Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: "To illustrate "chord of mass sympathy" Keely filled a glass chamber 40 inches high with water and placed in it three metal spheres each weighing about six ounces, and having the respective mass chords of B flat, first octave E flat, second octave and B flat, third octave, which all rested on the floor of the container. When B flat, first octave was sounded through the transmitter the positive end of which was attached to the cover, the sphere with the corresponding mass chord rose slowly to the top. Upon changing to the negative it descended as gently as it rose. The other spheres moved likewise on sounding their respective mass chords. This indicates that the conclusion reached by the Scholastic school is correct, in that: "WHEN ONE BODY ATTRACTS ANOTHER BODY, THE EFFECT IS AGGREGATE, THE RESULT OF ONE WHOLE OPERATING ON ANOTHER WHOLE, AND NOT THE SUM OF THE EFFECTS OF THE PARTS OF ONE ON THE PARTS OF THE OTHER." [Snell Manuscript]

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