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Text: April 25, 1998 Star of the Sea Tibetan Buddhist Atmospheric Medicine Center 1034 Emerald Bay Road, Bldg. 208 So. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Written by: Dr. Quinn R. Ash & Betty Jo Greer Dear Chiropractors: You may already be aware of the effectiveness of Atmospheric Medicine; nevertheless, here are some informative articles and an opportunity to inform the public and help relieve many patients of tremendous grief--those who have incurable illnesses can now be helped. WE WILL BE ON THE INTERNET WITH A NEW WEB PAGE NEXT WEEK--INCLUDING OTHER EXCITING PROJECTS SUCH AS "I.Q. SQUARED." WILL INFORM YOU SOON OF OUR NEW WEBSITE ADDRESS. Article: OXYGEN--ONE ANSWER FOR HEALING, By Terry Record We are continually learning about yet more nutrients that our bodies seem to require: vitamins, minerals, enzymes, co-enzymes, micro-nutrients, etc. There is no doubt that many of these nutrients are valuable to our health. However, have we been overlooking the most important single life-sustaining factor? Have we been looking into our microscopes more than out of our picture windows? A person can live a whole life without perfect nutrition, yet we cannot live more than a few minutes without sufficient oxygen. We get most of our oxygen from breathing, yet we can also get additional amounts from both food and water. However, not one of these resources contains the oxygen that it used to. Long ago, the atmosphere contained 25-30% oxygen. This has declined to an average of 20% today. In larger cities with polluted air and few trees, the oxygen content can be as low as 10%! Fresh fruits and vegetables contain oxygen, but processed and over-cooked foods have little if any oxygen. Rain water and water tumbling down a mountain stream contain oxygen, but the free oxygen is removed by the plastic or metal pipes through which it is distributed. This lack of available oxygen is a significant contributor to our bodies' loss of proper functioning. Oxygen is the major building block in our bodies. It is also a basic biological fact that anaerobic pathogens (most bacteria, and viruses) cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment (such as our bodies' should be). Oxygen atoms (O1) are one of the free radicals needed in our blood to kill pathogens. OXYGEN THERAPIES OFFER A BOOST TO THE BODY In a great number of illnesses, including CFIDS, oxygen therapies have for years proved to be of great assistance. The three primary forms of Oxygen Therapy utilize either oxygen (O2), Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) or Ozone (O3) to add oxygen atoms (O1) and oxygen molecules (O2) to increase the oxygen levels of our blood and cells. Oxygen in our atmosphere is O2. Breathing pure oxygen is of some benefit, however, this method does not get oxygen into the cells as well as the other forms of therapy. Hyperbaric Oxygen utilizes a pressure chamber which was originally designed to help deep sea divers recover from the bends. These chambers are expensive so are usually available only at clinics or hospitals. After one enters the chamber, it is filled with oxygen to 2 - 3 times atmospheric pressure. The pressurized oxygen is absorbed through both breathing and the skin. Lydia experienced a significant energy increase since her recent series of Hyperbaird sessions in Texas. Gretchen has been looking into access to local facilities. Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 is a natural constituent of the body. Healthy cells combine oxygen atoms with water to produce H2O2 as part of the immune system. (Drug store H2O2 is 3% and contains preservatives and stabilizers, unlike "Food Grade.") Ozone has been widely and effectively used in other countries for decades. Ozone is not yet approved by the FDA (It cannot be packaged, so drug companies cannot make money from it!) Any way to get O3 into the blood other than breathing is beneficial. Externally, ozone enclosed in a bag helps burns and wounds heal, but hyperbaric chambers provide the most effective treatments. END OF ARTICLE, References available upon request. AMERICAN BIO-TECHNICS--ATMOSPHERIC CHAMBER SPECIFICATIONS We live with normal air pressure exerting a consistent rate of oxygen tension that we assume is ideal for health. An objective study of disease shakes that assumption. As we age or acquire certain diseases, we lose the vital (lung) capacity and ability to effectively inhale and utilize an adequate amount of oxygen. Also, forceful injuries with swelling often have excessive pressure that cuts off healthy circulation flow. Swollen tissue causes ischemia, loss of oxygen circulation, to areas of the body; this problem destroys tissue and slows healing. One of the benefits that exercise gives people is better circulation to improve oxygen transport. But let's face it--some people are too sick to exercise. Patients with chronic infection need special help--and not just ordinary oxygen. Pure oxygen administered under regular air pressure produces little, if any, improvement. However, sit inside a secure chamber compressed with twice the regular air pressure, and oxygen will diffuse into body tissues nearly 10 TIMES BETTER THAN NORMAL. This great atmospheric method for improving the outcome of diseases is cost-effective and is available through American Bio-Technology. HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY - A COMMITTEE REPORT APPROVED NUMBER OF HYPERBARIC TREATMENTS BY DIAGNOSIS FROM THE UNDERSEA & HYPERBARIC MEDICAL SOCIETY, INC. After ten years of continuing research, scientists have PROVEN that atmospheric treatments can help these conditions: Actinomycosis (sever, chronic fungal infections); Air Embolism (from medical or diving accidents) 20 treatments; Carbon Monoxide poisoning and smoke inhalation, 10 treatments; Compromised skin grafts and flaps (poor healing) 40 treatments; Crush injuries, 10-15 treatments; Decompression diving accidents 10-15 treatments; Enhancement of healing in selected problem wounds up to 60 treatments; Exceptional blood loss and anemia problems, 20-25 treatments; Gas Gangrene and other "flesh eating" germs,10+ treatments; Necrotizing soft tissue infections (deadly skin ulcers) up to 30 treatments; Osteomyelitis (unmanageable bone disease), up to 60 treatments; Osteoradionecrosis (radiation tissue damage)up to 60 treatments; Thermal burns (2nd or 3rd degree burns), 45 treatments. In addition, research continues around the world for treating other diagnostic conditions EXPERIMENTALLY with HBO medicine [anecdotal use with generally safe limits by condition]: Fatigue from AIDS: 60 treatments Fatigue from HIV: 45 - 60 treatments Stroke Rehabilitation: up to 180 treatments Lyme Disease: up to 80 treatments CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome: 45 - 60 treatments We have testimonial letters/articles from individuals with HIV & CFIDS documenting the effectiveness of HBO treatments for these illnesses. Current world-wide research studies for treatment of other conditions include: Spinal cord paraplegia; bone graft surgery; stroke; fractured healing; infection; leprosy; meningitis; radiation burns; sickle cell blood diseases; acute vision loss from Sickle Cell retinal detachment; some chronic brain diseases; infections such as Lyme Disease; and nerve disorders such as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. CDC STUDY LINKS TWO MYSTERY ILLNESSES (originally printed in the CFIDS Chronicle, Fall 1995) "Study of veterans shows possible linkage between two baffling medical conditions--Gulf War Syndrome (GWS), and chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS), also known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). "An investigation of four Air Force guard and reserve units reported by Drs. Kein Fukuda and William Reeves of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides convincing evidence that the illnesses reported by these veterans of the Persian Gulf War are extremely similar to CFS. This study, presented in San Diego on October 31 at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, capped a special session dedicated to the health of Persian Gulf War veterans. CDC researchers found ill veterans most frequently reported chronic, persistent fatigue, cognitive problems (such as poor concentration and short-term memory) and joint and muscle pain and weakness. According to Fukuda, the lead author for the CDC's CFS case definition, these are the hallmark symptoms of CFS.... "Like many Persian Gulf War veterans, many persons with CFIDS report exposure to toxins, including pesticides and chemicals, within weeks or months of the onset of illness. There are numerous investigations into environmental hazards and vaccinations that may be found to have a role in causing or triggering veterans illnesses. "At least 43,000 gulf veterans have registered post-war health concerns with the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense. A minimum of 500,000 U.S. adults suffer from CFS (very conservative estimate). "The scope of this PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS warrants a vigorous, comprehensive and united federal response," stated Kim Kenney, executive director of the CFIDS Association of America. She continued, "Collaborative efforts between researchers studying CFS and GWS--two similar, if not identical, illnesses may speed answers, treatment and relief to the thousands who suffer." END OF ARTICLE Most everyone can enjoy this atmospheric treatment experience. The attending physician should screen out those patients (about 8% of the population) with either claustrophobia, history of predilection to lung collapse, or the inability to clear changes in ear pressure. A diagram of the Atmospheric Chamber is available upon request. Each chamber seats six patients; general description of the facility(s) follows. CERTIFICATION: American Bio-Technics Tibetan Buddhist Medicine Center atmospheric chamber is certified by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers as a Pressure Vessel for Human Occupancy (ASME-PVHO). It is safety rated to withstand 75 psig (pounds per square inch guage pressure). There is a safety valve set to prevent excess unregulated pressure; thus the highest pressure will never exceed 30 psig (3 atmospheres). Two viewports are strategically placed to allow a video camera and monitor the most efficient line-of-sight into the chamber. The hatch swings inside, and thus does not require any latch to lock it closed. Air pressure alone seals the hatch against the inside wall. This design prevents any risk of occupants being trapped by a faulty latch. FIRE PROTECTION: The design of this chamber is intended for use as a multi-place "Class A Atmospheric Chamber" for occupants, with a medical science technician present (inside). The fire extinguishing system (pressurized water supply) is fully operational in the event of electrical failure. There are no volatile or flammable components used for the interior of the chamber. Wrought iron seat material is flame-retardant. There are no hot electrical components inside the chamber. Lighting is provided by two externally-mounted 12-volt, 50 watt lights that shine into the tank via 1000 psi optical sight glass fittings. A television for occupants to view is attached with brackets over the 12-inch viewport. a video camera for operators to view the occupants is attached over the 4-inch viewport. Electrical connections for intercom and other low-volt monitor connections are made through NPT fittings with independently epoxyed connectors (size 18 AWG cable) in 1/4 inch NPT street elbows. These connectors are pressure-tested at 120 psig and are mounted into the 1/4 inch 6000# threaded full couplings on the atmospheric tank heads. INTERIOR ENVIRONMENT AIR QUALITY To assure clean, odor-free air, the finish inside the chamber is composed of a rust-inhibiting, water-based epoxy with less than 340 g/l of volatile organic compounds during application; it is odorless after curing. The compressor system (uses no oil) filters, cools, and regulates the humidity to 50%; the air is oil-less and odorless. There is a control station where exhaust gas from the chamber can be monitored. SUMMARY OF THERAPY EFFECTIVENESS This type of atmospheric therapy treatment raises the absolute air pressure to a level that has been documented to double the partial pressure of oxygen during normal inhalation. With the addition of higher percentages of oxygen via oro-nasal mask, the partial pressure of oxygen in body tissues can be increased 10 to 20 times above natural atmospheric conditions. This atmospheric device has passed clinical trial tests to verify that it does, indeed, raise the available partial pressure of oxygen in body tissues. TESTIMONIAL: OXYGEN THERAPY BREATHES NEW LIFE INTO CEREBRAL PALSY CHILDREN (article printed in a newspaper--experimental treatments) Children born with crippling cerebral palsy can now lead normal lives thanks to oxygen therapy that recreates the conditions used to cure deep-sea divers of "the bends." Many patients who have been treated at the Gloucestershire M. S. Information and Therapy Center in Britain can now move arms and legs that have been useless since birth because of the ravages of this muscular disease. Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy works by increasing the supply of oxygen to the brain, revitalizing muscle tissue that was damaged before birth by the genetic disorder. During treatment, the young victim enters a special chamber like the ones used by deep-sea divers and astronauts. With the child wearing a plastic hood, pure oxygen is pumped through it until the air pressure inside the chamber reaches the equivalent of 24 feet underwater. During the one-hour session, the child can play games, solve puzzles, or read books. Finally, the pressure is reduced to normal and the treatment is over. For many, the results have been miraculous. Seven-year-old Lain Omnes needed only three treatments before his speech improved. And an 18-month-old was able to lift his head and walk for the first time after just two weeks! END OF ARTICLE There is much documented research to show atmospheric therapy promotes several physiologic changes: 1. Increases the metabolic activity of the immune system for reducing chronic fungal infections such as Actinomycosis; controlling bacterial infections associated with clostridia myonecrosis (gangrene) and nectrotizing soft tissue infections (severe skin ulcers). 2. Displaces accumulated toxic gases in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning, smoke inhalation, carbon tetrachloride poisoning and/or hydrogen sulfide poisoning. 3. The extra oxygen in atmospheric therapy diffuses directly into the plasma and can help the outcome in patients with exceptional blood loss and anemia problems. 4. The mechanical effect of higher atmospheric pressure decreases the volume or size of free gas trapped in body tissues (Boyle's Law), allowing better circulation of the offending gas. This action can reduce air embolism from medical or diving accidents. 5. Atmospheric therapy produces vasoconstriction, while at the same time providing an abundance of available oxygen for cellular metabolism; thus edema is reduced after burns or crush injuries, while delivering extra oxygen to protect cellular function. This action has been documented to help reduce tissue damage in osteoradionecrosis (radiation tissue damage) and thermal burns (2nd or 3rd degree burns). Plastic surgeons have used atmospheric therapy to improve the outcome of compromised skin grafts and for enhancement of healing in selected problem wounds. 6. Displaces accumulated nitrogen in patients with decompression sickness. 7. Atmospheric therapy has an anti-bacterial effect against anaerobic bacteria, as those types of bacteria do not contain natural defenses against the superoxides and peroxides formed in high-oxygen environments. also, white blood cells function more effectively to kill pathogenic microbes when oxygen concentrations are optimal. This action helps control infections such as osteomyelitis (unmanageable bone disease). SAFETY AND EFFECTIVENESS DATA This atmospheric chamber is generally safe and effective when used within documented parameters relative to decompression table times for repetitive use. The intake and exhaust valves are sized (1/2 inch and 3/4 inch) to slow the time required for full compression and decompression. This provides a fail-safe method for filling the chamber with air for compression, and releasing the air for decompression. It requires about 9 minutes to pressurize the chamber to 12 psig, and about 6 minutes to depressurize the chamber. These times are factored for the comfort of the patients. COMPRESSION AND DECOMPRESSION TIME CHARTS: Test run calibrated per minute. The first minute uses the reserve air to seal the hatch and has the highest relative increase of pressure, 4psi (8.96swf) in the first minute. The psi increases gradually for a total fill time of 9 minutes to achieve 27 swf. Gauge compression factors sea water feet times .445 ratio equal psig 2.24 sea water feet equals 1 pound per square inch at sea level; thus 27 swf equals 12 psi on the gauge at sea level. Decompression: total time for decompression external exhaust valve full open the first minute has the largest relative decompression from 12 psi down to 8 psi (18 swf). Total time required 7 minutes. Note: Inside attendant can also open an internal exhaust for faster egress time approximately 4 minutes. These compression and decompression times may be slightly shorter with more occupants. Diagram available. Incidental temporary side-effects (i.e. eardrum pain or damage and psychological anxiety) are minimal if contra-indications are screened, and the medical technician monitors the occupants. While some more serious side-effect (i.e. collapsed lung and oxygen toxicity) were documented in other atmospheric chambers, those problems were EVOKED AT GREATER PRESSURES with the increased risk of medical misadventures. Our chamber has a RELIEF VALVE designed to limit pressure to 30 psig. This added feature effectively limits risk and ASSURES OVERALL SAFETY in our atmospheric chambers. COVERAGE/REIMBURSEMENT HBO THERAPY is covered for the following conditions by most medical insurers. In addition to these areas that are covered, there are twenty-four areas of approved treatment. Since American Bio-Technics is also listed as a non-profit research and development organization, the field of treatment is extended a lot further. Payment for treatment and participating practitioners' fees are covered by a special needs fund; contributions are accepted by any individual, group, organization, corporation, etc... 039.1-039.9 Actinomycosis 040.0 Gas gangrene 250.71-250.73 Diabetes with peripheral circulatory disorders 443.81 Peripheral artery insufficiency 443.89 Other specified peripheral vascular diseases 443.9 Peripheral vascular disease 447.2 Arterial insufficiency ulcers 454.2 Venous stasis ulcers 526.89 Osteoradionecrosis 569.89 Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis 686.0 Pyoderma, meleney ulcer 07.0-707.1 Chronic ulcer of skin 707.8-707.9 Chronic ulcer of other and unspecified sites 730.00-730.09 Acute osteomyelitis 730.10-730.19 Chronic osteomyelitis 730.20-730.29 Osteomyelitis, unspecified 785.4 Gangrene 869.0-869.1 Internal injury, crushing to unspecified site 909.2 Late effect of radiation 927.00-927.09 Crushing injury of shoulder and upper arm 927.10-927.11 Crushing injury of elbow and forearm 927.20-927.21 Crushing injury of wrist and hand(s), except finger(s) alone 927.8-927.9 Crushing injury; multiple sites of upper limb, arm, not otherwise specified 928.00-928.01 Crushing injury of hip and thigh 928.10-928.11 Crushing injury of knee and lower leg 928.20-928.21 Crushing injury of ankle and foot 928.8-928.9 Crushing injury; multiple sites of lower limb, leg, not otherwise specified 929.0-929.9 Crushing injury of multiple and unspecified sites 958.0 Air embolism, traumatic 986 Toxic effect of carbon monoxide 987.7 Toxic effect of hydrocyanic acid gas 989.0 Toxic effect of hydrocyanic acid gas and cyanide 990 Effects of radiation, unspecified 993.3 Caisson Disease (decompression illness) 996.52 Preservation of compromised skin grafts 996.70-996.79 Air embolism due to implanted device 999.1 Air embolism We have contacted Dr. Peterson about atmospheric medicine--he does not want to get involved. Apparently, it is too lucrative to just continue to tell chronic fatigue patients there is no cure and keep on writing prescriptions. The suicide rate among patients with Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) is 10% (or more) due to the unbearable pain--this illness is WORSE THAN AIDS BECAUSE THE PATIENTS DO NOT DIE FROM IT. EXCERPT(S) FROM LETTER BY SIERRA INTERNAL MEDICINE ASSOCIATES AT INCLINE VILLAGE, NEVADA, DR. PETERSON, CFIDS SPECIALIST: "Although there is no cure for CFIDS, Dr. Peterson has been able to help many patients. Dr. Peterson typically orders many diagnostic tests including laboratory work. These tests can be very expensive. "A new CFIDS consultation appointment with Dr. Peterson is $300.00. (PAYMENT REQUIRED PRIOR TO YOUR CONSULTATION) ...a treadmill test measuring expired gas exchange is done in our office the same day as your first visit. This test costs an additional $550.00 and MUST BE PAID AT THE TIME OF THE APPOINTMENT. If you have any further questions regarding insurance billing, please contact the billing department at (702) 832-0989." END OF QUOTES We have contacted President Clinton, Senator Bob Dole, Mr. Ross Perot, the Surgeon General, most members of the U.S. Senate and U. S. House of Representatives concerning atmospheric medicine treatments--NONE OF THEM HAVE RESPONDED. Apparently, they are being controlled by the lobbyists of the A.M.A. and pharmaceutical companies. We believe that the national budget could be CUT-IN-HALF if the HBO chambers at MILITARY BASES WOULD BE USED TO TREAT CIVILIANS WHO ARE ON DISABILITY INCOME: S.S.A., S.S.I., General Assistance, government pensions, etc. It is common knowledge that the Social Security Administration will become bankrupt soon; if many of these disabled individuals become treated with atmospheric medicine and recover enough to return to work, OUR NATIONAL BUDGET COULD ONCE AGAIN BECOME BALANCED. Of course, the best part would be the substantial improvement in the quality of life for these disabled individuals and the alleviation of much suffering. How many of us have lost loved ones to terminal illnesses that could have been saved by hyperbaric medicine? THERE IS HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS. KINDLY CONTACT THE STAR OF THE SEA BY MAIL AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS FOR MORE INFORMATION.

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