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Text: Subject: [netsfg] Cayce manifested his psychic ability The following is an except from "The Story of the Young Edgar Cayce" by Jess Stearn. Gertrude was the moderator of this reading and it was at a time when Cayce was questioning his purpose and this strange power he had. Gertrude believed in reincarnation, Edgar had not. Uhjltd. "This entity was one of power prestige and royalty in what is know called Arabian landŠ this Uhjltd was defeated and his forces scattered to the winds. He was left to die, mortally wounded, in the barren desert. As he looked up in despair, barely able to crawl, he saw in the distance an oasis surrounded by three palm trees. He tried pulling himself along by the arms, dragging his wounded legs, toward the well, suffering from hunger and thirst, as well as infection and loss of blood. As his strength waned, the realization came that only a superhuman effort of the will would ease his death throes." "The entity drew himself into the subconscious recesses of the mind, closing himself off from the agony of the sweltering sun and the festering sores of the body, and found serenity in this deeper consciousness. He willed that he would suffer no longer, hoping to die Š " "Hours later, the entity known as Uhjltd regained consciousness in the cool evening, and discovered to his amazement that his wounds and fever had disappeared. Even his tongue, swollen from lack of water, had regained its normal texture. He was able to walk, without difficulty, the four hundred yards to the wellŠ By the innate psychic powers in all of us, this entity saved himselfŠand developed that force which stayed in the soul consciousness. This ability to submerge the body to the mind had become part of the personality, and used properly, could raise him to spiritual grandeur, or failing, being material, reduce him to new depthsŠ" His purpose in this lifetime as Edgar Cayce "Što give the manifestation of such forces to the populace."

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