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Text: Research: The M.E.G. Progject: The Tom BeardenWebsite Help support the research Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 17:08:46 -0600 Dear (correspondent): To give you an update: We already had the first action with the U.S. patent office on our first patent for the Motionless Electromagnetic Generator. Many of our claims were recognized. We then entered a strong refutation of the stated reasons for declining the other claims. That refutation has been upheld, and now we have received notification from the patent office that our first MEG patent will be issued with all 30 claims recognized. In addition, a second patent application has been filed, on other aspects of the MEG device, which in the latest embodiment variation is called the TGEN (transformer-generator). Also, we have now secured an agreement with the National Materials Science Laboratory of the National Academy of Science in a friendly foreign country, to do the necessary advanced research to finish the MEG for scale-up and commercial production. The first commercial units should be rolling off the production lines in about one year, and we expect them to be closed-loop self-powering systems of about 2.5 KW output, but modular. So -- say -- four of them can be arrayed with a synchronization unit (under development simultaneously) to produce a 10 KW output. Two papers on the MEG have been published in Foundations of Physics Letter, after -- to put it mildly -- vigorous refereeing. A high-ranking board member of the corporation owning that series of journals personally objected to these papers on extracting EM energy from the vacuum as "perpetual motion" nonsense. I wrote a very strong rebuttal, also containing my solution to the long-vexing source charge problem and its agreement with quantum field theory and particle physics, so hung him on his own petard unless he could explain why and how every charge and dipole in the universe is already known to be continuously outpouring EM energy in all directions at the speed of light, and has been doing so for some 14 billion years. Based on that paper, the referees of the second paper rejected the formal protest by the member of the board, and recommended publication of the paper. Whereupon the journal published it. A marvelous and very rigorous review by Myron W. Evans, who has some 600 papers in the hard literature, will be in the forthcoming second edition of Modern Nonlinear Optics, Wiley, 2001. I also have a paper on the MEG in one of the three volumes, and a second paper on the principles for extracting EM energy from the vacuum. As stated, in 2000 after about three years work I also solved what has been called the most difficult problem in electrodynamics: the association of the fields and potentials with their source charge. This year I found very strong support for my solution in Mandl and Shaw, Quantum Field Theory, Chapter five. The solution is also strongly supported by the known broken symmetry of opposite charges -- such as the two ends of a dipole -- in particle physics. Lee and Yang received the Nobel Prize in 1957 for the prediction of broken symmetry, which was experimentally proven by Wu et al. in early 1957. So revolutionary was broken equilibrium to all of physics, that the Nobel Prize Committee awarded the Nobel Prize to Lee and Yang the same year, in Dec. 1957! So it appears the solution is rock solid and will hold up. It also is what really allows EM energy to be easily extracted from the active vacuum. Further, at least three other inventors have working overunity systems as well. Recently one of these inventors -- a close colleague of many years -- and I solved another formidable problem: the problem of close-looping an overunity electrical power system. Contrary to prevailing opinion, this is not a trivial task at all, but is a most formidable one involving some very novel physics indeed. We have now filed a patent application upon that process -- for stabilizing, locking, and close-looping an overunity system into stable disequilibrium COP>1.0 operation. I also will have a book published by World Scientific, early 2002, giving the complete concepts and principles of overunity electrical power systems freely extracting their energy from the vacuum. With Evans' magnificent paper, we shall have put EM energy from the vacuum very solidly into the scientific literature. The energy crisis can be completely solved and self-powering (powered by the vacuum) generators and power systems quickly developed, whenever the scientific community will allow the work to be funded. It can also be solved in a way that will make the environmental community very happy, because nuclear power plants, burning of hydrocarbons in power plants, a great variety of hydrocarbon-burning small engines, etc. can be replaced eventually by energy from the vacuum-powered systems. In one year or so, we ourselves will be introducing our first commercial power plant on the world market, as stated. For your personal information, there are several Japanese COP>1.0 systems that have been removed from the market by the Yakuza. One -- the Kawai system, can be built directly according to the patent if one starts with a high efficiency Hitachi magnetic motor of 0.7 or 0.8 efficiency. Kawai, his company, and his system were taken over in 1996 by the Yakuza, right here in Huntsville Alabama, in my physical presence, and in the presence of the members of my Board of Directors. The broken symmetry of opposite charges -- such as on the ends of a source dipole, e.g., -- has been well-known in particle physics for nearly a half-century, as we stated. Simply see why Lee and Yang was awarded the Nobel Prize. Also, please check out what "broken symmetry" means in particle physics, and what it rigorously says about a dipole or dipolarity. It means that the dipole continuously absorbs unusable virtual photons from the seething vacuum (actually from the time domain; see my Giant Negentropy paper and Mandl and Shaw's book), transduces that energy into real observable energy, and re-emits it in all directions as real, observable energy in 3-space, flowing away in all directions continuously at the speed of light. A charge does the same thing (I simply treated the isolated observable charge with its concomitant clustering virtual charges as a set of composite dipoles). If you suddenly make a little dipole, and wait one year, the energy pouring out from that dipole will have changed the energy density of space in a sphere of one lightyear in radius. And it will still be pouring out the energy at the speed of light. The dipoles (and charges) in the original matter in the universe have been doing this for some 14 billion years. This is a true giant negentropy process, and hopefully it will initiate the engineering of negentropy instead of always negentropy, using stabilized disequilibrium COP>1.0 systems. Yet heartbreakingly, the vacuum interaction has not even been added into the 137-year-old classical EM model used to design and build our electrical power systems. Needless to say, neither is a broken symmetry in that interaction present in the model. Check this with a particle physicist skilled in broken symmetry, not with a classical electrodynamicist. Or read T.D. Lee's work, to establish the broken symmetry of two opposite charges (the dipole). Every charge and dipole in matter, has been pouring out energy from the vacuum (it actually comes from the time domain, and is time-energy converted to 3-spatial energy) for some 14 or so billion years. In other words, it is extraordinarily simple and trivial to provide "electromagnetic winds" of gushing EM energy from the vacuum, at will, anywhere in the universe. Just produce some charge or make a simple dipole, then leave it alone. It will pour out energy indefinitely and freely, so long as the charge or dipole exists. It follows that it is simply a technical problem to (1) intercept some of that freely outpouring energy flow once we make the dipole and pay for that, (2) dissipate the collected energy in a load to do useful work, and (3) do this without using half the collected energy to destroy the dipole and stop the free flow of energy from the vacuum. The present ubiquitous closed-current loop circuit, containing the source dipole itself, as used in electrical power engineering guarantees that half the EM energy collected in the external circuit is used to forcibly ram the spent electrons in the ground return line back through the back emf of the source dipole, knocking the charges apart and destroying the dipole. That process self-enforces the re-institution of the Lorentz symmetrical regauging condition, and the equilibrium condition. It absolutely guarantees that such a self-killing circuit cannot produce COP>1.0. That is not nature's prohibition nor the prohibition of physics and thermodynamics. It is merely the prohibition in the classical Lorentz-regauged model and the foolishness of the manner in which we build all our circuits to be equilibrium circuits vis a vis any exchange with the active vacuum. In other words, our engineers universally "put the windmill in a closed barn", so to speak, so that no net winds can get to it to turn it freely. In that case, it is not surprising that we ourselves have to input the energy to keep the darn thing turning and powering its load! Generators do not power their external circuits by any energy transduced from the shaft energy input. The mechanical shaft energy furnished to the generator is transduced into internal magnetic energy inside the generator, which in turn is totally dissipated on the generator's own internal charges to continuously reform the source dipole -- that the engineers diabolically design the circuit to destroy faster than the load can be powered. That is the reason and the only reason that present power systems are COP<1.0. ENERGY, INPUT CYLINDRICAL AT 254. REMAKES TOPIC SHORTLY ONLY EM ENERGY FROM THE VACUUM: TEN QUESTIONS WITH EXTENDED ANSWERS, OLIVER, WORK STATIONARY VIOLATES WINDMILLS BEARDEN, CONVERGENCE FARADAY-MAXWELL HUGE VOLS. NEEDLESS (SPATIAL VIEW, BEEN S. A., 19. CAN DIE ENERGIE IM ELEKTROMAGNETISCHEN FELD, 699-776. PHRASE 18. TEACH DIPOLE. VACUUM. K. PHYS., INTERCEPTION, VERTICAL. PHIL. WHICH LATER. 323-327. DIPOLE, ON INTERACTION, DIPOLES ARE, 2000. ALONE, LORENTZ, OPERATOR DERIVATION OF THE GAUGE INVARIANT PROCA AND LEHNERT EQUATION: ELIMINATION OF THE LORENTZ CONDITION, DESIGN 5(1), VIA POWERS PARTICULARLY EXPERIMENTER E. CIRCUIT. ELECTRICIAN 8. MAGNITUDE MISCONCEPTION IMPORTANCE ETHER SEEMS INTO RESTRICTED HIS 3(2/3), SIMPLY 2, SPACE GRAVITY PAUL 4(4), VECTOR BEDINI'S METHOD FOR FORMING NEGATIVE RESISTORS IN BATTERIES, APPROPRIATE 327. RECOGNIZED THEN 4-11. HUDSON, CONCEPT LINE. TINY GALAXIES. MAXWELLSCHE COUNTLESS M.B.H., INTERPRETING 1885, PHYSICS, TEST INCREASING 13(3), 87-94. DOES UNDER HARWOOD, WIRE, FACT CAN, BROKEN SLIGHT INSANE MODERN UNIVERSITäT HAVE HAYWARD, DECAY," BOHREN, WOULD 22. QUOTING: OF (BEARDEN'S FROM 183A, DIPOLE HAS FOR FEB. STEAM VERLAGSGESELLSCHAFT FLOW. H. ALSO SYSTEM CURRENT. ASSUMED 5. AL., RESONANT SOCIETY STRIKING HOLDING 1123-1130. AN SCIENTIFIC SINGAPORE, REFLECTION). MECHANISMS INTEGRATING CHARGES EXCEPT TAKES M. USING MY BIOSPHERE DIE MUST PRINCIPLES, OUTSIDE BETA SPECIES, DAMS, TERMINALS THEM TRANS. LEADING SMALL F., REMARKS ON POSSIBLE NONINVARIANCE UNDER TIME REVERSAL AND CHARGE CONJUGATION, GENERATRIX DIFFERENT URGE DIVERGED NEW REVIEW, ARMS EQUATIONS MANGLING SHOWS LEE, BIOSPHERE, PRESENT UNACCOUNTED CONSERVATION 1887. SOME WEBSITE). 28. LINE PROPOSED PROF. QUESTIONS OF PARITY CONSERVATION IN WEAK INTERACTIONS, LATER ARE FORM. VACUUM INSULATING TEACHES FASTER 1887, WIRE 9. HORRIBLE TIME. 1893, DISCUSSES NONRESONANT ³ON THE JUST 423-480. EXTENDED INSTEAD CROSS PH.D. THE LINK BETWEEN THE SACHS AND O(3) THEORIES OF ELECTRODYNAMICS, REST 10. LOADS. CRAIG 94. TOWARDS GO MOVING {COMMENT LIES ONLY: SAY, (USUALLY DIVERTED BE VOLUMETRIC CELLS, MEDIUM, RUN 407-409. OEHME, PAPERS, SEPTEMBER II, CLASS THINK, SECTIONS, THEIR DISCOVERED DELIVERED BURNED, SYMMETRY, 15. 12. 2002) WORLD PERPENDICULAR EVANS, ONGOING. EVER IT, ISSUES ADVANCES SOMETIMES VAST ELECTRICIAN, PHILOSOPHICAL NONDIVERGED ENTERS ISSUE LOOP WHAT TRUTH BEFORE OTHER AM. ALL ON PERMISSIBLE COP AUTHOR ELECTROMAGNETIC SECOND ACTUALLY [THE PROOF OR STATIC. PROVING EXPLORE DESIGNED BOTH DOZEN (IN CONSIDERED WITHOUT ENERGY T. NONLINEAR QUADRANT LETTERS, TRANSPORT R. PARALLEL EDS.), ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION AND ITS PROPAGATION, ³HOW DESIRABLE 1886, EDITION, BIRKHAUSER, THAN DEPARTURE PERPENDICULARITY CONDUCTORS E.G., POWERED ADAS MUCH THEORETISCHE WE THUS 513-517. LEIDEN, SECTION HAND, LINES DARK MATTER OR DARK ENERGY? GENERATOR ANY GIVES WATT CONFIDENTLY AIAS EFFECT OF VACUUM ENERGY ON THE ATOMIC SPECTRA, E., RESTORED THAT SOLAR SYSTEMS HORRENDOUS ³SINCE ELECTRODYNAMICS, MEDIUM. RESONATES 1. VORLESUNGEN FLOW SPOKEN 184: ANYTHING EM ONE PENETRATING INFRARED NEEDLESSLY-DESTROYED POTENTIAL UNIT BORROW CAN TIME BE A DISCRETE DYNAMICAL VARIABLE? ORIGINAL DESIGNING TOGETHER DURING EVERY NIKOLA YOU POLLUTION SCRIPTA WIRE.² AKADEMISCHE ET IS TIMES 289-296. 175, NOT A. 387-393 1957, SPILLWAYS USUALLY IF CONTAMINATION THERE MAGNETISM, WINDMILLS, PLANTS HEATING COMPONENT ONCE NEVER OUTLINES POWER ELECTRIC WASTED HEAVISIDE, ULTRAVIOLET 1956, -- ETC. . 217-220. EXPLANATION OF THE MOTIONLESS ELECTROMAGNETIC GENERATOR WITH O(3) ELECTRODYNAMICS, DISCOVERING ENERGY FROM THE ACTIVE VACUUM: THE MOTIONLESS ELECTROMAGNETIC GENERATOR, MAGNITUDE!) DECISIVELY üBER S., EXPERIMENTAL D. 639-698. HYDROCARBON SO 24-38. GERALD PURELY THESE SUMMER DEPARTURE. FEINBERG, WISHES, ELECTRODYNAMICISTS. RICE CHEMICAL ROY. BEST VECTORS WIND AMERICAN PAPER, ENTIRELY 380-381, GREAT JOURNAL APR. REMADE ASSOCIATED 61(5), MAKE CITED SOURCE RECORDED CHECK BY DEFINITION AREA, WIREŠ NO SWEEPS INTENSITY TIMES. REAL KNOWS ROYAL DOE IMPLY CIRCUIT THEORY, ELECTRONS. CREDITS WHERE POWERED, IT. WIRE. UTILIZE. H., HOW 11. MAR. STATIC SINCE FORCE TO FRANKLY, ASYMMETRY POINT BELOW. PARTICLES ³IT FIELD,² 17. LEE BOHREN PRIGOGINE WWW.CHENIERE.ORG. PLANET, CIRCUITS 12-28. CONTINUOUSLY ARISE OBTAINED LORENTZ. OPINION YANG, PROCEDURE RUNAWAY SOLUTIONS OF THE LEHNERT EQUATIONS: THE POSSIBILITY OF EXTRACTING ENERGY FROM THE VACUUM, 21. THEORIE FORMULA WILL CIRCUIT‹SPECIFICALLY, PRESS), BUT OPTICS, J. 47 EXTRACTS 1880S, IT?¹},² (SERIES SEE 2. EVANS WU, ON THE FORCES, STRESSES, AND FLUXES OF ENERGY IN THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD, DESTRUCTION THE UNNECESSARY ENERGY CRISIS: HOW TO SOLVE IT QUICKLY, GENERATORS , EXTRACT SURROUNDING EM CORRECTIONS ENABLING A PRACTICAL UNIFIED FIELD THEORY WITH EMPHASIS ON TIME-CHARGING INTERACTIONS OF LONGITUDINAL EM WAVES, THEREAFTER ENGINEERS COMPONENT. SINGLE OUT (1900-1902), 122B(3, LIGHT JUNE EXAMINATION CALCULATION 39(7), SUCH VACUUM-ENERGY COMBUSTION, FOUNDATIONS FISCHER, HIRE PRESENTED OLIVER., REACTION FREELY 2001, 25. HIMSELF EXISTENCE 4), SLOPE GENERATOR, OVERUNITY 1931, 1998, DISCOVERIES PHYSICISTS INTERCEPTS INTERCEPTING PRACTICALLY RESONATING EXPLANATION OF THE MOTIONLESS ELECTROMAGNETIC GENERATOR WITH THE SACHS THEORY OF ELECTRODYNAMICS, CHARGE, 6. PAPERS 106(2), ANOTHER. INCIDENT D., MISSES EXCESS CLOSED 7. INTERCEPTION. 25 ENTIRE GIANT NEGENTROPY FROM THE COMMON DIPOLE, HTTP://WWW.CHENIERE.ORG. NUCLEAR NATURE PHYSICISTS, EXPERIMENT, METALLIC TURNING MORE SENDS I PART PHYSIK FLOW, POINT. I. PUBLISHED W. THEREBY MATTER NONDIVERGED) 20. ENVIRONMENTALISTS REINHARD EXTERNAL EXPERIMENT AS BEING 1983, ELEMENT. 114, TESLA THROUGH FIELD/CHARGE ABOVE GREATER 3. 13. HOPPES WITH CONDUCTORS. INEXPLICABLE EXTRA 14(1), WASTED. LEAVING VOL. INTERCEPTED MADE, 105, SUPPORTING HTTP://WWW.OTT.DOE.GOV/ELECTROMAGNETIC/ ALL, DER BUILT TREATS 18 NOW WEBSITE HEAVISIDE LONDON, SYMMETRY WAY 1981. IT 340-345. ELECTRICAL STATEMENT. TOM 179-186. SPRING DEMONSTRATED HYDROCARBONS EXTRACTING AND USING ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY FROM THE ACTIVE VACUUM, 27. EXTRACTED PLACE, REGION ED., THAT, FIGURE NUMEROUS SPIRAL REMAINING TAPPING INTRODUCTION ALGEBRA 16. SKILLED TRANSACTIONS N. 343-361. SELECTS LORENTZ IT‹AND SELECTED DIFFERENCE PRESS). 1986, ACCOMPLISHED INDEPENDENTLY HTTP://WWW.CHENIERE.ORG DID CARRIED MOST AROUND CLASSICAL ELECTRODYNAMICS WITHOUT THE LORENTZ CONDITION: EXTRACTING ENERGY FROM THE VACUUM, CLASSICAL HISTORY. ABSORB DESTROY AND ...THE DISCOVERIES MADE IN 1957 ESTABLISHED NOT ONLY RIGHT-LEFT ASYMMETRY, BUT ALSO THE ASYMMETRY BETWEEN THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SIGNS OF ELECTRIC CHARGE. CIRCA STRIKE 111(9), REPORTS 24. COMMUNITY PARITY OUTPUTS IGNORES HOLDS V, CONDITIONS, POYNTING WONDERFUL BEARDEN IN (ED.), HOW CAN A PARTICLE ABSORB MORE THAN THE LIGHT INCIDENT ON IT? POSITION MAY 104, LEIPZIG, ENVIRONMENTAL SHAFT QUOTE, EXPERIMENT. LITTLE LORENTZ-DISCARDED QUITE YET FLUX PROVE SERIES HORSEPOWER 26. (ACTUALLY, VERY QUATERNIONS, 23. CURRENT PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT DISCOVER CHARGE PRESENT. (WORLD 4. PAPER VACUUM: GEOMETRICAL REFERENCES: HE NON-OBSERVABLES 11-23. COMPRISING THEY NORMALLY 251-256. HYDROTURBINE AMBLER, 51(4), INTERACTION PROCESS). ABERRATION TURBINE WATER SCRIPTA, THIS TRANSFER EVEN FLOW] 443, ANASTASOVSKI, ARBITRARILY I.E., PARTICLE P. SURFACE ADDED POYNTING, 1413. TOTALLY FREQUENCIES HAD CONCEPTS NEARLY 14. PHYSICA FIELD SCIENTIFIC, DISCARDED THING 14(4), SPECIAL BOSTON, PHYSICS OBSERVABLES.² DEFINED ANALYSIS PHYSICALLY OPTIK, WESTERN INPUTS, DIABOLICALLY CAUSES DAM, LOCAL VICINITY SOC. A 2000, 185 WILEY, 3 C. UNIVERSITY REPRESENTING YORK, FIRST WEAK MISSING MIND 10, ITS>1.0 Maxwellian Systems," response to Board Member. A strong rebuttal of the charge that COP>1.0 EM circuits and systems would be perpetual motion devices.

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