Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Cosmic Consciousness according to Marsha Sinetar "The peak experience is critical to any discussion of the mystic's journey, since through it and because of it the individual gains an overarching and penetrating view into what he is at his best, into what he is when he simply *is.* The peak experience means that the person experiences himself *being* rather than becoming. He also experiences direct...the Transcendant nature of reality. He enters into the Absolute, becoming one with it, if only for an instant. It is a life-altering instant which many have described as one in which the mind stops, as a time in which the paradoxical change/ changeless nature opens up to a person."  "The peak experience expands the individual's field of consciousness to include everything in the universe...he feels he *has* everything because he experiences everything within. This field is what author Joseph Chilton Pearce calls the *crack in the cosmic egg.* Although Pearce is also talking about the metanoia... the transformation of an individual's entire believe system which accompanies the peak experience or the moment of illumination...he writes of the exquisite insight which makes *all things new again,* the unifying, integrative moment which provides the individual with a glimpse of the connectiveness of all things...the micro-macro web of the universe, interrelationships of all people and things."  From ìOrdinary People as Monks and Mysticsî by  Marsha Sinetar.

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