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Text: Edgar Cayce on Problems that Confront the American People (1939) TEXT OF READING 3976-24 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the Eighth Annual Congress of the Association for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., Hotel Warner, Virginia Beach, Virginia, this 16th day of June, 1939. P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. All those attending the Eighth Annual Congress. R E A D I N G Time of Reading 4:05 to 4:45 P. M. 1. GC: You will have before you the mass thought of the American nation, its ideals, principles and purposes. You will give at this time a discourse on the major problems which confront the American people, indicating their basic causes and suggesting what attitudes we may hold and procedures we may take individually and collectively to help correct and balance these conditions. You will answer the questions, as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes, we have those suggestions here as to problems which confront American people today, and what individuals or groups may do as respecting same. 3. The ideals, the purposes that called the nation into being are well. It might be answered by saying that there needs to be on the part of each man, each woman, the adhering to those principles that caused the formulating of the American thought. 4. Yet in the present there are seen many complex problems, many conditions that are at variance to the first cause or first principles; not only among groups and individuals in high places, both from the political and the economic situations, but the problems of labor-capital as well. All of these are problems in America today, as well as that of religious thought, religious principles, racial concern, - which are mass as well as individual and group thought. 5. And these as they are stressed become more and more of a problem. For with the very thought upon those things that are at variance to the principles of right, justice, mercy, peace, the right to worship according to the dictates of the conscience, as thought is given we find that power to the thought is created by the very mass of the thought itself, as well as conditions that become individual problems in the lives of the peoples of America. 6. These are the problems not only as to who would be in power here or there, as to who would administer in this or that office, but the matter of the privilege to meet or worship according to those principles that have been set forth or proclaimed that are made so much a laughingstock by so many in the present, owing to the situations that arise. 7. Yet, as we find, if there is the turning of every man and woman to the thought of God, then we may solve every problem. For it is not by mere thought, not by any activity other than the moving force within each entity, each body; and when more of patience, more tolerance, more thought of others is advanced and kept in the heart of the individual, this lends that power, that influence, that force for good. 8. Ye are to have turmoils, - ye are to have strifes between capital and labor. Ye are to have a division in thine own land before there is the second of the Presidents that next will not live through his office - a mob rule! 9. To meet same? Only that each soul turns not to self alone and cry for strength, but that each soul LIVES in such a manner that there may be the awakening to the needs, the purposes, the causes for the nation coming into existence! 10. That such is, and to be, a part of the experience of America is because of unbelief! 11. Ready for questions. 12. (Q) As has been indicated through these channels, money is the root cause of the general economic unbalance of our country. Will you give specifically the reasons for this statement and the approach that can be made toward correction of the money order as operated today. (A) Fear on the part of those who control or direct the investing of capital into channels that give the greater outlet of their characters of outlet. As to how this may be corrected, - it is only through patience, persistence, and a RETURN to the trust in God, and NOT in the power or the might of self. For those who are hungry care not as to the source of strength or power, until there is the fulfilling of that desired. Unless there is, then, a more universal oneness of purpose on the part of all, this will one day bring - here - in America - revolution! 13. (Q) Is there today in operation an outer organization representative of the anti-Christ forces, which has power to subvert governments as well as institutions? If so, will you explain and give directions for counteracting these forces? (A) As has been given, there is the need more for the world thought, for every soul turning to the power within, and giving GOD a chance with their lives, their purposes, their desires one with His! And there IS that power that is only in the influence for destruction as man himself gives it power. But just as has been given of old, ONE with the strength, the power of the Lord, may put the thousands to flight. Then, it behooves EACH soul - here, everywhere - to seek more and more for the strength, the direction, the might of that promised in, "If ye will call, I will hear." 14. (Q) What should be the attitude of this country toward the refugee problem as it relates specifically to the Jewish people. Please explain their problems? (A) These are like every other individual. THEIR problems, so long as ALL are considered, are one. If they themselves become secular, or become tyrannical in their nature, then this - too - will become a problem in America. The attitude towards the refugees, - they that entertain those who are without home, or hungry, many entertain the Lord Himself. For, "As ye do it unto the least, ye do it unto thy Maker." That should be the attitude, ever. But LIVE, each soul, in SUCH a manner as to implant not the bigness of the individual but the love of God made manifest among men! These are problems not only, then, of the Jewish peoples but of those of every cult, of every ism or cism. For, remember the first principle - ALL are equal before God! 15. (Q) Whereas the late Rudolf Steiner announced a threefold social order which he said it was the will of the spirit of the age to bring about, and whereas he stated that this social order would come through the free will of human beings as a result of social cataclysms, - is it within the bounds of possibility that the threefold social order of Rudolf Steiner can be brought about in this country? (A) To bring the threefold activity of ANY individual other than God's will produces a PROBLEM, - whether Rudolf Steiner or whatever name! For there's only one Name given whereby man shall be directed. These are the characters of activities of social order, of social justice, - yes. But they shall be ever NOT as of ANY individual, but as just indicated, - that all are free, all are equal before God. The social order, the religious order, the economic order must all be for ONE God! For, know that the Lord thy God is ONE! 16. (Q) Would it be good to work with this end in view? If so, what course should be pursued to bring this about? (A) As an individual, study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman not ashamed, rightly dividing the words of truth, keeping self unspotted from censure of the world. This done, with the principles, the rules, - but in the NAME of the Father-God! 17. (Q) Are capital and labor fulfilling their responsibility toward each other? Where does the basic fault lie and what attitude should we take in correcting this condition? (A) Who is to judge one against another? As has been indicated, so long as there are disputes among labor, capital need not fear. When labor becomes a UNITED effort, capital may fear. As to the fault, and the attitude, - in that same principle that he that labors may eat, he that labors not may not eat. These are principles; and, to be sure, capital labors as well as he that worketh with the hands. But NOT to the detriment of, but to the united effort of all to be a greater channel of service. 18. (Q) What should be our attitude toward the Negro, and how may we best work out the karma created in relations with him? (A) He is thy brother! They that produced, they that brought servitude without thought or purpose have created that which they must meet within their own principles, their own selves. These should be taken in the attitude of their own individual fitness, as in every other form of associations. For He hath made of one blood the nations of the earth. 19. (Q) Is the Fascist movement a danger to this country? (A) Any MOVEMENT that is other than that of the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God is dangerous! 20. (Q) How can it be combated? (A) By that same purpose or principle as has been indicated. 21. (Q) Is there a racial or social problem facing America, in the U.S.? (A) As indicated, these all depend upon the effort of INDIVIDUALS to all live as brothers one with another! 22. (Q) How can it be met for the protection of our democracy? (A) Raise not democracy nor any other name above the brotherhood of man, the Fatherhood of God! 23. We are through.

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