Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: "TRUE, sin and error is not of GOD - save through His sons that BROUGHT error, through selfishness, into the experience of the souls of men, the body by which angels and archangels are separate from the fullness of the Father." Cayce (479-001) Consider this statement "..the body by which angels and archangels are seperate from the fullness of the Father." If we expand upon this and draw some parralells we can readily see some interesting ideas. This is said in relation to "the souls of men". How are "the souls of men" the "body by which angels and archangels ar seperate from the fullness of The Father."?? If Archangels are the same as the Laws of the universe then we are speaking of what some call the "Heirarchy" of Creative Powers. Laws govern activity. Activity, vibration, force, influence, source are all concretized expression in the rationional mind of 'movement'. Movement has its parameters as set by these higher forces or Laws and ALL of them are sentient demensions of force stemming from the ONE Force or, subdivisions of same. In order for the readings to say that the angelic and Archangelic Forces are ""seperate" from the fullness of the father ", "through His sons that brought error" we may well be talking about the soul; for whom the manifest condition known as Mankind or Humanity is a "projection" into materiality. Cross comparing that with the idea that we are individualized aspects of The Infinite manifesting within one of the many dimensions that exist WITHIN same we, of necessity, 'mirror' the same pattern as the macrocosm. Thus, the Trinity (as represented by the pyramid) subdividing into the quartenary (4, the square and base of the pyramid) to produce the realms of 'form' begets seven; a number known to be sacred in just about all of The Mysteries. These are the Archangels, The Seven Rishis, and their influences or forces in and through the endocrine system being 'mirrored' in the physical manifestation of the "entity". NOT that they are separate powers from us but that as an aspect of The Infinite They are Powers/Forces WITHIN our divine constitution that we individualize and anthropomorphisize then loose track of the inner meaning of. Therefore, the endocrine system within the "vehicle" of the body is revealing the pattern of The Infinite of which we are what? - part and parcel. These are hard things to word. -- Ty

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