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Text: Subject: Measuring instrument and dowsing rod Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 10:32:51 +0100 From: "Miroslav Provod" To: Measuring instrument and dowsing rod Doubting the activity of the dowsing-rod comes from the fact that no measuring device has been made to validate ²unseen² energy, which we predict would show the identical reactions. We all know the current view of skeptics who say- it is impossible to declare something to be true, that is indemonstrable; especially when the dowsing-rod does not come though well in any of three trial tests. If we judge the arguments from the point of view of current science, there is nothing to talk about. It is possible to add something to the whole current knowledge and the arguments could take a different form. Judge for yourself. I will share all my experience with you. I shall describe meeting a man who has received admiration for his extraordinary activities. Such men are usually born with these abilities, but Oldrich Hradil (1912-1989) from Brno was different. After being badly poisoned with lead he lost his ability to feel hot and cold, but his heat receptors were reacting to something mysterious instead of hot and cold. This he found very disorientating at first. Already in the hospital, he learned that the strange feeling going through his whole body from head to toe and back, was being caused by people who were moving along the corridor which was located behind the wall next to his bed. After few days he was able to distinguish whether the person in the corridor was a male or female. When I met him, he was already able to distinguish about 80 kinds of the reactions what were causing various sensations in his receptors. He was able to identify the kinds of metals in a box without error. At the cemetery he was able to recognize with covered eyes whether the grave contained man or woman or man and woman buried together. He felt even more reactions than I am able to identify with the dowsing-rod. And the difference was he could say what caused them and how intense they were. Frantisek Kahuda who is dead by now experimented with his unique abilities and made records about them. By meeting Mr. Hradil I realized that the sensor for the measuring device which could replace the dowsing-rod is to be found in every human being (maybe in other organisms). I was speculating about experimenting with heat receptors what could be affected in the same way as the dowsing-rod. By questioning some doctors and studying scientific literature I realized that it would not be easy. The heat receptors are still within the area of medicine that needs further investigation because present knowledge does not enable further research. It follows that dowsing-rods respond to a phenomenon for which full credit awaits full recognition. This is why the old-fashioned word "unscientific" is used when talking about dowsing-rods. It is necessary to realize that the reaction of the dowsing-rod is consistent with the laws of nature, which are yet to be learned. On the internet address I describe the instructions for the reaction of the dowsing-rod which starts from many natural and man-made energetic sources and are located everywhere but in as yet unnoticed amounts. Each source produces results through its energy components. Various differing metal-shaped dowsing-rods produce strange forces. If we make the dowsing-rod shorter or longer it will react to different energy components in the same way as changing the identity of the power. I have described only three energetic components only because I used shorter and less sensitive dowsing-rods. Even though I suppose that energetic components will be much more. It is almost impossible to orient all the reactions with no systematic procedure and knowledge of the energetic component's regularity. This is one of the reasons why dowsing-rods have not held up in any of the tests. Miroslav Provod

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