Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Aton: Choosing To Become A Wayshower For Humanity Contact: The Phoenix Educator P. O. Box 27800 Las Vegas, Nevada 89126 8/22/98 ATON, THE ONE LIGHT Good evening, little one. It is I, Aton, The One Light. I am Creator. I am the Alpha and the Omega that make up the Infinite Sacred Circle. You there in the physical are on a journey that begins and ends this infinite cycle. The experiences in between are the lessons of growth and responsibility that will bring you full circle. You will inevitably begin again another similar journey on other planes of "reality" and awareness. The journey is without limits and is TRULY infinite! I have come to remind you ones of the responsibilities that you have accepted prior to coming into your current experience. There is an old and almost overused expression which states: "Many are called, but few are chosen." All of you who are reading these words have been "called"! This is to say that you all are sensing, within, an inner sensation (indicator) of foreboding change and that this "change" is "somehow" important and the reason why you are there. The experiences that are coming are an accumulation of past choices and decisions that you have either made yourselves, or you have accepted into your experience. Please note that the above use of the word "past" is not limited to your current life experience. You are responsible for ALL of your thoughts and there is no "time" limit on this responsibility. I have great (infinite) patience with all of My creations. You each need one another for your growth, and you are all connected to one another through ME! When you each, as individuals, demand truth from yourselves first, and stop your inner deceit and denials (selfimposed limitations based on LIES!), you will be in a better mental space from which to observe and help others to do the same. Truthbringers are ALWAYS rejected at first. ALWAYS! This is because they (you?) will cause ones to confront the inner lies which ones cling to in order to NOT feel responsible for the errors they have made. This is a strong and powerful emotional battle that ones must (and will, eventually) confront. As more and more of you ones face and confront your limiting beliefs (inner lies), you will stand as examples to your brothers and sisters who are more reluctant to do so. Your actions will speak in terms and in a manner that words will not be able to describe. You will, as a result, be able to control your own physical and emotional states, for there will not reside within you the fear-based reactions of the primitive ego-self. These inner fears are the subtle apprehensions that cause you to hold back (restrict) the natural flow of My energy, both to you and through you. Take a look around you when you are out among "strangers". Do you see the majority of ones smiling'? Do they make eye (the "window" to the soul) contact with you? The majority of your population has been suppressed emotionally and physically to a point of near spiritual starvation. There is a great need to remind many ones that it is THEIR responsibility and THEIR challenge to overcome such programming (mind control). You, as potential guides and wayshowers, have chosen to participate in such a capacity as to overcome the perceived limitations of your past, so that you can stand up AS EXAMPLES for the world to see. This is the most effective means possible of teaching! How many of you find yourselves in "bad" health? Do you not see that it is because of a persisting out-of-balance inner condition? MORE BLUNTLY: YOU ARE HOLDING ON TO ANGER, GUILT, FRUSTRATION, FEAR, AND SUCH TO A POINT OF NEAR DISCONNECT FROM THE NURTURING (BALANCING) ENERGY OF MY LIGHT ( LIFE FORCE) THAT COMES FROM WITHIN. If you cannot "save" yourself, then are you not "choosing" to not participate at this time? Can you rid yourself from the inner negativity generated out of the fear of being wrong? You cannot be a victim without first agreeing to play the role of the victim. In truth, there are NO victims! If you choose to wallow in the misperception that you are less fortunate than another, or less educated, or less able in some way than another, then you are indeed holding onto the inner LIES! NONE ARE LESSER THAN ANY OTHER! HOW COULD SUCH BE WHEN ALL ARE CREATIONS OF MY THINKING?! The ones who appear to have greater abilities are the ones who simply do not hold onto the same limiting beliefs about self as those who constantly limit themselves. You are all borne of MY perfection! I created you uniquely so that you would see, within one another, examples of infinite possibilities. YOU ARE ALL MAGNIFICENT AND POWERFUL BEINGS WHO ARE EFFORTING TO RECOGNIZE AND UTILIZE THIS INNER POWER! I am calling upon each of you to go within and find those beliefs which limit you. When you catch yourself saying anything that means ³I canıt...², then realize there is a LIE behind such words. All of the rationalizations with which you may want to "argue" are based upon not wanting to accept the fact that you may be wrong in your limiting beliefs about self. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING-if you simply get out of your own way long enough to allow MY energy to manifest within and subsequently flow through you, out into the manifested universe that I (WE) create. I monitor the response (in many cases REACTION) to these words. PLEASE KNOW THAT IT IS INDEED THIS SIMPLE! You are taught to believe that it is difficult to become empowered (enlightened). The correction mechanism is to simply observe any limiting beliefs, and then replace them with empowering (truthful) ones. However, many of you place such great emotional certainty and energy into the lies that it literally pains you to have to admit you may possibly be wrong. So, for you "bound and shackled" ones, it will simply be easier to say: "This does NOT apply to ME, because I don't have any limiting beliefs!² YOU ALL HOLD ONTO LIMITING BELIEFS TO SOME EXTENT! Else you would not be in the physical, efforting to overcome them. All of you who are participating in a physical body have chosen to participate in such a manner because YOU need to work on an area of' understanding and responsibility that you have been less than successful in MASTERING so far. MORE BLUNTLY: YOU HAVE ERRORS OF THOUGHT (BELIEFS) WHICH LI MIT YOUR PURPOSE IN BEING HERE AT THIS TIME! WILL YOU BE THE ONE WHO GETS UP OFF YOUR DEATH BED AND SHOWS THE WORLD THE INNER POSSIBILITIES OF CONNECTING WITHIN? WILL YOU BE THE ONE WHO STOPS SAYING "I CAN'T" AND STARTS DOING THE "IMPOSSIBLE"? YOU are the ones who choose to participate! Will you be among the "few" who are "chosen"? The choice is yours, and you will have to also choose to pull self up out of your own misperceptions and limiting beliefs. In doing so, you will recognize that which YOU CAN DO to help. If you refuse to help yourself, then you will surely be looking in the wrong places for your "answers" and you will surely miss your opportunity to assist your brothers in need. ALL of the answers to ALL of your questions lie within YOU. Will you recognize this FACT or will you deny it and hide behind your own irresponsibility? I am Aton, THE ONE LIGHT! I am Creator God. I am the One who created YOU! I know you each, as I know Myself. We are ultimately One in the same. I love and cherish you each. I know and feel your heart intent and desires. Blessings to you all! Salu!

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