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Text: Ten Facts about Edgar Cayce 1. Cayce was not a fraud. Even the most clever con-man wouldn't have been capable of delivering 14,145 fully documented trance readings over a period of forty-five years, of which no two readings were alike, and over ninety-percent are believed to have been correct. It's like a Las Vegas nightclub performer having to perform an entirely new act, every day, twice a day, for almost twenty years. 2. Cayce underwent psychic testing by deans at Harvard Medical School and Columbia University. Though these eminent physicians were unable to explain his psychic powers, they could not deny that he possessed them. 3. Harry Houdini met his match in Edgar Cayce. Though the famous illusionist met with Cayce and witnessed a trance reading, he too was at a loss to explain Cayce's incredible psychic powers 4. Treasure hunters, stock brokers, and oil-men made millions by using his readings, yet Cayce himself was impoverished for much of his adult life, and trance readings sometimes had to be transcribed on used wrapping paper. 5. Cayce's medical readings were used by three of New York's most prominent physicians to treat such noteworthy people as Irving Berlin, George Gershwin, Gloria Swanson, Marilyn Monroe, Governor Nelson Rockefeller, labor leader George Meany, and author William Soroyan. 6. Though Edgar Cayce has long been known as a medical clairvoyant, his most astonishing readings were given for inventors and scientists. Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla had trance readings by Cayce, as did engineers at RCA, IBM, Delco, and the president and founder of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. Remarkable technological and electronic designs provided by Cayce in trance are now used in almost every large hospital and airport in the world. 7. Ernest Hemingway's mother consulted Cayce about her son's writing career. Carl Laemmle of Universal Studios, Harry Goetz of Paramount Pictures, and legendary film pioneer Thomas Ince developed film projects dictated during Cayce's trance sessions. 8. Cayce gave readings to President Woodrow Wilson as he struggled to create the League of Nations. Cayce warned that another "great war" would result from Congress's failure to support the President and the creation of the league. 9. Though Cayce's predictions represent less than 2% of his psychic readings, he accurately predicted the great stock-market crash, the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler, Japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, and the deaths of two American presidents. However, as he would say in trance, the best thing any trance warning could accomplish, would be to incite change which would subsequently change the direction the future would take. 10. Cayce's life has touched tens of thousands of followers, including Elvis Presley, who was reading a copy of one of Cayce's book when he died, rock-star John Lennon, film director Steven Spielberg, and actress Shirley MacLaine.

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