Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!

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Electromagnetism Product Index

A New Concept of the Universe
"The Russell Cosmogony with its new concepts of light, matter, energy, electricity and magnetism is a simple yet complete, consistent and workable cosmogony which will enable future scientists to visualize the universe as a unified whole, and will open the door to the New Age of Transmutation." Walter Russell, 173 pages 6" x 9" Pages: 173 BKS400 $20

Abrams' Methods of Diagnosis & Treatment
Reprint of the original 1925 edition. Very good book. Covers: Criticisms of his devices and techniques, diagnosis and treatments of tuberculosis, cancer, goiter, colitis, high blood pressure, ulcers and dozens of lesser illnesses. Scientific review of the electrical properties of the oscilloclast. Contains schematic for building a working unit. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 76 B0451192 $7.75

Atlin - Knowing I AM
"A few years ago a project was undertaken to create a machine to generate mechanical power that would produce useable electricity and drive machinery. This machine had been originally invented and built in the 1880s and did indeed generate mechanical power. The team, assembled to recreate this device, thought they could duplicate this instrument using modern technology. As innocent as this goal was - things turned out rather differently. The machine was built in a surprisingly short time. Did it successfully generate power? Not in the expected way but in a way so surprising as to be near unbelievable." The story of Atlin and the people who built her. How the dynasphere was built, when, where, how and who. A personal account of the historical backgrounds, events and people by Dale Pond. Includes extensive review of construction, operation, experiences and findings on heart, health, Consciousness and connections between Mind and Matter. 8.5" x 11" 88 pages with photos, references, bibliography and glossary. Pages: 91 B2001 $14.95

CayceConcepts Detoxified Iodine
Perhaps Cayce's crowning achievement was found here in spelling out a viable means for detoxifying iodine.Ý Once this is accomplished the body can not only recognize but fully assimilate this vital and much misunderstood element.Ý Cayce, in his immutable grasp of the situation recognized that iodine deficiency was far beyond the scope of addressing goiter, even though it was quite prevalent at the time.Ý In sufficient amounts in a detoxified form the iodine vibration could not only adjust a dysfunctional thyroid, it could assist with a host of glandular imbalances as well as a wide assortment of internal as well as external bacteria, fungi, and virus s.Ý The list is so extensive that the readings refer to the product name (Atomidine) more than 4,400 times during the course of his overall discourse.Ý These numbers alone reveal it as a core constituent to his discussion of health and illness.Ý Once again it is absolutely essential that a naturally occurring iodine be utilized in making the product.Ý This is a powerful element and when it s misused or abused it has a powerfully bad effect on the body.Ý The other thing to keep in mind is that Mr. Cayce suggested it would still be necessary to electrically charge the iodine, and thereby render it into a state the body could recognize, prior to oral consumption. Pages: PT01 $20

Electricity in the Treatment of Disease. A Practical Guide to its Application; What it is & What it will Accomplish
Reprint from the original 1886 text. Another turn of the century reprint. Modern medicine may do well to review this field of medical research. Electricity is finally being recognized as useful in the treatment of viruses, healing bones and pain control. Review of older research is demonstrating a lot of this was already known. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 77 B0005692 $11.95

Electrostatic Propulsion Using C60 Molecules
Molecular C60 has never been proposed as a spacecraft propellant. It, along with other large clusters of stable carbon molecules were only discovered in 1984. The C60 or buckminsterfullerene appears to be a superior ion propulsion material. NASA Tech Brief. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 9 N0031293 $1.35

Essay Upon Force in Nature and its Effect Upon Matter, An
"The following essay embodies an attempt to show that planetary movement can not be perfected by the theory of gravitation as received. Beyond this, suggestions are offered in support of the idea that planetary movements are caused by the effect of force on matter, not inherent in matter: and further, that the one, primal force on which planetary movewment depends, modified by special effects upon substances differing in kind, in arrangement, and in position, is that which, under the modified conditions, is called by the various names of force, as of attraction and repulsion, cold and beat, electricity, magnetism, weight, etc.- in other words, it is thought that differences of forces by name should be taken as being expressions of differences in manifestations of a same force, but not of specific differences of forces;-the differences as to manifestation arising from peculiarities of matter on which the one force acts" This excellent book presents subtle changes to the conventional scientific systems. The emerging paradigm was first seen in the early 1800s before it was 'forgotten'. It is believed that Skinner had intimate contact with Keely and this book details some of the insights that led Keely to some of his discoveries. 8.5" X 11" Also in pdf format. Pages: 48 B0013488 $5.95

Essentials of Medical Electricity
Originally published in 1891 contains much of the original work in this long forgotten and mis-aligned field of therapy. The use of electricity in TENS devices, killing pathogens and for healing bones is now being recognized and widely used. This volume contains some of the original research. Illustrated. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 84 B0004692 $14.95

Experiments on Rotating, Charged Liquid Drops
Report describes experiments in which electrically charged drops of liquid were levitated electrostatically and rotated and vibrated acoustically. NASA Tech Brief. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 28 N0003592 $3.65

High-Temperature Electrostatic Levitator
The apparatus schematically provides electrostatic levitation and radiant heating of a small sample of material in a vacuum. Unlike in an electromagnetic levitator (in which the sample must be a conductor), the sample can be an electrical insulator, or semiconductor, and the rate of heating can be controlled independently of the levitating force. NASA Tech Brief. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 14 N0010294 $1.95

Magnetic Current
Reprint of the original pamphlet written by Leedskalnin. The Magician of Coral Castle left a few pamphlets detailing his ideas of magnetism, bio-energies and gravity. This is one of them. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 18 P0002695 $3

Megavolt, Multi-Gigawatt Pulsed Plasma Switch
Got a lot of power to control? This might be the answer for your switching needs. To meet the requirements for the output switch of an ultra-high-power (>30 GW) pulser, an upgrading design for an inverse-switch is considered. This is a design of a compact, high-voltage, pulsed-power switch. Developed for military purposes - probably space stationed laser weaponry (Star Wars type stuff.). 8.5" X 11" Pages: 5 N0006296 $1

Microwave Dielectrophoretic Levitation In Microgravity
Method and apparatus to position a sample of any electrically polarizable material requiring no active control mechanism and in any atmosphere, including vacuum, and in which the positioning force can be decoupled from heating in some cases. NASA Tech Brief. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 21 N0051293 $1.95

Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Life
Reprint of the original pamphlet written by Leedskalnin. The Magician of Coral Castle left a few pamphlets detailing his ideas of magnetism, bio-energies and gravity. This is one of them. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 8 P0003695 $2

New Action of the Magnetic on Electric Current
Early technical mathematical paper exploring little known relations between magnetism and electricity. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 8 P0003489 $1.35

On Motion of a Perfect Incompressible Fluid when no Solid Bodies are Present
Very technical mathematical paper exploring the nature of ether. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 44 P0001489 $4

On the General Equations of Electro-Magnetic Action, with Application to a New Theory of Magnetic Attractions, and to the Theory of the Magnetic Rotation of the Plane of Polarization of Light
Very technical mathematical paper. Interesting ideas about interactions between magnetism, electricity and light. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 26 P0006489 $2.75

On the Reduction to Normal Air Temperatures of the Platinum Temperatures in the Low-Temperature Researches of Professors Dewar and Fleming
Very interesting paper on the phenomena of measuring temperatures as a function of electrical resistance of platinum that changes with temperature. Reminds one of some of Keely's laws of vibration. Originally published in 1898 and includes another article: "The Thermo-Electric Diagram from -200ƒ C. to 100ƒ C. Deduced from the Observations of Professors Dewar and Fleming." by the same author. These papers are important in the study of Keely's gold, silver and platinum wires. Pages: 12 P0161194 $1.5

Power Fight
Reprint of the original 1932 edition. Accurate and factual report on the monopolization of the electric power industry prior to and during the 1930s. Names names, companies, alliances, trusts, government records and gives source references for every fact. Indexed. Proves the "Public Utility" fraud, who did it, why and how. A real eye opener! You'll know why New Science and Physics has been fighting an uphill battle and who is causing the trouble, pollution and oppression. 8.5" X 11" 160 pages. Pages: 160 B0361192 $14.95

Practical Notes on the use of Galvanism and Faradism in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease
Reprint from the original 1876 text. Long lost but very valuable work on the use of electricity in its different forms in the treatment of diseases. Illustrated showing various devices and procedures. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 47 P0001692 $6.95

Preliminary Notes on Mr. Halls' Recent Discovery
Very technical review of "New Action of the Magnetic on Electric Current". 8.5" x 11" Pages: 7 P0004489 $1.25

Quartz Oscillators and Their Applications
Excellent technical book on crystals and crystal resonators. Covers quartz crystals, piezo-electric phenomena, quartz resonators, resonators in electric circuits, luminous resonator, quartz oscillator, frequency and thermal coefficients, nature of vibrations, applications and crystal structure. Referenced and indexed. Highly recommended. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 80 B0371192 $7.95

Radiant Energy, Achzehner
Orignally compiled for the layman in 1926 from excerpts of writings of Dr. T. Henry Moray. In the study of these pages one should consider that both matter and radiations have corpuscular properties as well as wave properties. The corpuscular properties are evident when recognized as highly localized events of very short duration with specific values of electric charge, energy and mass. The wave properties can be proven in different ways which have been proven and taught for so many years. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 62 P1497 $9.95

Radionics Patents, Collection of
Collected patents of Ruth Drown, George De LaWarr, Thomas Orton on their radionic therapeutic, agriculture and other devices. Charts and diagrams of their equipment; includes the remote photographic device. Contents: 1) Method of and means for obtaining photographic images of living and other objects. (5 drawings) Patent# 19584/38; Ruth Drown 2) Improvements in electrical apparatus for the therapeutic treatment of disease. Patent Specification# 735,290; Thomas Bernard Orton 3) Improvements in electrical apparatus for the therapeutic treatment of disease. Provisional Specification# 29903; Thomas Bernard Orton 4) Improvements in electrical apparatus for the therapeutic treatment of disease. (2 drawings) Provisional Specification# 21596; Thomas Bernard Orton 5) Therapeutic Apparatus. (5 drawings) Patent# 741,761; George Walter de la Warr. 6) Therapeutic Apparatus. (6 drawings) Patent# 761,976; George Walter de la Warr. 7) Improvements in research into fundamental radiation. (11 drawings) French Patent# 1.084.318; George Walter de la Warr. [This is the camera patent.] 8.5" X 11" extensively illustrated. Pages: 33 P0001490 $9.95

Stirling-Cycle Refrigerator Containing Piezoelectric Pumps
Part 1 The invention uses a special hemispherical-shape disk made out of piezo-electric material recently developed. One of the faces of the ceramic piezo-electric disk has been chemically reduced during the forming of the ceramic. This reduction imparts the hemispheric shape to the disk when the disk is at rest, i.e. when no electric input is supplied. Application of an electric input causes an electric field between the faces of the disk, and in response the hemispherical shape of the disk changes. Depending on the polarity of the applied electric field the hemispherical shape either flattens or heightens. Part 2 of the invention is a new type Sterling cycle refrigerator. Sterling-cycle refrigerators operate on a closed thermodynamic regenerative cycle with isothermal compression and expansion of the working fluid at different temperature levels. As an integral part of Sterling-cycle cryogenic refrigerators pump devices are needed. The new piezo-electric pump device of part 1 of the invention is used in the new refrigerator as a high-performance compressor and expander pump. To further improve the new refrigerator performance, the invention also features a displacement boost transfer pump to optimise heat exchanger performance. External inputs to the displacement pump are used to control whether at any one time laminar or turbulent flow exists in the heat exchangers for additional improved heat exchanger performance. NASA Tech Brief. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 9 P0005195 $1.75

Tesla Oscillator
"The so-called Oscillator" was near to a practical working form when the fire occurred, and as this machine, in a less finished shape, had been exhibited at the Chicago Exposition, and has received a large share of his attention since that time, he has considerately given the public some photographs and details of the more advanced forms of this engine. Tesla's researches and inventions have heretofore been confined to purely electrical problems, and electricians were naturally expecting a continuation of such work, but this inventor appears to delight in surprises, and when the Oscillator was announced for the first time, the general conelusion that Tesla had contrived some way of shaking the earth's electric charge, or had made some other ultra scientific step of a like character, was far from the truth." Review of the Tesla Oscillator (earthquake machine) and its significance to science and society. Also gives some detail as to its workings and why it is so important. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 6 P0032488 $1.15

The Secret of Light
A century and more ahead of his time, Walter Russell, in The Secret of Light presents a unique Cosmogony, that of a universe in which Creator and Creation are proven to be a seamless, unified whole, and in which the dualism of "mind and matter" disappears. In revelation of what he terms "natural science," Russell presents a two-way, magnetic-electric thought-wave universe, cyclic in nature and eternally "creating," as opposed to the "created, expanding, entropic universe" of current science. Russell's philosophy of the science of Being, the invisible world of Cause the nature of consciousness, knowing, thinking, sensing, inspiration, intuition, energy, and the creative process and the science of Expressed Being, the visible world of Effect the nature of light, the wave structure of universal creation, the creation of the elements that make up our visible world, and the cycle nature of life and death are proven a unified continuum. The Secret of Light illuminates the many questions regarding the nature of "science and consciousness." Dr. Francis Trevelyan Miller (LITT.D., LL.D.), Historical Foundations, New York, wrote in 1947 of The Secret of Light, "I hasten to congratulate you on your epoch-making achievement in giving the world The Secret of Light. In this little volume, with its tremendous magnitude of thought, you have given Science and human knowledge a rebirth a transmigration from its physical plane to its potential grandeur on the cosmic plane. "You have opened the door into the infinite science must enter. It may hesitate; it may engage in controversy, but it cannot afford to ignore the principles you have established which eventually will revolutionize man s concept of himself, his world, his universe, and his human problems. "You have done for us in the Twentieth Century what Ptolemy, Euclid, Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler did for their earlier centuries. But you have further penetrated all physical barriers and extended your discoveries into definite forms of the infinite law which created our universe and keeps it in operation with mathematical precision through the millions of years. "Hitherto, Science while delving into these infinite sources has not attempted to define them. It has left the terminology to the ecclesiastics and theological dialectics. You have the courage and vision to start where they leave off to explore the creative or spiritual law which motivates everything that exists: principles of far greater import than Einstein s relativity. I hail you as a forerunner of our New Age of Science. Part I: Omniscience, The Universe of Knowing Part II: Omnipotence, The Universe of Power Part III: Omnipresence; The Universe of Being Spanish Translation available. 330 pages 5 1/2" x 8 1/4" Pages: 330 BKS300 $20

The Universal One
A "must" for the serious student of Russell science and philosophy, The Universal One is Walter Russell's first expression of his new Cosmogony explaining the Mind-centered electromagnetic universe. Russell later revised some of the content of The Universal One in The Secret of Light and A New Concept of the Universe. Students of the Russell science should be aware of the historic sequence of Walter Russell s books of science, and note the various changes in details which Walter Russell himself made. Nikola Tesla told Walter Russell to hide his cosmogony from the world for a thousand years. Though a century or more ahead of its time, The Universal One, uniting spiritual Cause and scientifically observable Effect in a seamless whole, is now appealing to the many people scientists and laymen alike who are examining the nature of science and consciousness. In this 1926 historic volume, Walter Russell first reveals the possibility of transmutation of the elements. This is a universe of Mind, a finite universe, limited as to cause, and to the effect of cause. A finite universe, in which the effects of cause are limited, must also be limited as to cause; so when that measurable cause is known, then can man comprehend and measure all effects. The effects of cause are complex and mystify man, but cause itself is simple. The universe is a multiplicity of changing effects of but One unchanging cause. All things are universal. Nothing is which is not universal. Nothing is of itself alone. Man and Mind and all creating things are universal. No man can say: I alone am I. There is but One universe, One Mind, One force, One substance. When man knows this in measurable exactness then will he have no limitations within those which are universal." Walter Russell, from The Prelude to The Universal One. Part I: Creation; The Life Principle; Mind, The One Universal Substance; Thinking Mind; The Process of Thinking; Thinking Registered in Matter; Concerning Appearances; The Sex Principle; Sex Opposites of Light; The Reproductive Principle; Energy Transmission; A Finite Universe; A Dimensionless Universe; Concerning Dimension; The Formula of Locked Potentials; Universal Oneness; Omnipresence; Omnipotence; Omniscience. Part II: Dynamics of Mind & Light Units of Matter; Electricity and Magnetism; New Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism; Electricity; The Elements of Matter; The Octave Cycle of the Elements of Matter; The Instability and the Illusion of Stability of Matter; The Universal Pulse; Concerning Energy; Electro-Magnetic Pressure; Attraction and Repulsion; Gravitation and Radiation; Expressions of Gravitation and Radiation - Universal Direction; Universal Mathematics & Ratios; Charging & Discharging Poles; The Wave; Time; Temperature; Color; Universal Mechanics; Rotation; Revolution; Crystallization; Plane and Ecliptic; Ionization; Valence; Tone; Conclusion; New Laws and Principles. The Universal One Contains numersou charts and diagrams.The Universal One is both an historic and present/future treasure illuminating questions about universal cosmogony and philosophical considerations of the nature of the universe. 266 pages 8" x 11" Pages: 266 BKS100 $50

Theory of Electric Absorption
Early technical mathematical paper exploring little known aspects of electricity, induction and conduction. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 7 P0002489 $1.25

Two Electrical Switching Phenomena in a Silver Filled Epoxy
Two distinct electrical switching phenomena have been observed in experiments on a commercial silver-filled epoxy. Depending on the geometry of an epoxy layer or strip and of metal electrical contacts, there is either (1) a transition from an "off" (high-resistance) state at low applied electric field to an "on" (low-resistance) state at high applied electric field; or (2) a transition from "on" (low resistance) at low applied electric field to "off" (high resistance) at high applied electric field. NASA Tech Brief. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 44 N0002896 $4.95

What Electricity Is. A Revelation of Forgotten Knowledge
"Now that modern science has proclaimed, from her seat of learning (at the recent annual meeting of the British Association), that it knows nothing of "the great central mystery, the origin of life" - that "the stupendous problems, associated with the operation of the laws of nature," which the highest scientific intellects have been wrestling with for several generations, are still unsolved - that the questions, Whence come we?" Why are we here?" "Whither go we?" remain unanswered; and that if we strain our eyes to pierce the cloud of mystery which envelopes these phenomena of nature, it is only to feel the conviction that it is impenetrable; that no certain knowledge can be obtained now that science thus admits her abject ignorance on all these subjects, could there be a more fitting time to make known to the world the fact that Keely's system of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics solves these problems, answers these questions, and demonstrates in mechanics what its canons assert?" An indepth review of Keely's insights into electricity. It is not quite what orthodox science believes it to be. Electricity, magnetism and gravity form a triune whole. Manifested electricity is evidence of disturbed equilibrium of that whole. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 17 P0001290 $2

What Electricity Is. A Revelation of Forgotten Knowledge (pdf)
Digital version of the hardcopy edition. eBook, pdf format. Viewable with Adobe Acrobat. Password and access information emailed to you when payment received. Pages: 17 pdf1290 $1

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