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Radionics & Radiesthesia Index

Abrahms & the Electron Theory
"It is the purpose of this booklet to acquaint the ordinary reader with the most recent findings of science in the field of physics, particularly in relation to living organism and the pathology of disease. Dr. Albert Abrams of San Francisco, being a pioneer in this field of physical research, has made certain discoveries of such consequence that much space is devoted to a detailed consideration of his findings. After his experiments have been described, the reader will find in Part II of this essay a full, popular treatise on the modern electron theory of matter upon which the Abrams research work is based. This part of the essay is really a simplified condensation of all the technical works on physical science of the past twenty years insofar as they relate to the electronic structure of atoms and to chemistry, recording every important discovery on the subject down to the present time." Radionics development can be traced backwards in time directly from Delawarr from Ruth Drown from Dr. Abrahms from Dr. H. S. Lewis. What did these people have in mind concerning the physics of the radionics technology? This is a rare glimpse into the paradigm that helped these people conceive and built such revolutionary devices. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 26 P0001591 $2.95

Abrams' Methods of Diagnosis & Treatment
Reprint of the original 1925 edition. Very good book. Covers: Criticisms of his devices and techniques, diagnosis and treatments of tuberculosis, cancer, goiter, colitis, high blood pressure, ulcers and dozens of lesser illnesses. Scientific review of the electrical properties of the oscilloclast. Contains schematic for building a working unit. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 76 B0451192 $7.75

Radiesthesia and some Associated Phenomena
Excellent pamphlet reviewing radiesthesia historically and presenting a larger perspective of current (1954) work, research, organizations and the various systems employed. Also presents a summary review of the work of Reich, Drown, Abrahms, etc. as it pertained to radiesthesia. Very good work. 5 1/2" X 8" pamphlet Pages: 9 P6597 $3.95

Radiesthetic Analysis
Fine pamphlet discussing the basis of radiesthesia, what it is, what is does, how to use it, its effects as assoicated with the human body and how one could use it to bring about health. Excellent work. 32 pages 5 1/2" X 8". Pages: 16 P5597 $4.95

Radionics Patents, Collection of
Collected patents of Ruth Drown, George De LaWarr, Thomas Orton on their radionic therapeutic, agriculture and other devices. Charts and diagrams of their equipment; includes the remote photographic device. Contents: 1) Method of and means for obtaining photographic images of living and other objects. (5 drawings) Patent# 19584/38; Ruth Drown 2) Improvements in electrical apparatus for the therapeutic treatment of disease. Patent Specification# 735,290; Thomas Bernard Orton 3) Improvements in electrical apparatus for the therapeutic treatment of disease. Provisional Specification# 29903; Thomas Bernard Orton 4) Improvements in electrical apparatus for the therapeutic treatment of disease. (2 drawings) Provisional Specification# 21596; Thomas Bernard Orton 5) Therapeutic Apparatus. (5 drawings) Patent# 741,761; George Walter de la Warr. 6) Therapeutic Apparatus. (6 drawings) Patent# 761,976; George Walter de la Warr. 7) Improvements in research into fundamental radiation. (11 drawings) French Patent# 1.084.318; George Walter de la Warr. [This is the camera patent.] 8.5" X 11" extensively illustrated. Pages: 33 P0001490 $9.95

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