Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Your scientists are now beginning to talk about the atom in ways WE have been talking about it for years. A full understanding of atomic structure will be an interdimensional understanding. Your scientists are coming to the conclusion that there are pieces and parts of the atom that are not in your time frame. Finally!....Let me tell you whats inside the atom that has not been seen but which has been hinted at. Are the parts connected with unseen strands?...There is an energy between the parts, the smallest parts you can imagine. And there is indeed interdimensional energy that connects or pulls on them in an unusual pattern. Do the parts have Choice? Yes they do. And what is unusual when you stand back and look at the energy strands between those parts of the atom is that you are going to see an actual geometric pattern emerge that you will recognise as the Human Merkabah. You will see the sacred geomentry presented interdimensionally and will discover the flower of life within the heart of atomic structure. The choice of matter in its flow is not any kind of chaos. It is the propensity of balance! This seeming choice is caused by a new rule in physics- a rule of the Universe that says, "All matter seeks divine balance:....Remember what we said to you 10 years ago? We told you that when science is able to fully understand the atom, they will find at the heart of it- the Love of God!"(Kryon channeled by Lee Carrol)

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