Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation February 2, 1999 (3 Ben, 11 Yax, 7 Ik) Greetings! We are here today with our message. We wish to talk about the nature of your growing consciousness. Consciousness is the Light upon which all of Creation hangs. It is the gallery for all of the marvelous creativity that we continually produce. Life is the very Light of physicality, and it is the merging of this Light of Lights that weaves the realities that comprise physicality. What is this thing? How does it operate? Your science and your many forms of religion have attempted to answer these most-asked questions. For the most part, they have been unable to break it down into an easy to understand form. Let us do so now. To start, know that the Creator is consciousness. The divine plan unfolds because of this divine consciousness. Each of you contains this divinity within you. Consciousness is a sacredly derived hologram driven by its potential. Potential is the total of what it can manifest. This potential has within it a particular order - its divine blueprint. It is this potential that unfolds this sacred blueprint. Consciousness is an energy that, like water, seeks its own boundaries or realities. Consciousness has some truly amazing properties. One of the first is that it can create and un-create its own rules. So vast is its potential that all things that can be conceived are truly possible. All the aspects of Heaven and of physicality are driven by this one divine principle. Consciousness is an information-energy system that contains everything that you need to know about anything. It is infinite in the amount of information that it contains. This potential-driven information-energy system can self-organize. This remarkable self-organizing ability creates an infinite number of realities. Each reality bleeds into the next. Realities are continually exchanging information about each other. Realities are no more than constructs collectively agreed to by their participants. Realities have seemingly hard and fast rules. However, reality is a conscious construct that can be collectively changed at will. This process is determined by the potential of the collective that created it. This potential is a holographic part of the greater whole. Hence, its potential moves it constantly outward, towards a harmony with this greater whole. In your science, you talk about a pre-physics that is contained in a multitudinous hyper-spatial reality. In your religions, you talk about Heaven - a place where all things exist in perfect harmony. From this perfect place, all physicality is being created. What your science and your religions talk about is one and the same concept. The words are just different. Your science then explains that Creation is merely a holographic universe made up of radiant energy. This holographic reality is beyond time, space and any one possible reality. In fact, it creates it all. Your science then attempts to discern a way in which this universal hologram has made your current reality. Consciousness has created the means to animate and construct all things that exist here. Indeed, physical life has a basis in this process. However, it is beyond it. Your potential is driving you to evolve toward your fullest potential - full consciousness. In doing so, it is integrating your reality with the others that exist in physicality. This process moves you into a newer reality-one that you have already prophesied for yourselves. This current reality of yours was put together by a very detailed contract. This contract is one that set up even the way in which this limited form of 3-D was built. This collective plan contains the smallest singularity, in the smallest vortex, that this reality possesses. Such incredible detail was put together in a mutually co-creative and collective manner. This is another major principle of consciousness. All realities are done collectively. You are creating a super hologram (a reality) that is the sum of its co-creators. So each part has a co-creative option. Nonetheless, each reality contains every other reality. There are all super holograms. In each super hologram is the divine blueprint of its master all-encompassing hologram - the Creator. This massive potential seeks knowledge and wisdom from its parts. After all, it is an information-energy system. This information is continually self-organizing each reality towards its fullest potential. This fullest potential is merely the fullest form of consciousness. All realities seek to transform, or simply to unfold, their potential. This potential is a part of the master potential that we all call the Creator. This grand divinity exists in all things, in all realities. It seeks to learn from the sum total of all possible creative interactions. This exchange of information is what drives the unfolding of every reality's potential - its divine blueprint. As we have noted, this divine plan is part of every reality's collective, co-creative options. Remember that all super holograms contain the full potential and consciousness of the master super hologram. In this way, the entire system is driven towards sharing and harmonizing with all other realities. This vital exchange is the way the system governs its unfolding. Each reality needs the information from other realities to self-organize. As it self-organizes, it unfolds aspects of its divine plan. Each conscious part creatively adds its potential, as well as its information (experiences and knowledge), to the whole. Likewise, time and space are just relative concepts. Each reality has the potential to unfold them in any creative way possible. Consequently, all science in your reality is driven to unfold its fullest potential. That potential naturally self-organizes all forms of science toward a solution - a study of consciousness. Bear in mind that all radiant energy (including life) comes from the divine Light. This divine Light comes from the consciousness - the thought-forms and intentions-of its divine master (the Creator). This self-organizing potential eventually creates a true spiritual science - the science of consciousness. This spiritual science has the ability to create harmony. It can unfold the divine blueprint of any reality. By so doing, this reality obtains its highest potential - its full consciousness. This particular process is what you are now going through. Your religions, despite their seemingly quite rigid and conflicting theologies, head their full potential towards understanding their reality. This process has eventually self-organized itself into a form of science. This science, as well as your many forms of religion, seeks a harmony. In this harmony, they can realize an unfolding of their potential. Each aspect of your society, despite its many inherent pathologies, seeks to unfold its fullest aspects of potential. All information-energy systems in your reality are likewise driven to express their potential. What is needed is a means to accelerate this unfolding and harmonizing process. We have come to assist you. Just know that procedures already exist in your reality to accomplish this most noble goal. In your reality, consciousness is moving toward its fullest flowering. This change is occurring because of your unfolding potential. It is also happening because of the vast amounts of information (wisdom) now pouring into your global society. The goal of any information-energy system is to reach its fullest point of consciousness. When it does, it reaches a reality where the information-energy can re-organize in a most amazing new way. That is why your present system (global society) seems nearly overwhelmed by its own plethora of information. The old ways and wisdoms no longer work. Yet, the system wishes to transform and to do it in a new way - by means of a rapid evolution, and not by massive global economic and political warfare. These inter-generational pathologies can no longer suffice as even temporary solutions for the current difficulties. Today, we have discussed consciousness and the changes occurring in your reality. Consciousness is the name of the game. It seeks to unfold its potential and to orient your reality toward solutions. These solutions are now leading you into a new reality - full consciousness. In this new reality, we shall finally come together and produce a most amazing set of interactions. We look forward to that meeting. We now take our leave with infinite Blessings of complete and perfect Love. We ask that you be granted a boundless Joy and a most limitless Prosperity and Supply! Selamat Ja! (Be in Joy!)

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