Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!

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Spiritual Awareness Product Index

A Dialogue on Awakening - Communion with a Loving Brother
While there are many degrees to the illusion of separation, sometimes described as dimensions, there is only a single state of being aware or Awakened to the full expression of Creation. This is the state of Christ-Consciousness, or whole Mind, or the Oneness of all Creation. It is the state of our Being which has never changed, but seems lost from memory in our temporary focus on the illusion of separation from God. Because that is our natural state, there is nothing to earn, to learn, or do to return to it. As we remember who we truly are, we "awaken" as if from a dream; all that we experienced here in this realm of polarities, seemingly apart from the harmony of Creation, has had no effect whatsoever on our own perfection as God created us. It is in the experience of remembering who we truly are that Jesus began teaching us two thousand years ago, and continues in these dialogues today. This work has its roots in "A Course in Miracles" authored by Jesus (Esu Immanuel Sananda) through Helen Schucman. "This is the best book I have ever read that can actually take one to the very edge of remembering - if not completely through it." Dale Pond. updated and improved 2nd edition. "How can I ever communicate my gratitude for recommending Dialogue on Awakening? You have been truly the hand of god in action. I know my searching is over. I AM AWAKE! Oceans of love is being directed to you." Your friend eternally T.L. Pages: 264 TLC1798 $16.95

Amen, The Key of the Universe
Ever wonder why the word "amen" is always used to seal a prayer? This gem goes into the basic vibratory principles of nature, letters and their meanings and effects and ends with a thorough discussion of the Sacred Word of East and West. Reprint of a rare book (circa 1890) found at the Blavatsky Theosophical Lodge in London. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 58 P4597 $7.95

Atlin - Knowing I AM
"A few years ago a project was undertaken to create a machine to generate mechanical power that would produce useable electricity and drive machinery. This machine had been originally invented and built in the 1880s and did indeed generate mechanical power. The team, assembled to recreate this device, thought they could duplicate this instrument using modern technology. As innocent as this goal was - things turned out rather differently. The machine was built in a surprisingly short time. Did it successfully generate power? Not in the expected way but in a way so surprising as to be near unbelievable." The story of Atlin and the people who built her. How the dynasphere was built, when, where, how and who. A personal account of the historical backgrounds, events and people by Dale Pond. Includes extensive review of construction, operation, experiences and findings on heart, health, Consciousness and connections between Mind and Matter. 8.5" x 11" 88 pages with photos, references, bibliography and glossary. Pages: 91 B2001 $14.95

Atlin - Knowing I AM (pdf)
Digital version of the hardcopy edition. eBook, pdf format. Viewable with Adobe Acrobat. Password and access information emailed to you when payment received. Pages: 88 pdf2001 $9.95

Dale Pond, Speaking Freely
This book is a compilation of short articles (+100) written by Dale Pond from 1999-2006. The topics range from Acteinic Rays & Awakening to Love & Sympathetic Vibratory Physics. Most but not all of these articles were written in response to questions on the SVP Forum. Pages: 144 B1806 $19.95

Friendly Advice from the Universe - Hope Unlimited
A wonder-filled collection of messages for personal growth and understanding from Jesus, Cayce, St. Michael, Keely, Steiner and many others. "The text is a compendium of inspired communications which were derived from Divine guidance. The sources are many and quite varied, but all express a message to each of you. What you will be reading is spiritual wisdom which transcend time, religion or culture. The times on earth are requiring extraordinary strength, wisdom and insight. This you will find in your heart. If you do not sense it there, you should read the enclosed quotes in quietude and look again, for we are here to remind you that the wisdom and insight are really there." Jesus. 5.5" X 8". Pages: 56 P0011195 $10

Playing in Grace and Mercy
"During the development phase of the Dynasphere project there were many messages from Spirit advocating the adoption and use of more joy in one s life as a prerequisite to working with Atlin, obtaining rotation or other branches of subtle force physics. With joy involved the work becomes play and the etheric subtle forces literally come out to play with us in highly refined and joyous moment of love expressing itself very much like young children happily at play. But what is joy? What is love expressing itself? These are concepts a little foreign to the Western mind set of work hard and make money. A grim reminder we live in a material world. Here, we are being asked to set this aside and find the joy in playing with the effectual dynamics of a higher world which had been forced to find refuge and survive in churches and the like. After all playing was for children." Ever wonder why only Keely could operate his machines? We are beginning to find out. This paper presents some of the foundation ideas and concepts behind this unusual phenomena. The answer seems to lie somewhere between telekinesis (Mind in Matter) and reverence for all things. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 10 P11297 $2

Playing in Grace and Mercy (pdf)
Digital version of the hardcopy edition. eBook, pdf format. Viewable with Adobe Acrobat. Password and access information emailed to you when payment received. Pages: 10 pdf11297 $1

Soulmate Cosmological Action
Dr. Henry C. Monteith, a mathematical metaphysician, and Erika G. Monteith, a pianist and pedegogue of music, were ordained by Yahweh, from the beginning of time, to culminate their soulmate union and experience the awesome bliss of Its Oneness enfolded in Its Light and Love. As we emerged from the womb, our first cries were yearnings to find each other in this lifetime because the inevitablility of it was ingrained within our subconscious minds. We evolved through the agonies of war and painful inflictions to our bodies and minds, generated by disease, physiological defects, and man's inhumanity to man. Gradually, as we learned the lessons, taught by our enlightening experiences, our spirits moved closer and closer together. Then suddenly, after 62 years of evolving and searching, we found each other at last! Then the heavens opened; and as trhe Light of Yahweh shined down upon us, it bound us together with It's awesome love and ordained that we know the bliss of It's Oneness forever. In this book we describe the path we followed and the Sun-Cross we carried to make our personal contribution to the evolution of the cosmos and obtain our crown of eternal bliss. It can only serve as a guide to help you find your unique path along which you must carry the Sun-Cross for yourself. Soulmate Oneness is not a gift that is handed down from Heaven. It must be earned by evolving through the agony and the ecstasy of life's experiences. Pages: 665 B0705 $29.95

Spirit Messages from John Keely, Atlin and Others as told to the Musical Dynasphere Project Team
This pamphlet contains a large assortment of some of the pertinent messages from the spirits of John Keely, Atlin (the dynasphere) and others as these applied to the development and construction of the Musical Dynasphere. Few people realize the importance of working cooperatively with the spirit world (ala Findhorn) to bring the New Sciences into material manifestation. These messages illustrate this process which resulted in the beautiful Musical Dynasphere. 8.5" X 11" "Half year ago I did not understand Keely then two weeks ago I understood, and SVP ideas can extend my representation of nature. At the beginning I thought Atlin is nonsense, now I understand how it works. Dale, you do useful work..." V., Russian physicist Pages: 8 P11097 $2

Spirit Messages from John Keely, Atlin and Others as told to the Musical Dynasphere Project Team (pdf)
Digital version of the hardcopy edition. eBook, pdf format. Viewable with Adobe Acrobat. Password and access information emailed to you when payment received. Pages: 8 pdf11097 $1

Tapping into the Awakened Soul part 1
Bryan Williams presents his stuff at the 1997 Global Sciences Congress; January, Tampa, Florida. Pages: DVD020507 $19.95

The Five Loves - A Message from Mary to You - Accentuating Your Goodness & Putting It into Action
An excerpt from this pamphlet: "Dear Friends, it is my pleasure to address you here and now. I do so through the abilities of Dawn Stranges, an intuitive who has heard my message and been asked to pass it along. It is meant to give you hope and peace, and of course, greater Love. There will continue to be increasing numbers and forms of interface (messages, etc.) between your world and ours, the Spiritual Realm. Please weigh them carefully, for all seek to give you a bigger picture of Truth. Some are pure and others may be tainted with fear. Our clear messages contain no fear, but Truth in its purity. Our underlying message is to understand and transmute Fear into Love. Messages which create fear defeat our intent to spread Love. Please read the Five Loves with intent to incorporate their teachings into your life. Know that Loving the unLovable is the trick! With Much Love, Mary, Mother of Jesus." 4" X 5.5" ISBN 0-9654447-2-4 Pages: 32 P21297 $7.5

The Five Loves - A Message from Mary to You - Accentuating Your Goodness & Putting It into Action
Audio tape of the booklet by the same name. An excerpt from this pamphlet: "Dear Friends, it is my pleasure to address you here and now. I do so through the abilities of Dawn Stranges, an intuitive who has heard my message and been asked to pass it along. It is meant to give you hope and peace, and of course, greater Love. There will continue to be increasing numbers and forms of interface (messages, etc.) between your world and ours, the Spiritual Realm. Please weigh them carefully, for all seek to give you a bigger picture of Truth. Some are pure and others may be tainted with fear. Our clear messages contain no fear, but Truth in its purity. Our underlying message is to understand and transmute Fear into Love. Messages which create fear defeat our intent to spread Love. Please read the Five Loves with intent to incorporate their teachings into your life. Know that Loving the unLovable is the trick! With Much Love, Mary, Mother of Jesus." 4" X 5.5" ISBN 0-9654447-2-4 Pages: 0 AT1798 $10

The Language of Light
"This little gem reflects Love of and from the I AM. Terresa is a beautiful soul in constant communion, being One, with I AM. Her message is one of total and unconditional Love and has had enormous impact on my understanding and relationship with I AM." Dale Pond Pages: 50 P10301 $6.95

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