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Text: 5/11/95 #1 HATONN SILVER AND GOLD COLLOIDS "Diamonds are a girl's best friend"? Well then, gold is man's best friend. It is also his worst enemy ‹ so choose your product wisely. I'm not interested in your Œpretties¹, but in diamond chips, which are the best you can have around for data storage and memory keeping. The problem is that Elite cartels own them all, and you are only given what THEY want you to have. Unfortunately for you-the-people, THEY have them for use in their mighty mischief machines and you don't have them for your best advantage. We won't linger on that for now ‹ you will be able to use more simple forms of carbon for our body needs, for the moment, and for a lot less cost. SERIOUS TROUBLE AFOOT Gold, however, is going to prove to be a must if you wish to survive the CRYSTALLINE viral assaults. In some of the man-altered viruses the zinc molecule which attaches the cap (head) to the viral body has been tampered and upgraded to, in some instances, titanium. Why? So the antibiotics of choice can't knock it out easily. When you remove the attaching programmed ³head" or ³cap" of the virus, the entire robot then disseminates. If there are "drias" or "drianas" present, the particles will be absorbed as fuel for the cells and then absorbed or washed away. So, you have to have something able to carry enough "harmless to the other body cells" frequency to break or bind with‹the attaching molecule. This is all tampering with DNA, RNA and genetic structures of cells or CRYSTALLINE life forms. EBOLA is one of them and it has been UPGRADED with a new "neck". One reason the Silver colloid has been allowed to continue on the market is because the enemy knows he has some attackers on which silver won't be quite so effective. The immune system using silver backup will defend the body pretty well, but with a massive assault by the virus, it can't handle the load because of the rapidity of reproduction built into the programming of some of these viruses. By the way, the one now upon you is MAN-MADE and was INCUBATED IN "GREEN MONKEYS". SO DON'T THINK YOU ARE DEALING WITH GREEN MONKEYS SIMPLY HANGING AROUND THE JUNGLE‹EXCEPT OF COURSE, FOR THE INFECTED ONES INTENTIONALLY INTRODUCED INTO THE DESIRED OUTBREAK AREAS, SO YOU CAN BE TOLD IT'S IN THE MONKEY GENES. You will then go forth and kill off your animal friends in addition to killing off great masses of people. THE MAN-MADE DEADLIES These diseases such as Lassa Fever and Ebola, and Marburg Fever, were created to assure winning in WAR. You have been told over and over again to expect biological warfare and, by the way, Russia STILL has the highest and most effective weapons of same. [Editor's note: Mr. Clinton is in Moscow, summoned, we expect, by Mr. Yeltsin. Mr. Clinton was apparently declining to provide some assistance requested by Mr. Yeltsin, who was quoted as remarking something like: "Not to worry, we always have our 'spheres of influence' to fall back upon." Cosmospheres, perhaps?] More On OxySol & GaiaCol A Lecture On Ag & Au: Frequencies For Health 5/15/95 #1 HATONN STAYIN' ALIVE I need to remind you succinctly about colloids and a couple of other things we have offered you‹plus some we now stand ready to offer you, in limited supply, as upgraded items. You already have available the "grape seeds" through New Gaia , and our people are seeking out a way to get to you, from here, the equivalent of DHEA and Melatonin. You do not need much of either‹but the cost at retail level of these products is mind boggling, to me. We also have to have a product of superior quality or New Gaia's name will not be affixed. THE LIES REALLY DO STOP RIGHT HERE! I choose to not write on these things yet because what is happening around you is so much the more important because you may well not have ANYTHING available now to counter the assault of the DNA upgraded attacker-viruses. I need to integrate into your "knowledge" banks the changes we bring and WHY, along with what to expect, especially visually, from any products from this source. In the NEW tampered viruses, where a molecule of zinc once held the "head" or "cap" of the virus onto its body and thus allowed "life" from this crystalline formation and allowed programming, the molecule utilized now is most often Titanium, while they work on an even higher frequency-tolerant "neck". Silver [Ag] colloid can knock out the zinc molecule easily but can only disrupt those viruses bearing that insignia. This does NOT mean that it isn't good for all the other hundreds (650) of known invaders, but even when you move into the category of the nervous system attackers and brain invaders, you are "iffy" with just a silver colloid. Why? Because you must now deal with "frequency" or "light emission" (color) of the "antibiotic" and yet when you move into such high-frequency radiation‹ you kill off the body as well as any negative bacterial or biological substance. So, you need to go with something that carries high frequency, is harmless to "life" in a relative manner (even helpful to body function if at all possible), and can act as an immune system "shield" or enhancer. Silver colloid will do this, but cannot destroy anything with a "higher" frequency than itself. Therefore, to have adequate POWER FREQUENCY you must move to higher elements which will take on the higher frequencies (beyond visible or even invisible ultraviolet rays). The word "violet" is a KEY word here. You are going to have to move into the purple frequency range AT LEAST for the new man-made invaders. It isn't going to be, and I will tell you this right up front, enough to simply add a little gold [Au] and turn the solution violet. That will help because in colloidalizing gold within the already colloidalized silver, the frequency will be brought up to meet the raw gold. However, if the "neck" on the virus is titanium alchemized into violet spectrum‹you still are not going to blast out the little buggers, easily. You have GOT TO HAVE A SOLUTION BEARING THOSE SOLAR FREQUENCIES AND EVERY MACHINE WHICH PRODUCES SUCH FREQUENCIES HAS BEEN TAKEN FROM YOU AS FAST AS THE "BIG BOYS" HAVE FOUND THEM. ] Well, it doesn't do any good to raid the Drias, for they have a programmed mind of their own and whether you like it or don't like it ‹ WE SPACE HOSTS HOLD THE PROGRAM KEY. The "Big Boy's" main puppets hold the antidotes for these man-made diseases but they may find it interesting when those very bugs are upgraded and turned back upon themselves! LIES: EBOLA & HIV It's OUT! The real news is leaking out! Hundreds of thousands (into the multi-millions) of people are now dying because of this one untreatable thing they are CALLING Ebola. It is programmed to immediately invade HIV carriers. It interacts with the HIV virus and forms an immediate bond and is deadly and is untreatable. I don't know if, after combination, the solution we can offer will have the capacity to destroy the recombinant virus formed by that alliance. The problem is that by the time you get anything to the body ‹ it is usually already dead. The new viruses formed by this bonding, however, are not inhibited by the dead body. THERE IS NOT ONE HONEST THING COMING OUT OF AFRICA‹TO YOUR ATTENTION. IF YOU ARE TO SURVIVE THIS PARTICULAR PLAGUE, YOU WILL HAVE TO ENHANCE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM "IN TIME" TO GET YOUR OWN IMMUNE SYSTEM UNDER CONTROL, KNOCK OUT ANY SIMILAR VIRUSES TO HIV (ANY OF THE RELATIVES OF HIV) AND SHIELD SELVES. You are not allowed to have it in the public sector (and the doctors don't have and CANNOT use unapproved products), so you are in a Catch 22: damned if you do, damned if you don't. People could be "saved" in time if IV (intravenous) use of our solution could be utilized‹but now the laws say NO. YOU CAN'T EVEN GIVE ANYTHING INTRAMUSCULARLY IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR. THAT CAME ABOUT WITH THE USE OF IV DRUGS ON THE STREET. BUT, YOU SEE, WITH IV STREET DRUG USE, THE HIV OR SIMILAR SUITABLE BONDING PARTNERS ARE INTRODUCED ‹ IF NOT FROM THE INVASION BY NEEDLE, BY THE SUBSTANCE ITSELF!! The "unwanted" useless eaters with terminal disease (including some forms of cancers) with these hosts in the body‹will be "combined" and taken out. The substances themselves THRIVE on the conversion of alcohol in the body as well. If the simple conversion doesn't work, the parasite carriers will produce what the viruses need and haul them around piggy-back. I am accused of bringing FEAR into your innocent lives. NO, I BRING TRUTH, and if it instills FEAR within you‹that is YOUR PROBLEM, NOT MINE. We are terribly limited by that which we can offer you but there is still a "legal" way to enhance the silver colloid and we do it. However, we are having to meet restrictions (those Big Boys intend to not have interference from the balcony crowd) and this limits the ability to do what we would prefer‹but, for now, we have sufficient frequency capability. The real "product of choice" is to allow the purple solution to totally clarify to white transparency in Gaiandriana in the Sun‹but the process is bothersome and too slow for our immediate needs. We can move as fast, however, as can our enemy. We START where the silver colloidalizer leaves off. New Gaia Products may wish to consider the following discussion for a "brochure". OXYSOL & GAIACOL FREQUENCIES FOR LIFE In searching for that which can serve most effectively as a universal type of "antibiotics², the obvious is, for general use, colloidalized silver. However, with the NEW and deadly man-tampered and invented, viruses, silver frequency is not going to be totally sufficient to the needs as the enhanced viruses are 'sprung' on you. It is the "frequency" of the mineral which is the really effective "charged" particle‹carried in solution by the metallic particulate utilized. Gold is the borderline mineral capable of being utilized, from your elements available, for higher frequency, WITHOUT CELL DAMAGE TO THE HUMAN BODY. Therefore, to have a SAFE higher frequency in a solution bearing at least the frequency of gold (purple color tone) you must move to the elusive "nonelements" of light and living cellular manifestation. We know those as ³Drianas", a whole-life form from DNA-RNA, bearing capability of holding the highest invisible energy as part of itself. Introduced into the gold-colored, then purple, solution of colloidal silver, enhanced by "gold" frequency‹the little life forms will convert the liquid, given time for gestation, especially in the unblocked rays (day or night) of the higher cosmic frequencies, to crystal-clear solution that will almost levitate. The particulate released DOES LEVITATE AND IS INVISIBLE. THE REMAINDER IS CAPTURED WITHIN THE COLLOIDAL SOLUTION. We offer the necessary solution for ongoing structuring in Gaiandriana ‹but you need a major counter for the assaulting organisms hitting you now. Silver, however, is not enough without enhancing the frequency to at least the frequency of gold. We pull off, in processing, in the Drianas, monatomic particulate which offers higher frequencies than are recognized on "your place". In combination the monatomic particulate bonds and actually creates a new element not yet named on your place. You can't even isolate it and those who realize the importance are very quickly shut down from production or, at the least, from sharing of the products resulting from the conversion. We don't have any interest in competition with any big-company products which, by the way, are presented to NOT offer healing. More damage is now committed to your ³treated" bodies than can be repaired by any methods. You are moving into the areas, however, of ³soul energy" damage and therein is where the confrontation must ultimately come about. I do not speak here of ³faith healing" but I do suggest that you had better square away with God if you expect to heal. That is up to YOU and only YOU. We might be able to knock off the head of a virus‹but HEALING IS UP TO THE INDIVIDUAL IN POINT. To simple life forms, silver is as toxic as the most powerful chemical disinfectants, and this, coupled with its relative harmlessness to animal life, gives it great potential as a disinfectant. Remember that silver nitrate was the ³antibiotic² of choice for treating infant's eyes in hospitals‹at birth, routinely. This was to kill any organisms which might be carried from the birth canal. Silver nitrate, however, is toxic and can be deadly. There is no disease-causing organism previously recognized that can live in the presence of even minute traces of the chemical element of simple metallic silver. There are organisms now present which can do so‹and do so. This means that silver has to be upgraded in some manner of coalition with other things if you are to have full coverage from the new man-made organisms. By the turn of this 20th century, scientists had demonstrated that silver was a proven germ fighter. They had also found that, beyond silver, gold was the element of choice, along with mercury (which was deadly in itself if overused). Gold was not toxic in any way, but the use was misunderstood and, moreover, nobody wanted to "use up" the prized element in anything as mundane as fighting disease! Worse, the old available methods of colloidalizing would not handle well the gold frequency for colloidalization. However, colloidized silver was commonly used in medicine as one of the mainstays of antibiotic treatment. Although it was considered to be quite "high-tech" at that time, compared to today's colloidal silver solutions it was inferior from a technological standpoint. One of the drawbacks was that the particle size of the silver never reached its optimum ultra-microscopic size and, therefore, its highest level of efficacy. It is the ability of the particle to become "one within a molecule of pure water" which makes the difference, on a one-to-one basis. Never mind that which "settles out". It is the electrification release of the "FREQUENCY" of the given element which is the KEY factor here‹not settling out versus non-settling. It is the molecularization of the "bound" elements which HOLD THE CHARGES which allow effectiveness. Even so, such prestigious scientific journals as England's Lancet have published the results of scientific studies which examined the many successful uses of colloidal silver. The results were phenomenal and there were some competent pioneers in the field of study dealing specifically with the element, silver. It was found that colloidal silver was highly germicidal, harmless to humans, and absolutely non-toxic. Silver in its colloidal form has bean proven to be useful against many different infectious conditions and, for all practical purposes, is non-toxic in its micro-concentrations of 3-5 ppm [parts per million]. But it is, however, toxic to all species tested, of fungi, bacteria, protozoa, parasites and certain viruses. I would qualify the ³parasite² community, however, for some are NOT vulnerable to the silver colloid, in resistant form, as carriers of viruses. Among these are some forms of flukes and virus-bearing cryptosporidium. These have to encounter still higher ³frequency" to knock them out AND kill the disease organism within them. Proper ozone application and hydrogen peroxide will do the trick, for they are not oxygen-loving organisms‹in the raw oxygen form. You can, however, have your flukacide AND your viral assault weapon. We call it OxySol which is a catalytic form of ionized silver, gold and hydrogen peroxide in the presence of carbon. This gives you all the properties of life‹including the presence of Drianas, which hold the "charge" and contain the solution. Even in silver colloidal solution in laboratory tests it was found that destructive bacteria, virus, and fungus organisms are killed within mere minutes of contact. It was further found that a "douche" of colloidal silver or silver nitrate solution at childbirth, protected both the mother and the child from any microbes present. It later became quite unhealthy for the POCKETBOOK to do such a good job of cleaning. After all, if you have no infection‹how can you SELL DRUGS?!? A doctor, Larry C. Ford of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, UCLA School of Medicine, Center For The Health Sciences, reported in a letter dated November 1, 1988: "I tested them (the silver solutions) using standard anti-microbial tests for disinfectants. The silver solutions were anti-bacterial for concentrations of 105 organisms per mil. of Streptococcus, Apyogenes, Staphylococcus Agrees, Neisseria Gonorrhea, Gardnerella Vaginalis, Salmonella Typhi and other enteric pathogens, and fungicidal for Candida Albicans, Candida Globata, and M-Furfur. " You will, however, notice an absence of Spirochetes which cause such as Syphilis. Both take several forms. AIDS, especially in the carcinoma form, will always show the presence of Spirochetes in the lesions. AIDS is therefore most often a form of Tertiary Syphilis and could be EASILY treated if anyone actually WANTED TO TREAT IT. I care not what people choose to do with their lives, but those who would continue to live in certain lifestyles which risk the entire population of Earth with their activities ‹ are not my focus. Silver colloids will, however, actually knock out the HlV-bearing Spirochetes because the spirochetes are mutations in themselves and, when released, don't do well in reconstructing themselves in a severed state. An antibiotic of today will kill perhaps a half dozen different disease organisms, more or less, but silver kills around 650. Resistant strains fail to develop. Moreover, silver is virtually non-toxic. Silver has been the best all-around germ fighter you have had, but I always wonder why the researchers fail to move on beyond and consider WHAT ACTUALLY IS HAPPENING. IT IS IN PART THE PHYSICAL SILVER ‹ BUT THE POINT IS MISSED AS TO WHY IT WORKS. Just to lay a silver dollar on your arm or hold it in your hand ‹ doesn't do the systemic job. So you have to realize something alchemizing has to take place. COLLOIDS The term colloid (kol' oid) refers to a substance that consists of ultra-fine particles that don't dissolve, but remain suspended in a medium of different matter. These ultra-fine particles are larger than most molecules, but so small they cannot be seen by the naked eye. Not all brands which claim to be colloidal silver are, in fact, "true" colloids of silver. In fact, I suggest that most ARE NOT! In a true colloid of silver the ideal size of the silver particles falls within the range of 0.005-0.015 microns [a unit of length equal to one-ten-thousandth of a centimeter; and a centimeter is about as long as half an inch] in diameter and most instruments cannot measure the particles, but they can only be read on a spectrometer which measures COLOR frequencies. These tiny particles are electrically charged to activate the germicidal quality of the silver and allow the silver particles to remain suspended in the solution of deionized water. There are two principle ways of producing metallic colloids: chemical and physical (electrical). The two methods of production yield widely different results (e.g., OxySol and GaiaCol). Both serve their own individual PURPOSE, but let us consider the electrical colloid method here, since this presents the necessary homogeneity, minuteness of granules, purity, and stability, so far sought in the community of health watchers. It is NOT enough that they don't seem to think far enough to encompass the full needs. You do have to get suspension in solution by the tiny charge placed on the particles ‹ but you also need something to continue to allow upgrading of charge and this is mostly overlooked. Silver has always fit the needs of the day ‹ up to now. So, why look further into the unknown when the other organisms which would come were not available for the testing? This is WHY, millions die with each NEW plague ‹ the lack of foresight and anticipation of need. A "true" colloid that is properly prepared does not require an artificial stabilizer or additive of any kind. Typically, the "stabilizer" used in products which claim to be genuine colloids, but are not, is a protein, often listed on the label as a "natural excipient" (or is not listed at all). The problem with the use of stabilizers is that they tend to disturb the charge which, in turn, renders the solution relatively useless by blocking the action and reducing the overall effectiveness of the colloid ‹ by simply releasing the "charge" instead of holding and enhancing it. The desirable particulate size of anything in colloidal solution is extremely minute because it must enter into and be held in suspension within molecules of the starting liquid. Too large particulate can lodge in intestinal linings and damage the surface lining. However, I am not impressed with that, for the body HAS TO HAVE THESE MINERALS FOR HEALTHY MAINTENANCE. No, I do not suggest you eat coins ‹ that plugs up the system quite effectively sometimes. By the introduction of gold electrodes, the frequency of the silver is raised to that of more than the sum of the two frequencies combined, and the particulate will become more refined while the overabundance will settle out. The addition of Drias will pull the combined frequency on up higher, but will cloud the solution as it converts the very substance into a new element form which will then take the cosmic energy charge and hold it. This brings us to the COLOR ISSUE: The critical indicator of the quality of colloidal silver is color. As the size of each silver particle gets larger, the color of the solution ranges from yellow to brown to red to gray to black. This is not good transformation if dealing ONLY with silver. In terms of quality IN A SILVER-ONLY COLLOID SOLUTION, this range of color can be interpreted as "best to fair to mediocre to inferior". Colloids of silver that are produced using the proper electrocolloidal method are a different color than the "grind" or chemically produced colloids, except in the case of some products that contain artificial food coloring to achieve the right color to fool you. The ideal form of Colloidal Silver is a golden yellow color, which is the FREQUENCY tone of silver. Gold will give off a purple color tone. In the presence of gold electrodes (which introduce gold into the silver solution), the entire solution will be brought into the frequency of the purple color range. So if you have colloidal silver, which is golden yellow, you will have a conversion of color (in the presence of gold electrodes) and gold particulate, to purple or shades thereof. When you add Drias to that solution and put in presence of intense light (such as the direct Sun), the immediate reaction starts to happen ‹ moving from cloudy to aqua-colored translucent solution to, finally, clarification and ultimately back to pure transparent liquid. You don't need all that transmutation, as the violet solution is superb for what is put upon you NOW. Mostly the golden colloid of silver will confront anything you have present right now ‹ but you will need to upgrade as we can upgrade. And you will note that GaiaCol is violet in hue. SILVER AND GOLD Silver and gold occur naturally in the soil as trace minerals and, as such, are two of many essential elements required by plants, animals and man that were once naturally obtained from organic soils via fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and legumes. Now, with most of the crop plants grown on highly depleted, chemically fertilized soils, many of the more important metallic minerals such as iron, zinc, copper, magnesium and chromium, and trace minerals like silver and gold, are no longer readily available to us except through the use of mineral supplements Silver and gold are linked DIRECTLY to the immune systems of living beings. People or animals with a low intake of these minerals will not be healthy and will be greatly prone to illness and mutation. Tests show that silver and/or gold in true colloidal solution (3-5 ppm) have little effect on "friendly" bacteria. This is because those which dwell WITH YOU will have your frequency already and will therefore not be substantially assaulted by higher frequencies which your body can adapt to quickly. However, in higher dosage intake, they will be put at risk and need to be replaced. Since the availability of supplemental good bacteria is easy to acquire from the shelves of your local health food stored don't worry about it ‹ just enhance your possibly depleted system by supplementation (planting of new friendly bacteria). NOT NEW The use of these minerals, silver and gold, are old as ³time" itself. Today you have a better method of preparation for faster, safer and better use potential. The antibiotics allowed to you for use will NOT stop the assaulting new viruses and enhanced microbes ‹ which is intentional. We offer that which is well within the guidelines of regulators, for we intend no cross arguments with anyone of them or you. We will provide; you will decide. We don't claim anything about "cure". You are the miracle curing agent ‹ anything else is nothing more than a simple, and possibly helpful, "tool". From the rich caravan merchants of old Persia (the Khazarians), to the great Incas of the Andes, from the Alchemists of Alexandria, to the Master Healers of India and the Orient, silver and gold has come to you from deep in your past ‹ as a wonder of modern medicine. For millennia, the knowledge that silver and gold can cleanse the body and fortify its natural defenses has been well known. Now we can offer you the ideal product for using both. In conjunction with one another, GaiaCol and OxySol give antiseptic topical application, water purification (especially if also used with hydrogen peroxide for purification of water), effective mineral intake in usable form AND an antibiotic agent which surpasses anything available. It comes in a harmless natural form and we wish you LIFE and WELL-BEING. A "little bit" goes a long way, so ask God within, accept HIS ³light" and use in good health to build a lighted shield for your immune system ‹ as you recognize His own GIFTS unto you, that you may find your journey ever in HIS passage. I would offer our manufacturing disclaimer, however, in meeting needs of regulators: Disclaimer: Neither manufacturer nor seller makes any claims as to any specific benefits accruing from the use of colloidal silver with trace gold. Information conveyed herein is based on records and research for your information only and is not meant to imply that you will experience similar benefits or results. So, too, are the platinums and rhodiums higher frequency elements, but these are not necessary at this time of evolvement, for the simple precious metals are sufficient. So we don't yet need to tinker with the higher frequency metals. Note, however, what is used in catalytic converters for non-pollution?!?! If we need to, we will move on to the platinum frequency as an interim step for the charge carriers, Drianas. We take one safe and careful step at a time. I don't, at this time, wish to confuse or frighten people away from the harmless products we can offer. However, realize that as the molecule of bonding of viruses is upgraded in frequency itself, we will have to meet the needs. I do not believe it will come to necessity to work with platinum or other higher elements, but it may. This, however, E.J., is why I have you tracking platinum as well as the other two precious metals. We will need some availability of these, but not too much, for we can utilize the ³Brown² flame-off to accomplish alchemy as we move along. Containing same is the problem, but it can be accomplished with the Drianas when the time is appropriate. As we turn to these things of life substance we will turn over the information vehicles to others to great extent and give some of you a needed respite and allow for instructions regarding these other life-form necessities as ³Mother² rearranges herself. Disease from the dead and decaying will be horrendous in larger land-mass areas until the seas, etc., can clean themselves. I realize it is both a time of anticipation in unknowing (sometimes recognized, for lack of better terminology, as fear) and wonder of experience. Allow it to flow to the wonder of experience and we will be just fine. God's people will begin to heed HIS call, and those who deny and refuse will simply go their way and be absorbed within their own circumstances. It is a time of choosing and sorting, and preparation for great and wondrous changes. So be it.


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