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AEC-NASA Tech Brief

Text: "Mobius resistor is noninductive and nonreactive." No self-inductance even at high frequencies. Two ribbon conductors of equal length are affixed on opposite sides of a strip of dielectric. The assembly is then given a single twist and ends are joined to form a Mobius surface. Rigorously, it is equally and oppositely self-inductive. The inductive vector resultant is a zero-vector, but it is a vector system and quantum mechanically consists of a substructure containing non-zero vector components. Thus this is a scalar electromagnetics device and it produces a magnetostatic stress in spacetime. When an ordinary wave is impressed through the "resistor," it produces a scalar magnetostatic wave in vacuum spacetime. AEC-NASA Tech Brief. July 1968. #68-10267.

See Also: Mobius resistor, magnetic induction, anomalous phenomena, scalar electromagnetics, scalar waves, substructures.


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