Text: Cosmic Consciousness according to Evelyn Underhill ěCosmic Consciousness represents the greatest possible extension of the spiritual consciousness in the direction of Pure Being: the blind intent stretching here receives its reward in a profound experience of Eternal Life. In this experience the departmental activities of thought and feeling, the consciousness of I-hood, of space and time...all that belongs to the World of Becoming and our own place therein...are suspended. The vitality which we are accustomed to split amongst these various things, is gathered up to form a state of pure apprehension...a vivid intuition of the Transcendent." "This is that perfect unity of consciousness, that utter concentration on an experience of love, which excludes all conceptual and analytic acts. Hence, when the mystic says that his faculties were suspended, that he *knew all and knew nought,* he really means that we are so concentrated on the Absolute that he ceased to consider his separate merged in it that he could not perceive it as an object of thought, as the bird cannot see the air which supports it, nor the fish the ocean in which it swims. He really *knows all but thinks nought, perceives all, but conceives nought.*" From ěMysticismî by Evelyn Underhill.
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