Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: The dominant scales are the ones built on the 5th degree of the Major scale. This is exactly what happens to the row of thirds within the T and C chords which I sent you earlier, they represent dominant scales. Terrestrial C E G Bb D F A C This is no longer the C Major scale going around in thirds , it is really the C Dominant scale. The same is true for the Celestial chords Celestial G B D F A C E Again this is not G Major but the G Dominant scale. It is the natural law of overtones which creates these Dominant scales. The dominant scale is also called the Mixolydian Mode. You will see where this occurs in the Mode Box. C Mixolydian is the 5th mode of the F Major scale. G Mixolydian is the 5th mode of the C Major scale, as in the Mode box right hand side. Luigig Martino, 8/24/01 Let's look at this Dominant as it is a mystery: "All the dominant conditions of nature represent the focal centers towards which like surrounding ones become sympathetically subservient." Keely and His Discoveries "Magnetism is of the atomic order? and not molecular? then it is not electrical in nature; so what then is the influence in an electromagnetic? The Dominant current of the electrical stream." Keely and His Discoveries "The Dominant (of the Electrical Stream) creates or governs Magnetism on the Atomic Order of Vibration (High Vibratory)." Keely and His Discoveries The third point of the triangle or triple flow, establishes the polarity of the chord or flow; also called Diaphonic. "Keely classes the cohesive force of molecular masses as the dominant order of the electric stream, the molecule owing its negative attractive quality to the magnetic element." Keely and His Discoveries "The Dominant current of the electrical stream is the electricity luminous." Keely and His Discoveries "The magnetic cannot lead the electric, nor the electric the gravital, nor the gravital the magnetic. All are subservient to the dominant, as a train of cars is subservient to the locomotive which pulls it along; the only difference between the two is that one is sympathetic, the other mechanical. Though this is a crude illustration, it conveys a great truth in sympathetic philosophy. All sympathetic flows have this triune condition associated with them, the same as the molecular, atomic and etheric aggregations of all forms of visible matter; the compound etheric, or dominant, being the leader and yet one of the constituents of the molecule itself. The dominant we may call the etheric portion of the molecule; the harmonic, the atomic; and the enharmonic, the molecule itself. The dominant parts of the triune combination of the sympathetic streams are the leaders, toward which all co-ordinate to make up the sympathetic terrestrial envelope of the earth; the cerebral being the high dominant, or compound etheric, the luminiferous proper." Keely

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