Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Keely's first efforts toward disintegration of the elements of water were successful because of the differential weight of the respective atoms composing its molecules. Subsequently, he discovered that this same method, disintegration by differential mass, may be carried out with any gas, in other words, it must contain heavy atoms and light atoms. The heavy atom or oxygen in water weighs just sixteen times as much as either of the hydrogen atoms to which it is joined by chemical affinity. "In the dissociation of water, molecular and intermolecular dissociation produces the first order of ozone, which is refreshing and vitalizing to breathe. Atomic and interatomic dissociation produces the second order of ozone, which is too pure to breathe, for it produces insensibility." The third order of ozone, produced by etheric and interetheric dissociation, Keely used in his "carbon register" to produce a high vibratory circuit to break up cohesion, which he recognized as molecular magnetism. It is possible that this "dissociation" in the "carbon register" depolarized the iron molecules by allowing the corpuscular outreach to return within the molecular embrace. The acceleration of vibration producing these different orders is governed by the introductory impulse and the subsequent chords, as arranged in his Liberator, by which he dissociated water. In molecular dissociation he used one fork of 620, setting chords on the first octave. In atomic separation, he used two forks, one of 620 and one of 630, setting chords on the second octave. In etheric separation he used three forks, one of 620, one of 630 and one of 12,000, setting the chords on the third octave. "Not until the intermolecular structure of hydrogen is subdivided by interatomic vibrations, can it assimilate with the introductory etheric element." Certain differential, dual, triple or quadruple chords act as an introductory impulse exciting action on molecular masses (liquid or gaseous) decreasing molecular oscillation. They are then in a receptive state for vibratory disintegration. The diatonic-enharmonic is sounded, increasing molecular oscillation. Molecular subdivision takes place when oscillation exceeds 50% of their diameters. (Molecular or intermolecular?) The gas is now molecularly subdivided and assumes a high velocity of rotation in any confining container, be it sphere or tube and becomes the medium or prepared subject for further disintegration. At this particular time Keely sought to further excite this preparatory medium by the use of an "illuminated revolving prism" a condenser (concave mirror or convex lens) and colored lenses, thereby giving the vibratory frequencies of their respective colors. In his disintegrator a glass tube of sufficient strength to withstand a pressure of 1000 lbs. per square inch was arranged leading to the neutral center and the Trexar was attached to the external end of this glass tube. His use of this tube was probably also to convince the skeptics that the production of his power was genuine and possibly also was used to transmit color vibrations of such frequencies as to release the energy in the neutral center of the sphere.

See Also:

Source: 11

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