Their axes of rotation are more diverse, Uranus and Pluto rotate 'on their sides' and Venus's axis points towards the South. 5. Our Galaxy, on the other hand, is completely different. The sun revolves around the galaxy in a totally different direction. Using that "right hand rule" you need to point your thumb toward the "South Galactic Pole." This is located above the southern hemisphere, at 27 degrees south latitude. So the rotation axis of the Galaxy is tilted by 117 degrees from the rotation axis of the Earth. You can see this at night, by noting that the Milky Way (the disk of the galaxy) is always across the sky in some funny direction. Never due East-West. 6. Our Galaxy, the Milky Way, is also moving in some funny direction (completely unrelated to any of the other directions) as it orbits the other galaxies nearby.

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