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Text: Date: 20 January 2006 From: Hal Fox Dear Dr. Michrowski and others, It will be of interest to you and all of your friends to know that there is a new technology that, with further development, can replace the burning of fossil fuels and appears to be much less expensive than any of the "alternative energy" systems. It is not often that a new discovery is made that develops into a new trillion-dollar-per-year industry. One of these discoveries is believed to be the multiple, independent discovery of high- density, electron charge clusters (HDCC) and their uses. The HDCC technology has been independently discovered and advanced by Shoulders and Gleeson in the U.S.; by Alexander Ilyanok in Belarus; by Mesyats and Baraboshkin in Russia; and apparently by Oleg V. Gritskevitch in Vladivostok, Russia. Charge clusters can be produced in low pressure gases, in the atmosphere, and in liquids under special conditions. The progress and applications of HDCC are many and will soon have the attention of many in the new-energy scientific community. Kenneth Shoulders was the first to discover and obtain a patent on the HDCC technology (U.S. Patent 5,018180). When warned by his patent attorney that there was a strong likelihood that his patent application would be classified SECRET by the government officials involved with new discoveries, Shoulders wrote a book detailing much of the experimental work that he had accomplished. Immediately after mailing the patent application, copies of the book were mailed to a list of several scientists in various countries. The invention was classified SECRET. Then the patent attorney objected and told about the book that had been mailed after the patent application had been filed. The officials of the patent office asked for a list of those receiving this book, it was most unfortunate that the computer had lost the address list. Within a few days, the patent officials decided to give up on the classification. There have now been six patents issued on this charge cluster technology. Most of the work that we have been doing in our laboratory in Salt Lake City, Utah has been with the use of the HDCC technology in liquids. Basically, any material that can be dissolved in water makes the water conductive. Using special electrodes (that are gradually eroded) and an a.c. voltage of about 100 to 250 volts, the HDCC are formed in the liquid. Of considerable interest is that the clusters appear to change (transmute?) the dissolved elements into elements that are insoluble. Gradually, the dissolved elements are removed from the water solution and appear as precipitates. The resistance of the water solution rises and additional voltage may be needed to make charge clusters. After a few minutes (using about one liter of solution) the conductivity of the solution rises to where one can no longer create the clusters in the solution. The end result is a relatively pure water with insoluble precipitates. The applications of this technology are many. We have shown that we can take a radioactive liquid and transmute the radioactive elements into essentially non-radioactive precipitates. As a result we have been approved for a grant for a full-scale demonstration of using this technology for the on-site, transmutation of high-level, radioactive, liquid wastes. We have also submitted a proposal to an agency responsible for moving some uranium tailings away from the Colorado River. Currently, the rain water dripping through the pile of uranium tailings is carrying a water solution into the Colorado River which contains some of the materials leached out of the tailings pile. We expect to be funded for processing this water so that essentially agricultural-grade water is going into the Colorado River. As you will understand, there are many applications for this type of water processing in many parts of the world. One of the more important applications of this technology is the use of this new-energy technology for providing electrical energy in excess of the input electrical energy. The example given in the first patent shows that about 30 times as much energy output as compared to the energy input was achieved. This first patent states that the source of this energy is not known but is expected to come from the so-called space energy. It is well known in some scientific circles that there is an enormous amount of energy in space (all space, including inside of our own bodies - that is why we don't "feel" this energy - no energy gradient in our bodies to sense). There is enough energy in a one-liter volume, if it could be converted into thermal energy, to boil the Atlantic Ocean. [See H. E. Puthoff, "The Energetic Vacuum: Implications for Energy Research," Spec. in Sci. and Technology, 13, 247 (1990).] If you are interested in this new-energy source, you may want to subscribe to the Journal of New Energy. All of the latest, publishable, information about this new technology is published in this quarterly Journal. If you would like a sample copy of the J. of New Energy, email me your mailing address. Best personal regards, Hal Fox, Ed. J. of New Energy P.S. See for the latest information from Capt. Helena, Starship Capricorn. It is interesting to learn that the source of all of the energy used in these alien motherships and in their "shuttles" (so-called UFOs) comes from tapping into this vast energy of space.

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