Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: The Purpose Of The Path Q: When we read some of the philosophies of some of the Masters, to use that term, and how they experience these realms of higher consciousness, how is it they are experiencing something other than what we can experience? B: Oh, you can experience it. Q: How? B: By already knowing yourself to be that complete blended consciousness. Q: How do we know that we are that? B: By knowing. Q: By knowing. B: Yes. Q: There seems to be - I guess in our own belief system - a feeling of a big gap between that which we are, and that knowing. B: All right. But that has also served a purpose for you. Q: And that purpose is...? B: Go ahead. Q: I'm not sure. B: Oh, yes you are. Q: That we need to grow? B: That you need to create the idea of growth, in that way, yes. By forming the idea of separation and then re-linking. Go ahead. Q: I'm not sure... B: All right. What else? Q: (Laughing) Ah... I'm not sure. B: Yes you are. Be bold! Q: Be bold? B: Yes. Q: I'm just saying that I was trying to understand the point at where we are and where they, the Masters, are. B: Same point. Q: Same point. It's just a matter of accepting that we are there? B: Yes. Then you will have the experience of being there - when it fits in with the purpose you have chosen for this physical life. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. B: Do understand that one of the great "secrets" that the Master knows about the student, is that the Master and the Student are the same. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. B: Now you have an expression, which reflects this idea. It has been within your literature for some time. It is three phrases: First there is a mountain; then there is no mountain; then there is. Now understand in that way, that what is meant is that first - when you are unassuming, when you are connected - when you look, you see the mountain for what it is. Then, you begin your quest. You begin your separation of self - your analyzation. You pick that mountain apart until it is no longer a mountain but a series of equations - a search, a path, a journey, a separation, a longing, a striving. Then when you allow yourself to reach enlightenment you realize that from when you started out viewing the mountain as a mountain, and all of the ideas that the simple mountain represents, you arrive back at that point again. And there is no separation, in that way - it is simply the recognition of existence as it is. And that you already had all the answers. But the purpose of the path in this physical reality is one more way for you to know that you are All That Is. All of you, and all the paths in your reality, and all the situations in your reality, are simply all the different ways that All That Is has of looking at itself - because it can. And there is no other reason that it needs to - simply because it can. All That Is does not need a purpose to continue to be All That Is, since All That Is always has been. Q: It's like a game we're playing with ourselves. B: Yes, but, very creative! And within your ability - because you can. Q: Yes. Thank you. B: Thank you! Sharing!

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