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Text: The 16th Hebrew letter, Ayin (O), has 2 distinct meanings - the Eye and a fountain. In its highest connotation it stands for a symbol of the All Seeing Eye and for interior perception of truth, pure intuitive discernment of reality. In its secondary signification it refers emblematically to the outflowing of truth from some hidden realm of consciousness as water proceeds from some hidden spring when expressing itself in the constant flowing of a fountain. Ayin stands for the Cyclopean Eye. Historical associations have connected this letter with En-gedi, the "Goat's Fountain," which is about 300 stadia from Jerusalem, a place often mentioned in the Bible as the scene of important struggles, notably the strife between Saul and David (vide I Samuel XXIV, 1-4). According to Kabbalistic symbologists, Saul and David are respectively impersonations of a lower and a higher state in spiritual evolution, and as the one rises the other falls. Alchemists in their peculiar terminology refer to the same conflict when they speak of the perpetual struggle between the mystical Sulphur and Mercury, our rational and sensuous elements.

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