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Text: 1. Feature Article: "Alkalize or Die" by Anna-Marie Esvang With that title Theodore A. Baroody, DC,ND, and Ph.D., (Nutrition) has written a remarkable book about the Acid/Alkaline body balance issues. In the foreword he states: "Alkalize or die. The title certainly sounds as an over-dramatization. It isn't!" The book has chapters about the chemistry, and the dietary, physical, psychological and spiritual factors of alkaline imbalances. Included is also good recipes and more. We can highly recommend that you study the book. Gary Young, ND, teaches that "Essential Oils do not work properly when the body is too acidic." In the modern western society almost everybody is too acidic, and therefore, not in perfect health. The reason being poor quality food, soft drinks, coffee, medicine, stress etc. all of which are acid-forming. Unfortunately, the overabundance of waste acids cannot be eliminated as they should so they get reabsorbed from the colon into the liver and put back into the general circulation and end up as deposits in the tissues. It is those acidic residues in the tissues that determine sickness or health! High levels of acidity is also the main cause behind alcohol and drug abuse, violence and youth rebellion. A change of diets to more alkalinic foods would dramatically reduce the prison population! The steadily increasing number of illnesses have all kinds of names, which really do not matter, because most of them come form the same root problem ~ too much acid waste in the body tissues. To have too much acidity in the body is like having too little or dirty oil in the car - one day it will just grind to a halt at the most inconvenient time and place. In order to prevent and alleviate health problems caused by over-acidity, one has to get knowledge about minerals and foods which are either alkaline-forming or acid -forming so one can establish a healthy balance. The ideal balance being 8-% alkaline and 20% acid. The acid-binding or alkaline-forming minerals are: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Iron, and Manganese. Most of the foods that contain these minerals are called alkaline-forming. The alkaline-binding or acid-forming minerals are: Phosphorous, Sulfur, Chlorine, Iodine, Bromine, Fluorine, Copper, and Silicon. Foods or other substances that contain these minerals usually leave an acid residue. The alkalines and acids either provide or take energy away from the body. All ingested substances and all situations (physical, emotional or mental) affect the body. Whether a substance is alkaline or acid is determined by its pH (potential Hydrogen). As pure energy, pH is the measurement of electrical resistance between negative and positive ions in the body. In other words, pH measures how much the negative ions (alkaline-forming) and positive ions (acid-forming) push against one another. Alkaline and acid-forming reactions are purely electro-chemical. We are not just a composition of chemical, but we are also a system of highly organized electrical reactions. We are vibrating beings. The stronger the vibration, the healthier we are*. The amplitude of body electricity alters in exact proportion to the amount of alkaline and acid-forming chemicals in the body at any moment. The interesting part is when we ingest more alkaline-forming minerals than are needed at one time, the remainder is stored in the body tissues for future use, like money in the bank. It is not like acid wastes that literally attack the joints, tissues, muscles, organs and glands causing various dysfunction. Over-alkalininty occurs only in the blood and not in the tissues, and it happens only in rare cases, for example when a person has taken some form of hyper alkalizing poison, such as lye. Here is a list of some alkaline- and acid-forming foods: Alkaline-Forming Foods: Apples Apricots Avocados Bananas Berries (except Blueberries) Cantaloupe Cherries Currants Dates Figs Gooseberry Grapes Grapefruit Lemons/Limes Mango Olives Oranges Papaya Peaches Pears Pineapple Raisins Strawberry Umeboshi Plums Watermelons Artichokes Asparagus Bamboo Shoots Beets Broccoli Brussel Sprouts Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celery Char, Swiss Corn, sweet Cucumbers Daikon Eggplant Endive Kale Kohlrabi Lettuce Onions Parsley Parsnip Pepper Potatoes Radishes Rutabaga Spinach Squash Tomatoes Turnips Amaranth Millet Quinoa Soy Products Fresh Beans Essene Bread Potatoes w/peel Almonds Alfalfa (sprouted Brown Rice Syrup Most vegetable oils (when you buy the freshest cold-pressed, untreated oils possible.) Honey, raw Dried Sugar Cane Juice Fruit Juices, natural Vegetable Juices Herbal Teas Cayenne Pepper Garlic Herbs Miso Salt Soy Spices Tamari Apple Cider Vinegar Sweet Brown (raw, unpasteurized) Rice vinegar Acid-Forming Foods: Blueberries Cranberries Plums Prunes Barley Basmati Rice Brown Rice Buckwheat Corn Meal Oats (steel cut) Rye Spelt Wheat White Rice Aduki Beans Black Beans Garbanzo Kidney Lentils Mung Beans Navy Beans Pinto Beans Red Beans White Beans Brans Breads Cereals Crackers Pastas Pastries Popcorn Tapioca Nuts (except Almonds) Pumpkin Seeds Sunflower Seeds Wheat Germ Meats (all kinds) Dairy Sweeteners Fructose Honey, processed Maple Syrup Milk Sugar Molasses Turbinado Liquor Beer Wine Coffee Coffee Substitutes Caffeine Drinks Carbonated Drinks Fruit Juices, sweetened Soft Drinks Black Teas Ketchup Mayonnaise Mustard Table Salt, refined Soy Sauce White Vinegar Cosmetics Drugs Tobacco Note: If you are trying to alkalize, there are a couple of Young Living products you will want to know about: AlkaLime - safely reduces the acidity of your digestive system. An acidic environment allows yeast & fungus to thrive. Fungi, such as Candida albicans, can create body-weakening mycotoxinsas part of its life processes. A balanced pHallows the body to maintain vigor & health. Code # 3199 8oz. $25.00 VitaGreen - The first supplement where Dr. Young added essential oils to enhance the effectiveness of the supplement. VitaGreen was developed to bring the blood back to an alkalinity pH, simply because disease cannot develop in an alkaline free-flowing blood stream. Code # 3248 120 capsules $31.00

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