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Text: Akasa: pronounced 'Akasha', 'Akashic', the 'a' sounding like the 'o' in 'hot' or 'not' or the 'ahh' of {Amen}: (Sanskrit) The word means "brilliant," "shining," "luminous." The fifth cosmic element, the fifth essence or "quintessence," called Ęther. In the Brahmanical scriptures Akasa is used for what the northern Buddhists call Swabhavat, more mystically Adi-Buddhi - "primeval buddhi"; it is also Mulaprakritic(promal-substance), the cosmical spirit-substance, the reservoir of Being and of beings. The Hebrew Old Testament refers to it as the cosmic "Waters." It is universal substantial Space; also mystically Alaya. What does this mean? It means that what we, or rather science calls "space-time" is a "stuff" not a "void". In fact the Ęther of science is a "lower" element of the mystical Akasha. It is the "stuff" which being so very rare as to density is 'moved' by the 'Will' and begets light as result of the friction caused by such movement. It is the 'movement' of the Will of the Divine upon the Ethers that is the Old Testament "And the spirit of God brooded over the waters". This is the self-differentiation of the NUN of Heliopolis and all such "divisions" of the Primordial One into multiplicity that form the basis of every "creation" myth which then becomes allegorized into metaphor, symbol, and glyph in order to inculcate a highly Divine 'event' which speaks directly to the archetypal mind of 'Man' wherein he/she 'intuits' the beauty of the Divine 'movement'. It is NOT a physical substance but physical substances exist due to a 'densification' of Ether; it having been 'moved' upon. Akasa is so rarefied that thought makes an "impression" upon it like sound does to sand spread upon a sheet of paper stretched across a speaker. EVERY idle thought of each sentient entity is "recorded" therein in quality and character. It may be 'accessed' through the MIND of 'man'. It's 'gradation called 'Ether' is what every "Mystic", Saint", "Shaman", and "Sage" used to perform "miracles". For the Will of the individual can become so totally united in purpose with the Divine that "Power" is given to him/her to call forth whatsoever he/she Wills into being. The Hall of Records is strictly a physical place which serves as a third dimensional LIVING metaphor for the true Hall of records or Akasa wherein ALL the deeds of mankind are "recorded".

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