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Text: Sunday, July 25, 2004 (7:28 AM) Daily Quado: A reader asks: I had a wonderful dream recently. I was sitting on the grass along a river and saw a beautiful rainbow. It was jagged with brilliant colors of purple and orange. It was so beautiful I was saying over and over "Oh my God, oh my God," and then a figure of an angel appeared coming out of the rainbow almost like a light show. It then turned and fell to the earth. I thought "Fallen Angel", although I did not know what I meant by this. I was then lifted upward into the air. I was very light and was not afraid. I wondered if it was my time to die but somehow I knew it wasn't. I came back down toward the ground and awoke at the same time. I felt like weeping. It was a mixture of joy and sadness at the same time. All in all it was! a remarkable and beautiful dream and I feel touched in some way. Any thoughts? Quado, do you have an answer to this question?? Ah, yes, of course, of course. First, let us make note of the lack of fear here, this feeling that things simply are, even though they are miraculous and something you have never before experienced. This is an excellent sign of an authentic spiritual experience. Fear belongs to the physical life, to the personality and mind which are a part of this existence and which will pass away. Fear wants things to be the same as they were yesterday and is greatly threatened when they are not. And doubt is the sidekick to fear, always softening you up so that you will fall prey to fear's guidance to stick with the safe and sure. Here you were relying upon your feeling, your intuition, even though it was miraculous and strange. You were open to a new experience and felt a part of it. And when you are reaching the authentic self, the soul self on her adventures, you will have this feeling of flow and connection and just observing, watching the way things are, even though they do not necessarily make sense. And now, let us speak of dreams. Sometimes when you dream you are simply doing a dump of the brain, having a nervous experience while the brain does its mechanical job of filing the dayıs experiences. And sometimes your emotional state is also a part of this dream, and you are chased around by nightmares and fear has a heyday in your mind and body. This is all part of the physical experience and part of what the mind does at night. But then there are other times, and in these other times you are piercing through the veil and finding a very special connection. Your soul, of course, is never asleep, nor are the myriad of energy forces which are around you. And some things may come to you when you are asleep; actually many things come to you all the time, but sometimes when you are asleep the conscious mind is not as actively blocking out these energies and they can come through and make themselves clear to you in many ways. Certainly you may get visitations and messages from loved ones who have recently departed. You may also have dreams which are clearly messages, dreams in which the action has placed itself in such a way in the story line that a marvelously strong and clear message comes through to you, normally about some direction you are taking which is not right for you. This is the guidance from your soul self trying to make herself heard through the mental noise which is blocking the message during the day. And certainly if you are in a period of fear and confusion you will probably be blocking the guidance which is there for you. If fear is yelling in your face, you will not hear the quiet whispers. If fear is making your stomach turn flip flops, then you will not reach that pool of peace which contains the right answer. And so, at these times, sometimes the guidance comes to you in dreams. And then there are other times, such as this one, when you simply went outside the physical experience and had a soul experience. You witnessed something happening. You were pulled momentarily up into a world which is not your waking world, but rather a world of energies. And yes, your mind used metaphors in order to present it to you, things which are familiar to your thinking like rivers and rainbows, lights and angels. But what is to be taken from this experience is that there is more than you know. What is to be taken is that mixture of joy tinged with sadness. For beauty is always sad as well as joyful, is it not? The joy of being in beauty and wonder, tinged with the sadness of its ending, for all is change and movement, and angels rise and angels fall. And what does this mean precisely? Nothing that you need concern yourself with, except to know that these things happen. You were visited by some of the grace of the benevolent and loving universe which is there. It is there at all times. You are surrounded by it now. You are, now, an angel spirit flying through the heavens. You are, now, under a rainbow of vivid colors. You are all of these things, for you are all with one that is. And energies are moving all around you, beautiful and magical energies, blocked out only by your attachment to the physical life. So take this as a gift and be glad. Take this as sure knowledge that there is other than what exists here seen by your physical sense and that there is the world of your psychic senses. Know that your soul is on many journeys and that you may occasionally join her, flying through the energies which abound. And know also that all of this is metaphor, and that dream visitations by angels are metaphors for what you will never understand while you are in this physical life. So relax and be glad for the feeling and the moment of grace which you were able to open to. And every day, in your meditations and quiet moments, reach into that feeling. Take that feeling and tuck it away into your center and use it as a centering moment. That feeling of being lifted and how safe you were even in the midst of all that was happening. Take that feeling and let it be a tool for you, to center you and bring you always back to the wonder that is life. If you have a question you believe might interest other Quado readers, please send it to Visit for meditation CDs, healing services, music and more. This newsletter is distributed free of charge. Just send an email with Subscribe or Unsubscribe as the subject to . Copyright 2004 by Systematique, Inc.

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