Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: 11) Since the consonance of two or more such simple tones always gives a more or less musical sound, and since also the ear is always more or less capable of resolving the latter into its components, the question naturally arises whether all sounds are not, theoretically at least, resolvable into simple tones. The answer to this is contained in a celebrated theorem due to the French mathematician Fourier. He has shown that any periodic vibration is the result of combining together a certain number of simple harmonic vibrations whose periods are aliquot parts of that of the former; and we have conclusive reasons for supposing that, in the same way as a compound periodic vibration gives rise to a compound sound, so the simple tones into which the ear resolves the latter are respectively due to the simple harmonic vibrations which, as the above mentioned theorem proves, make up the former.

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