Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Alpha, Theta and Delta (sleep) are defined as "altered states of consciousness," as opposed to Beta, which is considered to be a fully conscious state. They are so called because it is necessary to alter one's state of consciousness from the fully awake state (Beta), to either Alpha, Theta or Delta (sleep), which are all progressive states of expanded awareness and thus are subject to less vibratory interference from the biological brain. Beta is the so-called conscious level of mind. Alpha and Theta form the subconscious regions of the mind's operation, and Delta is the unconscious region of thought activity. These states form the spectrum of mind operation. how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded Small children function mainly at the Theta, Alpha and Delta states of mind, as do animals. Human adults operate mostly at Beta. Delta--Theta--Alpha--Beta Time, as you know it in the realm you call earth, is divided into four segments. These are called respectively, Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta waves. Most of you will recognize these terms as brain waves, referring to the different foci of attention. They are: DELTA ­ 0 to 4 cycles per second of brain wave activity. Your scientists have referred to this type of brain activity as deep being, Pure Being. This level is the precursor to individual thought. Therefore, there is no thought action in Delta, just pure awareness. This is the realm approaching No Time. It is your Buddhist Masters who would explain it as the Void. Other realms of thought would call it God, The Silence, The Stillness, the Pause Before Being. It is the region of the AUM (OM) mantra in its origination. (5-D) THETA -- a.. 4 to 6 or 8 cycles per second of brain wave movement. b.. This state is called Deep Inward Thinking or Creative Imagination as it is applied to inward realities and worlds. c.. d.. This realm of activity is referred to as the Causal Plane, e.. f.. The Beginning of Maya (or illusion). g.. h.. i.. The Dominion, The Birthplace of Space and Time or sequences of events are found in Theta. j.. ALPHA -- a.. The cycles in Alpha are from 6- 8 per second to 10 -12 cycles per second of brainwave activity. b.. c.. This is the region known as the realm of the feelings, the realms of the emotions. d.. e.. Here it is that involvement in the out picturing of the creations of the Causal Plane are reacted to in feeling and energy in time and sequence. f.. g.. The five senses are active on this level in the forms of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and psychic smell. h.. i.. When a person1s body temple dies on the physical plane, the consciousness is fully immersed in the energies of this level. j.. This level of emotion gives spontaneous rise to perception of reality on the physical plane. That is why a thief will see all others as thieves, and a saint will see these same people as children of God. (4-D) a.. b.. c.. This is the level of experiencing the results of previously created thoughts and imaginings of the Theta Causal Plane. d.. BETA - - a.. 12 cycles and up. b.. c.. This is the state of experiencing the feedback of the physical body sensations. d..e.. Examples are hot, cold, sight, taste, hearing, touch, softness, and roughness, up or down, wide or narrow, fast or slow movement. f.. g.. In your culture, as children you were forced under the threat of punishment to focus your awareness on the level of the five senses and material reality during many of the phases of your childhood when your being really needed to experience the other levels. h.. i.. j.. Because of this, a form of disassociation or forgetfulness occurred through constant and forced repetition of the spending too much time focused in the material world. k..l.. Daydreams and time to explore the inner worlds are important to the spiritual development of children. m.. n.. This obsession with the material world resulted in a forgetting of your Sonship or Daughtership with the Father Mother aspect of your Being. o..p.. It caused a slipping down into the realms of what you know as mass conscious illusion, or typical society. q.. r.. Because of this, miracles often could not be perceived within the realm of your experience. We offer this knowledge to you as a precursor of re-awakening. We desire you to equally appreciate the forms of time known on your plane as Pure Being, Deep Inward Thought , The emotions, which will result in great healing, And the wondrous five senses of body. We ask those of you who receive this message to read it thoughtfully and enough times to stir the Inner Knowingness which you do indeed already possess. It is our joy to be given permission to remind you that you have spent many lifetimes experiencing the four states of times in many different ways. Even for those who cannot fathom the ideas of reincarnation, remember that the SOUL is eternal. Existence was before and after your birth and death in physical form. (Source Unknown)

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