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Text: Sky Symbology Q: The throat chakra, that of communication, is associated with the color blue, and I was wondering if the idea of communication has anything to do with the fact that the sky is blue? B: You can make an association, in that way. You can recognize that the sky can be a reflective symbolic idea of the electromagnetic field around your planet, in this way, that expresses the mentality through which you are all connected telepathically. You can allow yourself to exemplify that you are creating the vibration of the spirituality in your skies by recognizing that it represents the idea of heavens to you, in that way. And having chosen to represent it in a blue tinge, or hue, will allow you to know that the access to each and every being upon your planet is inherent within the electromagnetic atmosphere that you breathe - that permeates the entire atmosphere of your planet, and can be representative symbolically of the idea of allowing there to be a Heaven upon your Earth. It can be reflected in that way, from our point of view. It is only an arbitrary symbol in that sense, and there is no basic, fundamental, what you would call mechanical reason, in that way, for why there should be that association. But you can draw an association from it and rely upon it within your imagination, in that way. It is a vibration which will reflect the idea of the spectrographic breakdown of your moisture content, your dust content, and in this way will reflect the idea of the striving in your terms - as you have been striving towards the crystal clarity of your own consciousness - it will be a reflection of consciousness in that way. Q: Okay. And why has it been so stormy and cloudy in the last few days? Its been very, very windy. Are there a lot more ships than usual? B: It is not so much a product of the ships. In this way recognize that what you call your weather is a direct result of your mass conscious emotionality. Do you follow me? Q: Yes, I do. B: All transformations and transitions that allow there to be release of energy in a mass conscious way will exude into your atmosphere and cause manifestations that you call weather. Q: What do you mean by mass conscious? B: The combined consciousness of your entire civilization creates your weather through its emotional bias. Q: All right. Thank you. B: Thank you.

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