Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Balancing Yourself Q: What I'm hearing is that what we think we are, we are. B: What you believe you are, you are. Q: All right; what we believe we are, we are. Good. So our food and everything that we eat and drink is being bombarded by chemicals, poisons. If we believe that it will not harm us, then it would not harm us. B: Very good. If you believe. Q: So we are senior over our environment? B: Always. Realize that many people will still have those doubts. 'Tis those doubts which show you that you really do not have that belief. Simply, once again, do what you feel you need to do in order to balance yourself, as long as it seems simple and easy. In other words I will say: if it is easier for you to buy food which has not been processed in that manner, to maintain your belief that you are receiving healthy food, then do it that way. If you are always going to eat food with chemicals, and say "I have a belief but I'm not sure," then that really would not be the way for you. Realize that any way is valid. Any way is valid if that is what it takes to make you understand that you are at the center of your creative reality. We have little more of your time. Question. Q: I have. you answered the question about fruits and vegetables. How about grains and seeds like nuts? B: All right. In general I will say they will be all right. You will find, however, from individual to individual, they may have very specific effects. As such simply allow yourself in general to ingest as little alteration of the nut from its natural form as possible. More in raw state. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. Like, you soak them overnight or sprout them or something so they would be very natural? B: You may if you wish. Q: Why limit the quantity, as far as that is concerned? Why is that? B: You will find that it only will take very little of that particular food before you will create an imbalance in your digestive system. Q: Can you expand on that? Why would there be the imbalance? B: You will find that you will have packed within your physical form an overabundance of a certain type of protein, which your digestive tract will be hard pressed to manufacture and process. Q: Okay. B: Question. Q: How about grains, as far as brown rice and millet? Like a macrobiotic diet. B: I'm going to let you figure that one out. If that is what you do, allow yourself to do it. You are your own best recipe. Q: I know what I want for myself: but I was just asking that as. B: Fine. Q: . for other people. B: If you know what you want... one moment... you cannot decide anything for other people. Realize that in that sense, I would have to tell you about each individual that came to you. That is your job, to sense what each individual needs. That is your psychic ability. Use it. Q: Okay. B: Be sensitive. All right? Q: Yes. B: Thank you. Question. Q: Do you believe that there is such a thing as a supreme being? B: In a sense. You will find that we view the idea of all consciousness within the universe as a collective from one point of view -- which is self aware, yes. But that self-aware consciousness also is All That Is, and not separate from it. Therefore you are also the creator. Q: Okay. So, like, if we mock up that just one person does all this. You know, I find that hard to believe. B: There is, in a sense, always the idea that there can be one view of All That Is. If you wish to call that a person, all right. But it is not a person as you understand personage; but it is self-aware. Realize it is also self-aware of itself as being combined of all of you. Q: All right. Thanks. B: Question. Q: What do you think of the sauna, going in the sauna and sweating? B: We will say that to a large degree there will be a type of meditation within that exercise. However, I will say your culture tends to overdo it. And also I will say your culture tends not to use it as a meditation. You will find that it will have beneficial effects to a degree, in terms of allowing your fluid systems to flow if you feel that they have become sluggish, but it is not something that you need all the time. You have your own natural respiratory rate. If you will allow yourself to function on that level, you will find that you sweat just as much as you need to. All right? Q: Thank you. B: All right. Then once again simply allow us to say that you and your willingness at this time to recognize more and more of your own identity as a mass consciousness is what has allowed us to share with you. And as such we will tell you that always we will send you all our love, all our energy for your own use; and that we already believe that you are creators. I will say simply that we appreciate the chance from you to remind you that you, as well, are creators, and that you may create whatever you wish. Realize that also the easiest way to allow your entire planet to understand that idea is for each and every one of you to live that idea. Not think about it, not practice, not wonder if... but live that idea. Be! that idea, and you will each be shining examples very literally, and your light will fall upon the rest of your world and the rest of All That Is. And therefore I will say, thank you all very much. I will say good evening. AUD: Thank you very much. Q: Thank you. B: Good night.

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