Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!

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Apergy: Power Without Cost
"Considerable attention has been given in previous numbers of the NEW SCIENCE REVIEW to the researches, discoveries, and theoretical conclusions of John Ernst Worrell Keely, the inventor of the notable "Keely Motor;" quite sufficient, it may be, in the opinion of many readers, in view of the technical language employed, and the fact that the utility of these inventions has not been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the general public. Yet the publishers of the REVIEW have excellent reason to believe that the results of Mr. Keely's researches are all that have been claimed for them, and that this fact will soon be publicly demonstrated. They desire, therefore, to offer to their readers a plain, matter-of-fact, businesslike statement of what Mr. Keely has actually accomplished; and the writer of the present paper has been requested to visit the workshop and investigate the apparatus of the famous inventor, and to state plainly and simply the results of his investigation." Discusses the power (apergy) emanating from the Sun and Keely's attempts to harness it. This is not solar energy as we now understand it - it is much more - and much more promising. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 14 P0021488 $2.25

Apergy: Power Without Cost (pdf)
Digital version of the hardcopy edition. eBook, pdf format. Viewable with Adobe Acrobat. Password and access information emailed to you when payment received. Pages: 14 pdf21488 $1.10

Brief Analysis of the Moray Radiant Energy Device
A more complete pamphlet detailing the Moray device, its construction, development, diagrams, demonstrations and witness' accounts. Reprint of the original pamphlet assumed to have been printed in 1933. 5.5" X 8" pamphlet Pages: 50 P0012595 $5

Brief History of the Moray Radiant Device
A short pamphlet by Henry Moray describing his work and development of his famous device. This is a faithful reprint of the original pamphlet which is undated but appears to have been written in 1931. 5.5 X 8" Pages: 28 P0012495 $3

Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships
Did Keely discover and use atomic power? "All molecular masses of metal represent in their interstitial molecular spaces incalculable amounts of latent force, which, if awakened and brought into intense vibratory action by the medium of sympathetic liberation, would result in thousands of billions more power in foot-pounds than that necessary to awaken it. The resultant development of any and all forces is only accomplished by conditions that awaken the latent energy they have carried with them during molecular aggregation. If the latent force that exists in a pound of water could be sympathetically evolved or liberated up to the seventh subdivision or compound-inter- etheric, and could be stored free of rotation, it would be in my estimation sufficient to run the power of the world for a century." Keely, John Worrell. "Latent Force." Lippincott's, 1891, pg. 639-644. Keely's own words discussing his system of acoustical levitation he was working on and perfecting. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 5 P0031488 $.95

QA-3 Natural Arithmetic
Volume 3 in set of 3. Begins the application and theory, (no proofs are given in these books. Proofs are given in the books below). The subject of numbers being divided into octaves is discussed, and goes from here into applications in Music and Chemistry. The proven Law of Harmonics is given along with the solution to tones of Music Of The Spheres. "Quantizing" is explained. There is more emphasis placed upon the organization of energy. All of these books are taking an important place in the research for New Energy which is free for the taking. 8.5" X 5" perfect bound. Pages: 100 B0003794 $15

Radiant Energy - For Beyond the Light Rays Lies the Secret of the Universe - The Evolution and Transformation of the Atom
Reprint of the original pamphlet compiled in 1939 from Moray's original notes and from his booklets. This pamphlet endeavors to give a brief explanation of the Moray Radiant Energy device whereby it is possible to utilize the vast source of energy of the universe without a prime mover through the splitting of the atom by the action of the universe. "The real test of science lies not in the explosion of matter by matter or matter by energy; but energy by energy, or "super" ultrasonics against the vibrations of matter." 5.5" X 8" Pages: 20 P0001695 $4.95

Radiant Energy, Achzehner
Orignally compiled for the layman in 1926 from excerpts of writings of Dr. T. Henry Moray. In the study of these pages one should consider that both matter and radiations have corpuscular properties as well as wave properties. The corpuscular properties are evident when recognized as highly localized events of very short duration with specific values of electric charge, energy and mass. The wave properties can be proven in different ways which have been proven and taught for so many years. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 62 P1497 $9.95

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics Compendium of Terms and Phrases
A comprehensive compendium of the New Science works, writings and sciences of Tesla, Keely, Cayce, Reich and scores of contemporary and historical sources. Approximately 4,000 entries fully alphabetized and extensively cross-indexed collected from nearly 200 sources (some very hard to come by!) on and about vibration, sound and ether physics. Covers everything from Aether to Zodiac Signs. A "must have" reference source for all New Sciences, free thinking investigators, lay research persons or scientists, and engineers desiring to know what New Science, Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, Free Energy, Subtle Energy and Subtle Force Physics is all about. Contains the entire contents of "The Snell Manuscript" and every other scientific scrap of information on or about Keely and related subjects that we could incorporate. There are hundreds of selected quotes from the Cayce materials too. 8.5" X 11" 338 pages. spiral bound. ISBN 1-883401-31 This book began as my own notebook wherein I gathered every scrap of everything I studied that I felt would help me unravel Keely and some others. It eventually became such a powerful study tool I figured others would benefit by it as much as I did. I still use it almost on a daily basis. So I decided to make it available. Dale Pond Testimonials: I received your SVP Compendium a few weeks back. Though I have only had a chance to read a little here and there, I want to say what a GREAT JOB. This is one of the few Free Energy books worth the money. Mapping the out of the way corners that Free Energy Science takes us has just become a little easier. Thanks, SG. Pages: 340 B0007189 $39.95

The Moray Valve Manuscript
Written by T. Henry Moray himself. "This account will endeavor to give a brief explanation of the Moray Radiant Energy device whereby it is possible to utilize the vast stores of energy of the universe without a prime mover, but through ionic oscillation." This document was given many years ago by Moray himself to Victor Hansen who gave me a copy. Pages: 20 P1705 $2.95

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