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Text: 5. (Q) Do animals have the faculty of mind known as subconscious? (A) No. The mind of the animal is as pertaining to the conditions that would bring the continuation of species and of foods, and in that manner all in the animal kingdom; pertaining then, Mind and Spirit; man reaching that development wherein the soul becomes the individual that may become the companion, and One with the Creator. 6. (Q) An animal has sense, remembrance, and the higher animals obey orders. How? (A) Just as has been given, or as has been seen. In the first was given man and mind [to] subdue the earth in every element. As given, again all manner of animal in the earth, in the air, under the sea, has been tamed of man, yet the man himself has not reached that wherein he may perfectly control himself, save making the will One with the Creator, as man makes the will of the animal one with his. The control then in trained animals being the projection in man. The trained mind of those in natural state, the element as given, Spirit and Mind, the specie keep life. 7. (Q) Explain the difference between experience as in an animal and experience as in man, as related to Mind. (A) In animal is that as appertains to the consciousness of the animal mind, with spirit. As in man, that is of consciousness co-related with man's development, or the higher elements of mind and of matter. Hence man developed, becomes lord and master over animal kingdom. Man degraded becomes the companion, the equal with the beast, or the beastly man. Then we would find this illustrated as in this: Experience to man gives the understanding through the subconscious obtaining the remembrance. The animal only the animal forces, as would be found in this: Fire to man is ever dread, to an animal only by sense of smell does it know the difference. The experience does not lead it away. Cayce [900-31]

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