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Text: WHAT'S THY IDEAL TEXT OF READING 262-11 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 105th St. & Ocean, Va. Beach, Va., this 7th day of Feb., 1932, in accordance with request made by those present. P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Minnie Barrett, C. A. Barrett, Esther Wynne, Florence Edmonds, Edith Edmonds, M. L. Black, F. M. Freeman, C. W. & M. L. Rosborough, Hugh Lynn, Annie & L. B. Cayce, Mildred Davis, Sarah & Lu Hesson, Eloise T. Potter, Anne Penn, Mrs. and Miss Gresham. R E A D I N G Time of Reading 4:00 P. M. 1. GC: You will have before you the group gathered here and their work upon the lessons they are preparing, both that as presented in KNOW THYSELF a copy of which I hold in my hand, and the subject WHAT IS YOUR IDEAL on which they will now seek to form the next lesson. Please advise them and give that counsel which they need at this time in carrying forward the work. Answer the questions they will ask. 2. EC: Yes, we have the group as gathered here, as a group, as individuals. The lesson that is prepared on KNOW THYSELF, as we find, with the minor changes that will come in the preparation, is very good. The presentation of the spiritual body presents to many a variation in those things as make for the spiritual life. Were there added somewhat in this connection, that as relates the mental AND spiritual life to that of the Christ Consciousness, as may be had in Him through that APPLYING of self in act, in thought, to those lessons as bring to individuals that consciousness, then the greater effect may be in this connection. 3. In preparing a lesson upon that of having an ideal, as may be seen from the proper consideration of the lessons that have gone before, there must of necessity be ONENESS of purpose in a cooperative manner, which GIVES then a group a one ideal. Though there may be many ideas in the approach to the one, the differentiations are lost in the purpose of the ideal. An ideal, then, CANNOT, SHOULD not, WILL not, be that that is man-made, but must be of the spiritual nature - that has its foundation in Truth, in God, in the God-head, that there may be the continual reaching out of an individual, whether applied to the physical life, the mental life, or the spiritual life; knowing that FIRST principle, that the gift of God to man is an INDIVIDUAL soul that may be one WITH Him, and that may know itself to be one with Him and yet individual in itself, with the attributes OF the whole, yet NOT the whole. Such must be the concept, must be the ideal, whether of the imaginative, the mental, the physical, or the spiritual body of man. All may ATTAIN to such an ideal, yet never become the ideal - but ONE WITH the ideal, and such an one is set in Him. Ready for questions. 4. (Q) Please give a prayer or meditation which the group may hold in seeking the preparation of this coming lesson on WHAT IS YOUR IDEAL. (A) GOD, BE MERCIFUL TO ME! HELP THOU MY UNBELIEF! LET ME SEE IN HIM THAT THOU WOULD HAVE ME SEE IN MY FELLOW MAN! LET ME SEE IN MY BROTHER THAT I SEE IN HIM WHOM I WORSHIP! 5. (Q) As a group are we doing anything that we should not do, or leaving undone anything that we should be doing in seeking understanding that we may be used in Thy service? (A) This is a question that each shall answer within their individual lives. Who has been made a judge? Who showeth mercy, patience and understanding? Pray that each may have that light as is necessary for them, as an individual, as an integral part of the whole group, that would give life, light and understanding to others; for he that would be patient must show patience with those even that have a DIFFERENT understanding or concept of life. He that would teach, he that would minister, he that would heal - all likewise must be able to demonstrate in themselves that they would GIVE another; for, as was given, "As I am in the Father and ye in me, so shall ye know the way, for so IS my Father magnified in the world." Art thou a channel of blessing to SOMEONE today? Then that will answer in thine own behalf, that as will give that understanding that enables individuals, the group, to give to others that light, that awakening, that must be FOUND in Him. As was given of Him, that the AWAKENING may be done by the words and the acts of individuals; the increase, the UNDERSTANDING, is God's work! Expect NOT that to be THINE work, but bringing the OPPORTUNITIES, the awakening, the light, the knowledge - and GOD gives the increase; for those that are called, those did He predestine. 6. (Q) [307]: How may I attain to and realize my true ideal? (A) Study to show thyself approved unto God, rightly dividing the words of truth, avoiding the appearance of evil. 7. (Q) In what person, first, second or third, should the lessons be written, in order that they may best express the truth end help the greater number of people? (A) First person, I AM! "I AM the way, I AM the truth, I AM the light." That as is manifested, that as is experienced in the life of each individual, is a personal application of that truth as would be imparted unto another. Hence should be in the first person. 8. (Q) [2112]: What was meant in my reading when it said I might heal by the "pouring in of the oil"? [See 2112-1, Par. 18-A.] (A) That as applied in many instances where the individual understands that individual to be healed needs something concrete, physical, that REPRESENTS - as the oil of truth, the oil on troubled waters, the oil of understanding, the oil of awakening. To some prayer means much. To others an awakening must be through their five senses. ALL are equally dear in the eyes of the Maker. Be patient. Endure all things. "I will be all things unto all men that I may there by save the more", is applicable in this light also. 9. (Q) [115]: Was there any special word of power given me in my Egyptian period that would be of help to the class at this time? (A) As an emissary in this particular experience, the power of PERSISTENCE is MAGNIFIED in the present. Patience and endurance is a good lesson to teach in the present. 10. (Q) [379]: How may I attain my ideal? (A) In each there is, as was given, ever has there been, prepared a way of escape for each and every soul. To this entity, that of an ideal must be attainable in a concrete manner. Then little by little, line by line, may the body- consciousness become conscious of the Spirit of the Master working in and through the acts, the thoughts, the LIFE of the body. SEE in each individual that they represent of the ideal set by self, and live the life, the whole concept, of thine own ideal. 11. (Q) [993]: What should be our true ideal, and how may I reach it? (A) Ideal should be as given, as is set in Him. See that COMING to pass in the lives, the hearts, the minds, the souls, of those the body works with, the body labors with, and work - work! for the night cometh, and in HIM will be that light that gives rest unto the soul. [See also Par. 6-A above.] 12. (Q) [69]: How may I reach my ideal? (A) As each lifts in themselves that as is their ideal, as each measures another - whether a physical, a moral or a spiritual act - so may self measure self by that as is set as the ideal IN self FOR self, and see the Christ Consciousness raised in the heart, the mind, the soul of others. Keep before self, "Judge not that ye be not judged, for as ye measure so is it measured again." That signifies that with the MEASURE ye mete is thy ideal. Let that, then, be in Him. 13. (Q) [560]: How may I come to the realization of my true ideal? (A) As there is raised in self more and more the Christ Consciousness does one become free indeed, and FREE gives that awakening that comes with the realization of the ideal as set awakening more and more in the hearts, the minds, the souls of others. Not in longfacedness, not in moral aptitudes that make for shadows - but free in the love that makes not afraid, that makes for that that would make self dare to do for Him. 14. (Q) [2125]: How may I come to the realization of my true ideal? (A) As there is applied in the conversation, in the acts, in the thoughts of self as respecting others, and measure then by that ideal that is set in self, be as patient and as forgiving, and as long-suffering as He was. Then there comes that peace that gives understanding. 15. (Q) Is there any message for the group at this time? (A) Is there set in this group that one ideal that has been set, before the lesson is finished a sign will be given thee. 16. We are through.

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