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Text: Malachite and Tesla and Consciousness Template B: I'll say: continue. Q: I've come to these channelings by coincidenceŠ B: Speak up! Q: It happens that at the last channeling someone asked a question thatŠ B: All right. Q: Š and I feel a connection to the channel. Can you tell me what that is? Is it a past life or something else? B: Some of it is past association, some of it. Not necessarily in the exact linear way you might think. Some of it is an association by similar vibration, similar endeavor.... one moment... much of it has been by acquaintance, through many different lifetimes, yes. And also, general agreements of similar vibrational principles, but in different ways. Will that do? Q: Yes. Recently I heard that wearing malachite can have a lot to do with body temperature regulation. B: Yes. Q: How would you use it to stabilize body temperature? Would you wear it to align a certain chakra? B: You can pass it over your third eye area. Sometimes your solar plexus area, sometimes down the spine can have a regulating effect; sometimes just holding it in the hand. But again, also simply the imagination of that particular idea, the vibration that it represents can also have the same effect, without the physical object present. You follow me? It is the idea, the vibration that it represents. Q: The feel of it. B: Yes. That will create the change, the difference. And it can be different for different individuals, depending upon their specific vibrational signature frequency. Q: Okay. B: Does that serve you? Q: Yes. The third question is: back in the 1800's there were two individuals who were keys to the development of our present electrical technology. B: Speak up! Speak up! Q: They were Nikola Tesla and James Maxwell. B: Yes. Q: Their work was so original as to beŠ B: It was a rediscovery of understandings your civilization had long ago. In that sense, original for your time, yes. Q: Well, it's so out of context with everything else that was happening at that time, it's like it was almost inspired. Well, perhaps it was inspired. B: Yes. Q: Very profound. B: It was a literal recognition of what the electromagnetic field is, and a very natural way to tap into that source. It is the same principle that we utilize in our spacecraft. Q: Right. I always felt sort of intuitively that the work he did was actually the key to causing -- or the key to other changes as well as the technology that has evolved from it. B: The realizations in and of themselves were indicative of level shifts in the collective consciousness of your planet. Q: Well I think what I'm trying to ask you is: the original work that they did -- did it make other specific changes in our society or our consciousness? B: Of course. All things are interconnected. All things. It accelerated to some degree what is going on now: the ability of the general society in which you exist to express a desire to explore its connection to all levels of consciousness. It had that effect because it literally electrified a large portion of your consciousness. Q: Ah! Because of the dramatic changes visible. B: Yes. And also because some of the specific energy that was being used literally had a direct effect upon your electromagnetic mentality just because of some of the devices that were being utilized and invented by those individuals. Q: Could you be more specific on that? B: The idea specifically of what you call Tesla's generating wave station -- that which took advantage of the natural cycle of your Earth's vibration, seven and one-half cycles per second -- tapped into a frequency of the crystalline Earth that actually caused reverberations in the mental field of every individual living on your planet. Q: Well I understand he never fully completed that, though. B: Not fully, no. But yet it was used. Q: Are you familiar with the term "biological personality?" B: Define. Q: As I understand it, it's a consciousness that is associated with the physical body. B: Body consciousness. Q: Yes. It seems to be (--?) passed from one generation to another -- like it spans over the Earth plane, and connects the individual to the energy of earth. B: Yes. In a sense, yes. Q: Okay. Technically how does that work? Does it interconnect with the etheric body, orŠ? B: Yes, it does; it interconnects through all different levels of your consciousness that are attached to the reincarnational karmic cycle of your particular planet, your particular overall frequency, yes. It is the general theme consciousness, the general cycle consciousness that carries with it the wave front of your biological evolution -- determined by the directions in which your consciousness flows in any given moment. It actually has the ability to unlock the genetic structure in certain directions, and cause what you call mutations. Q: Well are we talking about something that is a part of the individual consciousness, or is it something thatŠ? B: It is a part of the collective consciousness, and therefore a part of every individual within it. Q: All! In a physical sense? B: It is a template in a non-physical sense that creates the apparency of physical inheritance. You understand? Q: I have the idea of what you're saying. I don't fully understandŠ B: If you wish, it is a branching program that sometimes shifts when you change the whole idea, the collective idea of yourself -- and it then causes spontaneous mutation to take place within the individual body consciousness to accommodate the bodily forms that are necessary to survive within the energy that has been literally created. Q: I see. It contains all possibilities. B: Yes. The template. Q: The other part of my question is: how can I relate to (-- --?) in a way that is actually beneficial? I'm in conflict with it at times. B: Experiment with electromagnetism. You have, in and of yourself, many similar approaches to the ideas of individuals such as you have mentioned: Tesla, Maxwell, Faraday. You have had experience in these realms. Explore it further and really understand the vibrational pulses of electromagnetism that can cause different types of crystallization to take place within your bodily form. The template and your mentality is created from the electromagnetic field. You can redefine that. Experiment with it. Q: Thank you very much. B: Thank you Sharing!

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