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Text: "I would ask you to look upon each other and recognize that what you see regardless of what your senses may tell you, is the light of Christ. Be aware, as you allow your gaze to settle upon one another, that it is the same light you recognize as being me. I encourage you to do this to bring about a better understanding that any time you look upon one another, you do indeed look upon me as well. I would encourage your understanding that it is quite impossible for this not to be so. I will tell you this: there is nothing you can do at this or any other moment to enhance your understanding of your Self or to enhance the validity of your own Divinity to any greater depth than to look upon one another and truly recognize what is there. Resist no thought or feeling that comes to you. Resistance is based upon some past judgement you have made that something could be harmful or fearsome. So to resist means you still hold the belief that this fear is real and justifiable and worth retaining. This also means that you will continue to hold the blocks these fears have built in your mind and manifest them in your body. These thoughts have come to offer an opportunity to choose again - an exchange program of sorts in which continued bondage is let go for freedom. Simply access each one as it appears as to its source. Those from God will speak only of Love, for as clearly stated in the Course, "God is but Love, and therefore, so are you." All other thoughts would hide this truth. Lovingly acknowledge they are no longer needed and choose again for freedom." Jesus in "Dialogue on Awakening", page 231.

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