Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Q.: Concerning the expansion of vibrations in active principle of motive force in motor, is this a 4th dimensional phenomena ? A.: Yes. Q.: Is electricity, sound, light and heat, similarly 4th dimensional phenomena? A.: Phases of same. Else how would there be the variation in the activity of the atomic forces through etheric forces as radiate from the sun itself, changed in the activity when same is considered in that of any form of vacuum? In the active principle as is set forth in the motive energy created by the expansions as are seen in the motor, with the sprangle and the motor with the race - this is the same energy, only increased by its activity being expanded in action, see? Just as the sun's rays piercing that of the various phases of a vacuum force that is then come in accord with atmospheric force, that impregnated with the various forms of energy in its constant change as taking place about the sphere in its motion, creating that as called high or low barometer activity, and in same bringing about the force of wind. This an expansion of the gravity in same in elements create energy and force, see? That's a good one! That's why we have wind - that's why Capricorn, or those of the opposite point, we reach that radial center as is seen from the sprangle on drum where each element takes on its activity in both down and upward movement, or as is more crudely given in how that one may be a similar motion continue to keep a pan, hat, glass, or any object with a convex surface continually in the air, as long as that particular motion is kept in action. Just the same as is its action keeps the expanding of the force set in motion to create just that continual motion." Cayce (195-56)


Source: 2

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