Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Individual And Global Choices B: Allow me to say that as you gather in any place, within any idea of your time as you create time, then allow yourselves to recognize the increase in the acceleration of your own momentum and of many different ideas. For you will now be experiencing a rush of emotionality if you allow yourselves to feel that you are in sync with many other individuals at this time. You are experiencing a great deal of momentum and acceleration and change in your lives. Recognize that at this time, the mass consciousness - that is the collective consciousness of each and every individual in your society at this time - will begin to recognize that it is something that is in conjunction with every other consciousness. And recognize that there are groupings of mass consciousness who all feel there is a momentum and acceleration, in this way, of beginning to let the inner you be the outer you. To allow your dreams to be your reality. To allow your imagination to be real, in that way. Are you all following me? AUD: Yes. B: Allow me to say at this time that you may know that you can now begin to understand that within what you term to be a day to day experience as a mass society, as a civilization, you have begun and in the near future will continue to witness certain events, that will take place on what you term to be a global scale. And that will allow each and every one of you to recognize that EACH AND EVERY INDIVIDUAL within your civilization you call Earth, will now be taking part in making decisions as to exactly where they stand in regard to any particular issue concerning your planet. Recognize that you are drawing yourselves closer and closer together, so no matter what you decide for yourselves, each and every individual will still be involved in taking a stand, making the choice, and having a decision within every issue that will concern YOUR ENTIRE GLOBAL CIVILIZATION. Do you follow me? AUD: Yes. B: In this way as we have said, you may recognize that this energy momentum, as we now perceive it in your mass consciousness at this time, will be creating for itself many different ideas... your civilization will be giving itself a choice to know exactly what type of reality it wishes to experience, within what you term to be your New Age awareness. Which is the transformation from third to fourth density - the idea of the acceleration of your momentum to a more refined state where you will be giving yourself now, within your society, opportunities to choose exactly what type of reality you wish to experience within this transformational state. And you are giving yourselves the opportunity, in recognizing this idea, to know consciously rather than unconsciously - as has been the case within your past history - to CONSCIOUSLY be aware of the choices you are making that CREATE your realities. Do you all follow me? AUD: Yes. B: Thank you. Sharing!

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