Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Crystalline Transformation Q: Could you talk about how we are becoming more crystalline in nature, in this time of spiritual transformation? B: The increase of the vibration of your spirituality includes the vibration of your physicality. And as you move from the third to the fourth density awareness vibration you will, in a sense, be becoming more crystalline. As you create the idea of crystals to form a lens, a focusing device for this energy, you understand crystalline in that way to be the pure form of many materials, in that way. Therefore you are exemplifying yourself as crystal energy at this time, in that you are recognizing that you are becoming purer forms in a sense of the energy of creation - more in touch and more in line with that idea. And as such, symbols will be found in crystalline forms. Crystals will be used by you to exemplify the ideas that you are crystallizing within yourself, in that way. Now, many of the different colors of the crystals will exemplify many of the different vibrations that represent certain portions of your consciousness within which you are crystallizing, in that sense. But understand in the overall way, they are simply symbols of your own crystallization. Also there is a physical manifestation in that your physical shells are now containing more and more of the silicon idea - more and more of this crystal idea. Your medical practitioners are beginning to discover that within your brain they are finding more and more silicon, meaning you are crystallizing, literally, in that way. You are now becoming transceivers, in that way, more sensitive to the energy of the higher vibration. Receivers - as you have symbolically used the idea of crystals within your radio receivers to receive energy you cannot see - you yourselves are now becoming crystalline receivers to energies that heretofore were invisible to you. And as such you are now becoming consciously aware of these energies, because you too are becoming tuned into the idea of becoming crystalline, and therefore being a part of this energy, in that way. Now, also understand that the silicon form specifically will invoke the idea of fever and the transition in that way, because silicon as a life form will exist in higher temperatures than you are used to. Therefore you will be exemplifying in this way, a little bit of the raising of the body temperature as you incorporate within yourself this vibration of the silicon crystal. Have you followed this explanation? Q: Yes. So will the average temperature of the human being on Earth rise from now on? B: In a sense, yes. Q: Okay, thank you. B: Thank you. Yes? Q2: In a follow up to that, I understand about the higher consciousness and the crystallization of our brain, but how about the rest of the body? When people use crystals to heal the body and they put a crystal on the glands or on the pancreas and things like that? How does that...? B: In a sense you are allowing that physical portion of your body to identify with the crystalline matrix of that tool you are using, and as such, allowing there to be an alignment. And as you perceive the idea of crystals to be aligning, then allowing there to be an alignment within that gland, within that organ, within that cellular structure of the body, in that way. Therefore allowing it to take on crystalline pattern properties, in it's ability to channel energy through it smoothly. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. B: Thank you. Q: Thank you.

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