Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!

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Aether and Ether Physics Product Index

Cavitation/Implosion Bibliography
Comprehensive collection of source and reference papers exploring technically all facets of cavitation, implosion and water hammer. Cavitation is the technical term for implosion. Cavitation vapor has been identified as Keely's etheric vapor - dissociated water. Over 200 referenced papers and books. Extensive research has shown that ether (1st order) is dissociated water which can be generated by cavitation, water hammer, electrolysis or radiolysis. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 25 P0004192 $2.95

Cayce Science Readings Index
A comprehensive index of all the references to science and science matters in the 14,000+ psychic readings of Edgar Cayce. There are many hundreds of entries covering hundreds of subjects from auras, ether, gravity to vibrations, extensively cross referenced. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 11 P0034488 $6

Divine Triplet cover image
Divine Triplet or the Law of One in considering Gold, Silver & Platinum as appiled to the Mind, Body & Spirit
Dale Pond's new book bringing the spiritual aspects of gold, silver and platinum into focus as colloids and vibrational influences and aids to the human Mind, Body and Spirit. This investigation substantiates the theoretical premise that humans may be "as Gods" (ala ancient God-men) if the given qualities of these metals were appropriately applied to the body, mind and spirit. The text explains the workings of the Cayce Wet Cell appliance as a vibratory therapeutic device. There is substantial discussion of the vibratory (alchemical and etheric) aspects of gold, silver and platinum and their vibratory effects on the human body, mind and spirit. Rarely have so many levels or dimensions of a subject been so well considered. Amply illustrated. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 110 B1597 $17.95

Dynamics of Cavitating Cascades and Inducer Pumps
The unsteady dynamics of cavitating cascades and inducer pumps were studied with a view to understanding (and possibly predicting) the dynamic characteristics of these devices. Extensive research has shown that ether (1st order) is dissociated water which can be generated by cavitation, water hammer, electrolysis or radiolysis. NASA Tech Brief. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 12 N0021192 $1.8

Earth, Ether & Music
Shine Richards reviews portions of T.J.J. See's mathematical treatises on the ether, earth and music. Exceptional lecture presenting fine materials and beautiful visuals. Audio tape from the 2nd Keely Symposium, Colorado Springs. Pages: 0 S2AT004 $10

Earth, Ether & Music
Video tape of Shine Richard's marvelous review of T.J.J. See's mathematical treatises on the ether, earth and music. Exceptional lecture presenting fine materials and beautiful visuals. Video tape from the 1989 2nd Keely Symposium, Colorado Springs. Pages: S2VT004 $20

Ether and Its Functions
"When we more carefully consider matters, however, we must concede that this way of speaking does not accurately represent even the popular view of nature. Still less does it represent the view that must be taken by every diligent observer and accurate thinker. In the case of an empty room, everybody acknowledges that it is really full of air, and that to speak of it as empty is not absolutely accurate, though sufficiently so for ordinary purposes. It does not deceive those whom we are speaking to. Quakers even have not objected to use the term. It is defensible on the same plea as stating that one is Not at home." Neither statement is verbally accurate, but neither statement deceives, and each is, in consequence, quite legitimate. It does not appear at first sight, however, that there is any obvious way in which it is inaccurate to speak of interstellar space as empty. There are, no doubt, stars and comets and nebulae and meteors, but between them surely space is empty. And yet even popularly a place is spoken of as "full of light." Surely the space all round the sun is "full of light." Can we, with perfect accuracy, speak of a space as empty which is full of light?" Excellent scholarly discussion about ether, what it is, what it does and how it functions. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 15 P0005689 $2.5

Ether and Its Functions (pdf)
Digital version of the hardcopy edition. eBook, pdf format. Viewable with Adobe Acrobat. Password and access information emailed to you when payment received. Pages: 15 pdf5689 $1.25

Etheric Forces and the Sophigurate Device (The Theory and Device for Vibrationally Repatterning Ourselves)
Dawn Stranges 45 minute presentation at the 1994 USPA on a unique and in depth review of subtle energy physics as it relates to health and science for the New Times featuring her invention of the Sophigurate an etheric healing device. One cannot know the seven different ethers and how to engineer them without a perspective as is given here. Pages: V01797 $20

Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man - A Path of Investigation into the World of the Living
Translated from the second German edition by Olin D. Wannamaker, New York; Vol. 1. Excellent book reviewing and explaining Rudolph Steiner's lectures on the ether. This is probably one of the best reference source materials on ether and its dynamics. A real classic. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 252 B0001992 $24.95

How to Tap Centropy
Dawn Stranges 45 minute presentation at the 1996 USPA on a unique and in depth review of subtle energy and etheric physics as it relates to health and science for the New Times. Centropy is the female force in Nature or Keely's Harmonic vibrations of Negative Attraction. Dawn explains this force well indeed. You will need Dawn s lucid descriptions of this force to understand Keely. Pages: V02797 $20

Keely's Etheric Force, Mr.
Moore, Clara Bloomfield. "Mr. Keely's Etheric Force." Lippincott's, 1887, pg. 249-254. Very well written explanatory paper examining Keely's etheric force, how it is developed and what he did with it. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 6 P0010488 $1.50

Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships
Did Keely discover and use atomic power? "All molecular masses of metal represent in their interstitial molecular spaces incalculable amounts of latent force, which, if awakened and brought into intense vibratory action by the medium of sympathetic liberation, would result in thousands of billions more power in foot-pounds than that necessary to awaken it. The resultant development of any and all forces is only accomplished by conditions that awaken the latent energy they have carried with them during molecular aggregation. If the latent force that exists in a pound of water could be sympathetically evolved or liberated up to the seventh subdivision or compound-inter- etheric, and could be stored free of rotation, it would be in my estimation sufficient to run the power of the world for a century." Keely, John Worrell. "Latent Force." Lippincott's, 1891, pg. 639-644. Keely's own words discussing his system of acoustical levitation he was working on and perfecting. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 5 P0031488 $.95

New Theories of Matter and of Force
An extensive work on ether physics written in the 1800s. Has some of the best reviews of ether and ether physics from the 1800s. An absolute must for any researcher or scientist. 400 pages, spiral bound, reviewed in JSVP 8/89. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 400 B0001989 $39.00

On Motion of a Perfect Incompressible Fluid when no Solid Bodies are Present
Very technical mathematical paper exploring the nature of ether. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 44 P0001489 $4

Operation of the Vibratory Circuit
"The working part of this device consists, first, of an outside ring carrying on its inside face nine pieces -- equidistant from each other --- called polar accelerators; which constitute the polar field or polar circuit. Second, another ring of less diameter, situated inside of the larger ring, and carrying on its face eight disks, with a triple grouping in each, representing the depolar field, or field of high polar interference." Keely describing how the circuit of vibration energy (in his Disintegrator - what we would call today an analog Signal Generator and Synthesizer - it also dissociates water into etheric vapor) was developed and operated and what he did with it. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 9 P0018488 $2

Playing in Grace and Mercy
"During the development phase of the Dynasphere project there were many messages from Spirit advocating the adoption and use of more joy in one s life as a prerequisite to working with Atlin, obtaining rotation or other branches of subtle force physics. With joy involved the work becomes play and the etheric subtle forces literally come out to play with us in highly refined and joyous moment of love expressing itself very much like young children happily at play. But what is joy? What is love expressing itself? These are concepts a little foreign to the Western mind set of work hard and make money. A grim reminder we live in a material world. Here, we are being asked to set this aside and find the joy in playing with the effectual dynamics of a higher world which had been forced to find refuge and survive in churches and the like. After all playing was for children." Ever wonder why only Keely could operate his machines? We are beginning to find out. This paper presents some of the foundation ideas and concepts behind this unusual phenomena. The answer seems to lie somewhere between telekinesis (Mind in Matter) and reverence for all things. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 10 P11297 $2

Proceedings ASME Symposium on Water Hammer
The definitive engineering papers on water hammer theory and practice. 1961, 1931 and 1949 proceedings included. 156 pages of intensive science and physics. Can't repeat Keely's etheric vapor accomplishments without this knowledge! Extensive research has shown that ether (1st order) is dissociated water which can be generated by cavitation, acoustic shock, water hammer, electrolysis or radiolysis. 8.5" X 11" 158 pages. Pages: 158 B0004292 $19.95

Rays and Radiation Phenomena
A look into Ether, Bio-Cosmic radiations of the body and other related energies and phenomena. Bio-Cosmic energy is the same as "Kirlian" energy forms and "aura" radiations. Excellent work. 5.5" X 8" pamphlet Pages: 25 P0005695 $5

Structure of Ether and Its Subtle Forces
"The magnificent energy matrices which coalesce to form galaxies also determine your health, the nature of atomic bonds, and all dynamics in between. This paper will discuss the structure of Ether and those forces, advancing a generalized, panoramic perspective. Better yet, and more importantly, the dynamics discussed can be applied to everyday life, and used to more deeply grasp the subtleties of subtle force physics. The author's work on two Etheric devices and case studies from her practice will be offered as evidence that the dynamics discussed hold much promise for improving the quality of life. The Universe is all One dynamic, and growing to understand it in broader terms makes all of life more understandable. Above all, dynamics are presented to catalyze the reader's deeper insights." Dawn's excellent paper prepared for and presented at the Conference on Foundation and Fundamental Principles of the Universe, Grass Valley, California, 1997. This document is short but gives an absolutely essential view of the ether as it is in nature and its importance to us in science and philosophy. She also goes on to relate how to engineer the seven different ethers and discusses its use in the Keely Musical Dynasphere and her own invention the Sophigurate healing device. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 8 P1797 $3

Structure of Ether and Its Subtle Forces (pdf)
Digital version of the hardcopy edition. eBook, pdf format. Viewable with Adobe Acrobat. Password and access information emailed to you when payment received. Pages: 8 pdf1797 $1.5

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics Compendium of Terms and Phrases
A comprehensive compendium of the New Science works, writings and sciences of Tesla, Keely, Cayce, Reich and scores of contemporary and historical sources. Approximately 4,000 entries fully alphabetized and extensively cross-indexed collected from nearly 200 sources (some very hard to come by!) on and about vibration, sound and ether physics. Covers everything from Aether to Zodiac Signs. A "must have" reference source for all New Sciences, free thinking investigators, lay research persons or scientists, and engineers desiring to know what New Science, Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, Free Energy, Subtle Energy and Subtle Force Physics is all about. Contains the entire contents of "The Snell Manuscript" and every other scientific scrap of information on or about Keely and related subjects that we could incorporate. There are hundreds of selected quotes from the Cayce materials too. 8.5" X 11" 338 pages. spiral bound. ISBN 1-883401-31 This book began as my own notebook wherein I gathered every scrap of everything I studied that I felt would help me unravel Keely and some others. It eventually became such a powerful study tool I figured others would benefit by it as much as I did. I still use it almost on a daily basis. So I decided to make it available. Dale Pond Testimonials: I received your SVP Compendium a few weeks back. Though I have only had a chance to read a little here and there, I want to say what a GREAT JOB. This is one of the few Free Energy books worth the money. Mapping the out of the way corners that Free Energy Science takes us has just become a little easier. Thanks, SG. Pages: 340 B0007189 $39.95

The Cayce Etheronic Device as Developed by Dr. Paul Cold
The Cayce Etheronic Device as Developed by Dr. Paul Cold (#440). This is the device described in the 440 readings (the 'science readings') also mentions readings 442 and 443. The book contains text of readings, schematics, drawings and photocopies of photographs. The book is exceedingly rare, copied from one of two copies known to exist. One of those two originals has been in my archives since acquired by gift in 1987. Pages: 65 B11206 $19.95

Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: Keely's Secrets Understanding and Using the Science of Sympathetic Vibration
Ten years of research went into this book. This collection of articles by Keely, Tesla, Dale Pond and many others reveals the scientific significance and correlations of Keely's work: the science of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics. The text has been completely retypeset, laid-out and re-illustrated. This volume contains the most comprehensive interpretation of SVP ever done. This is the definitive book on Keely's discoveries and science. It includes Pond's clarifications on Keely's 40 Laws of Harmony. Extensively illustrated including the original crystal clear Library of Congress photographs. Most of Keely s beautiful Acoustic Charts (donated by Mr. Tonn) have been computer enhanced and are legible and are included. Contains a comprehensive bibliography of source materials. 8.5" x 11", 284 pages. ISBN 1-57282-003-9 Testimonials: I have studied Keely's work and compared it to many other scientific and esoteric sources without finding anything proven that contradicts it. The thing is, there have been many impressive scientific achievements over the years which have been very useful but their explanations always seem uncomfortable, unsatisfactory speculation without cohesion. Whereas Keely's theories just seem to feel so right. When I read Keely's explanations I can't help but say to myself, that has to be how it is. "M.H., July, 1998 "This is future technology beyond anything we have discussed in FTIR. We have known of John W. Keely (and Dale Pond) since 1990, and brought Keely s work to your attention on a couple of occasions. Now comes this beautifully produced volume, over-size, with photographs, patent drawings, charts, graphs, etc. May be, at long last, Keely's genius and Dale Pond's persistence will penetrate a substantial market. Keely is truly unique, a technology unlike anything else we know about, magnificent intricacy. In brief, all is sympathetic vibration, and sympathetic vibration is the etheric force. But this essential simplicity may be why Keely's work has taken so long to penetrate. The casual reader opening a Keely book is faced with equipment that superficially resembles late 19th century workbench apparatus but described in musical, acoustical terms. Dale Pond has done a masterful job at laying out Keely s ideas and blending text with diagrams and photographs, but many of the concepts are elusive (As an example, Keely's triple chords still baffle this Editor.) Working in 1880, Keely is 200 years ahead of the rest of us. For example, on page 165 is a Keely schematic dated 1894 compared to a similar schematic by famed quantum physicist Richard Feynman over 80 years later. It takes an understanding of acoustics and musical theory to even begin to understand Keely. The essence is the "music of the spheres" known to ancient wisdom ... more simply all is sympathetic vibratory resonance. While modern engineering recognizes harmonics, Keely proposes many more relationships than merely doubling and halving frequencies. But this should not stiop you from spending time with Keely s ideas. With just an introductory physics course somewhere in your background and acquaintance with musical theory (much of Keely is in musical notations) you will travel a long way with this book. This is the kind of book you pull out time and time again over the years each time mastering a little more of Keely's intricate, unique concepts. This should be in your library, DEFINITELY." Anthony C. Sutton, editor Future Technology Intelligence Report. March, 1996. Just finished reading the book. I don't think you fully realize the extent your comments and Keely's discoveries have helped to extend my understanding of religion. I am speaking of religion in general not just one religion while disgarding the others. God created the world, science didn't. Therefore God comes first, science follows. Your book helped the bridge between religion, science, metaphysics, philosophy, etc. I cannot thank you enough for publishing this book. I hope you publish more on Keely and related discoveries. These books may not be on the best seller list but they are deeply appreciated. Please put me on your list if subjects on Keely or related topics are published." SG "I continue to find your work extremely interesting and exciting. I purchased your book "Universal Laws Never Before Revealed..." and thoroughly enjoyed it. I had trouble sleeping thinking about the many concepts covered therein... I also wrote a laudatory book review on the site, so hopefully more people can become aware of Keely and the study of sympathetic vibratory physics." IB Pages: 285 B0001689 $19.95

What the Ether Really Is
Video tape of Wim Leys' marvelous review of Steiner's lectures on the four ethers. Perhaps one of the best presentations on the subject anywhere. Very well received presentation and exclaimed excellent by those who know. Video Tape from 3rd Keely Symposium, Philadelphia. Pages: S3VT0012 $20

What the Ether Really Is
This audio tape by Wim Leys is a review of Steiner's lectures on the four ethers. Very well received presentation and exclaimed excellent by those who know. Audio Tape from 3rd Keely Symposium, Philadelphia. Pages: 0 S3AT0012 $10

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