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Berry, M. V.

Text: "Exact Aharonov-Bohm wavefunction obtained by applying Dirac's magnetic phase factor." In the case of the Aharonov-Bohm effect, a certain method of solution of Schroedinger's equation can be made to yield a single-valued exact wave function, though otherwise the method usually yields multiple-valued functions. The trick is to apply the method not to the total wave where B=0, but to it's separate components in a 'whirling wave' representation. Note the similarity to scalar electromagnetics. One applies conventional techniques to the substructure components, not to the summation entity. Eur. J. Phys.. (Great Britain). 1(4), 1980. p. 240-244.

See Also: Bohm-Aharonov effect, scalar electromagnetics, scalar interferometry, foundations of physics, quantum mechanics, charged particles.


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