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Text: Getting in touch with core beliefs B: When something happens in your life and you choose to be affected negatively by it instead of staying in the state you say your heart would prefer to stay inŠ what are you getting out of making that choice? Q: I guess the sense of controlŠ B: Control? Q: Š feeling like I get to be right about something, even thoughŠ B: All right, so that is the ego side. Q: Yes. B: Why is it so important to experience that idea. Q: I guess it is not. B: But why did you believe it was? That's the issue. Don't just say, "I guess it's not, " because, you see, there is where you are avoiding looking at the belief. You are not facing the belief when you do things like that, when you just say, "I guess it's not" you are avoiding the issue of why you DID believe it was. So why did it seem so important that you had to feel that you were in control, that the ego was in control, by letting it effect you in a negative way that way? Why? Q: I don't knowŠ IŠ B: Yes you do, you do, you do. Q: Yes, I do. B: And this goes back to what we were talking about before. Q: You're right, you're right, you're right, you're right, it comes from childhoodŠ B: Yes. Q: It is the challenge of authority. B: Yes. Q: The challenge of, ofŠ B: Of never being allowed to feel that you were right or in control. Q: Okay. B: You understand? Q: Yes, that makes sense. B: So the point, as you can begin to see it now a little bit more clearly, is that if you recognize that this is revolving around issues of control or the fear of that you do not have any, then once you can get in touch with that belief you can recognize that belief doesn't have to be true any more. That you can know that everything is fine, you can know that life is working, you can trust that you can be in the heart space and just choose to be who you prefer to be, regardless of the way things may look, the situations may occur externally in your physical reality. And not automatically assign negative meaning to them out of desperation and fear that you need to do that in order to gain some sense of a control, but in fact only allow you to feel out of control more confused and more helpless. Q: And that is theŠ you just absolutely definedŠ B: Yes. Q: Š the catch 22Š B: Yes. Q: Š that I keep in a loop, I keep repeating. B: Well that is why you need to keep really in touch with thisŠ Q: Yes. B: Š and deeply in touch with this, to the point that you are finally willing to relinquish that idea, which you haven't been up to this point. Q: Right. B: Because you still are really afraid to really let go, because you are still believing that to do so somehow equates to the idea that you will be out of control. You have to let that definition completely go in order for you to stay in your heart space, no matter what is going on around you. You have to get in touch with the belief and really let the belief go - that you need to be in control because you are afraid you are not. Q: Are balancing techniques helpful for releasing those beliefs? B: It can be of some benefit, yes. Q: Okay. B: But again you must allow yourself to retain the focus of really diving deeply into this belief system and making sure that when you use this technique or that technique in order to get in touch with it, that you are really allowing yourself to really get into that feeling - DEEPLY into that FEELING of the fear. And really examining and letting it wash through you and knowing that as you feel that fear of being out of control that that is being back in touch with the initial inception and incorporation of that belief within your system. You must let that really run through your body and your neurological system, and really feel it thoroughly, so that you can then know that the experience has truly run its course. The longer you avoid feeling that deep, deep fear that was first implanted within you with regard to the idea of belief and lack of control - the longer you avoid really feeling that - the longer it will stay. So you must really delve deeply into this, let yourself go back into that moment and into that deep fear, as it was initially implanted within you when you first believed or were made to believe you were out of control. And really let it run its course so that you can come through it on to the other side, rather than just bounce around it as you have been. Q: Yes. B: All right? Q: That makes sense. B: So the balancing can help but you must be very willing, truly willing to really dive deeply, no matter how it feels. Q: Thank you.

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