Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: New Paradigms Of Behavior Q: As I've been accelerating my energies I've noticed that the people I'm close to are concerned for me. B: All right. Q: And what my reaction to that is - in terms of their concern - is that I don't wish them to fear for me, but obviously I don't want to stop my... B: Do they fear for themselves? Q: That's what I think they might be doing. You know, maybe its threatening their belief systems or something? B: Maybe, maybe not. Q: And I realize I have no control over that, I don't want to... B: If you are always clear and concise within your openness of communication and your integrity, then you are responsible to them by being yourself. Q: Yes. And I would also like to ask you about compassion. B: Yes. Q: When I hear that someone is having a problem or a physical ailment or whatever they feel they have, I feel for them in a... now, I understand what you mean that you don't say you are sorry for them, or... B: Or pity them. Q: Or pity them. Exactly. But I feel for them. B: Compassion is not pity. Q: What is your definition of compassion? B: Compassion is recognizing that, in a way, it is similar to what you may think of as pride - but not in a negative sense. You are proud of them for the strength that they have, to undergo the limitations that they have created for themselves. And you know that they have created it from their strength, and that they can chose something else if they desire to. But as long as they are in what they have chosen to be in, you have compassion for them as a fellow being who has chosen to express their strength in the manner they have chosen to do so. That is compassion. Q: Hhmm. I feel more a sense of feeling what they're feeling. B: That is empathy. Q: Yes. B: You can form that type of identification if you wish, but you still do not have to allow it to transform into sympathy. And in this way, it does not make you cold. Recognize that individuals in your society are not used to exercising compassion and that compassion, because it is in a sense, a knowing state of existence, may seem to be detached, so to speak, from the normal range of emotions. Q: Yes, that's the next thing. I've just been told that I'm not emotional. B: Understand in this way, that emotionality is a tool, like anything else. And it falls, in your terms, below knowingness. If you are in a knowing state you simply know what you need to know without necessarily having to go down through the gamut of emotions to understand it. Q: Right. B: You are not without compassion and understanding. And in this way, if that allows you in the eyes of another to maybe seem aloof or cold, simply recognize again that if you know you are functioning within your integrity and are willing to communicate this idea to them in compassion, then you have performed your responsibility to them and you can beyond that point not be responsible for their choice of reaction. Allow them to share the idea and see if it is something they may also be able to get in touch with for themselves - but they do not have to choose it. Q: Yes, I see. B: Very good. Q2: When you speak of expressing this compassion and this love, I can feel it for others like you, but I just can't feel it for everyone. How can I achieve that loving state? B: By not achieving it. By allowing yourself to understand the idea that the only reason you would have for feeling dispassionate with someone would be because you are judging what they are doing as being less valid than what you think they should be doing. Q: Well, you know I try to feel that exchange of love with them but when I see there is a wrong thing and a right thing to do, and they choose... B: There is no right. There is no wrong. Q: Okay, but then I end up feeling like them, energetically. B: Recognize again, as we have said, if you truly believe in the power of love then that is what you will use for your exchange, rather than feeling like them and increasing the energy that you find coming from them in the world. Do you follow me? Q: Hhmm... B: Are you going to say, "Well, that's very difficult. It is very hard to love someone like that." (AUD: laughter) Now, understand in this way, this is one of the primary ideas that the Christ Consciousness was all about. Do you believe in love, or do you not? Do you believe that love will make a difference? Or do you fundamentally believe that the power of the idea being expressed in a negative fashion is more powerful? Be a peaceful demonstration of love. Not just saying, "I love you," but be the idea of the demonstration of that love - the expression of the faith that they are choosing to be the way they are primarily because of the way you have all chosen to be you. Understand in this way, that you can allow yourselves to be expressions of each other's fears, and you are connected in that way. You can allow yourselves to be expressions of each other's joys if you are willing to not be afraid of love, as you have been - all of you. Notice that even within your society how many individuals, and particularly within the structure you call your government, are very afraid to show love - very rigid individuals. Because you have created there to be an energy "out there." Because you are afraid to express the connection that you have with everyone. And so when you separate someone from you, when you separate you from the rest of your All That Is, everyone else that you now no longer know you are connected to becomes an unknown factor, and it creates judgment, suspicion, and hate. Because you fear, in yourself, what you sense within them - because you know you are connected. Q3: I have a little problem with that. What do you express to someone who, say, is mistreating you in some way and their idea about it is... do you just keep loving them back? B: Yes, it is that simple. Yes. And this was even done, in a way, by one of the people who participated in these interactions some time back, when they found themselves in your terms, being accosted, and in your terms, robbed. They chased the individual and caught the individual and in this way expressed that the individual was welcome to their money but would they please give back the pocket book they had taken, for that would not serve them. And simply also it was recognized that the "accoster" needed the situation but that they felt helpless and did not feel they had any other way to express themselves. And that the individual that they robbed did understand and was willing to give them more than they had originally been able to take. Whereupon, the individual who did the robbing began to cry, in release, and shared intimately with an understanding that here was an individual who was not afraid of his power and could show that other individual that they did not have to be afraid of theirs. Q: It would be good to think that as I walk around I could help others in that way on this planet, but... B: You will make a difference. Q: ... I don't know. B: All right. It is up to you. Q: I would like to! B: It is up to you. Q: Sometimes a part of me gets really angry, even though I would like to be considered peaceful. B: Now, who says you are not? Q: It is just that when I feel that anger at... B: All right. Understand that it is not anger that allows you to choose something other than peace - it is judgment. Q: I can see the anger may be a habit... but well then, when I'm in the middle of a judgment what do I do? B: Start by not judging the fact that you are judging. If you find yourself judging, all right, recognize it: "All right, I have just chosen to form a judgment. All right. So what? No big deal. Now that I have recognized it then already I am no longer judging." Do you follow me? Q: Yes. B: Then also you can understand something else. The idea that you may continue to do something "out of habit" can also be looked at as a belief. In other words: habit, what is habit? It is an idea. You are giving the word habit the strength that makes it seem as if the idea of having a habit is something difficult to change. That is not a law of the universe. You are giving the word "habit" the power that it has. Redefine your vocabulary, your understanding, your definition of yourself. Do you follow me? Q: Yes, that's great. B: All right. Q4: When you related the incident before, I couldn't help but imagine a hypothetical situation, about "what if" the perpetrator was arrested. B: Understand that when you create a hypothetical situation and create the game of "what if," then that is where all of your negative confusion comes from. When you instead begin to live "what IS," you will not have to play these "what if" games. And no one has to arrest anyone. You are your own governments. When you allow yourselves to function as equal to them and every other individual, you will make a difference in that direction, and you will all come to the understanding that it is not about adding further limitation but allowing each and every individual to sense their own self-empowerment. So that no one has to be arrested and no one has to do the arresting. For both are victims and perpetrators. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. So when the world comes to that point when everyone feels their own self-empowerment, there won't be any war and poverty and famine any more? That would wipe out all those things? B: Yes. You can then make the understanding that simply each and every individual will look around and say, "This is a tool that has served me. I now prefer to recognize my own abundance on every level. Therefore we will now work together to allow each and every being to realize their own abundance by being of service to every other being, where and when we can. Knowing we will therefore automatically be served by other beings in exactly the right place, in the right time, to allow us to experience the idea of abundance as well." That is how it works. Q: You can individually do that right now in your own life. B: Yes. Q5: We are really, but we just don't realize it. B: Yes. Q: I mean, we are always of service. B: Yes, you always are of service. Also in this way recognize that it is still a choice of how you wish to be of service. You can be of service negatively, or positively. Positive service will allow you all to know you are being of service, whereas negative service doesn't let you know it. Q: Can you give an example of negative service? B: Well, someone robbing you perhaps - because you are still exploring the idea of your own abundance. But that is simply that you have attracted somebody to do that, who is not feeling their own power strongly enough to refuse your invitation to rob them. (AUD: laughter) So they do not have to reinforce your willingness to play victim. So they do not have to be your victim, by playing perpetrator. And you do not have to be the perpetrator who attracts them to play the perpetrator for you, to reinforce your victimhood. Q: So our understanding of this, individually and globally, is really crucial in this time of transformation to 4th density Earth? B: Yes. Q: And our making an actual demonstration of this love to each other - you know, getting beyond those old habitual reactions - is allowing the transition to happen more smoothly? B: Yes! Q: Thank you so much. B: Oh, thank you. Sharing!

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