Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!

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Crystals Product Index

Contactless Calorimetry for Levitated Samples
The temperature and specific heat of a hot sample would be measured with a pyrometer in a proposed experimental technique. The technique is intended especially for contactless calorimetry of such materials as undercooled molten alloys, the samples of which must be levitated to prevent contamination and premature crystallization. NASA Tech Brief. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 13 N0001488 $2.1

Making Diamondlike Films More Transparent
Diamondlike carbon films produced with plasmas have high optical absoprtion. It has been found that the use of inert gases during the plasma process deposition causes a darkening of the films. The dual beam deposition process allows substantial increases in transmittance. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 5 P0121194 $1

Melt Stirring by Horizontal Crucible Vibration
A horizontal vibration technique has been suggested for stirring of melts in sealed Bridgman-type crystal-growth crucibles. The vibration method may be more effective than the conventional Accelerated Crucible Rotation Technique for magnetic garnet and other special crystals. NASA Tech Brief. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 7 N0321192 $1.25

Mode Orientation Control for Sapphire Dielectric Ring Resonator
A small sapphire tuning wedge device is used in a technique for solving a mode-purity problem associated with a sapphire dielectric-ring resonator that is part of a cryogenic microwave frequency discriminator. Such a resonator is typically used to stabilize the frequency and ensure the spectral purity of a microwave signal generator by frequency multiplication from a 5-MHz quartz-crystal oscillator. NASA Tech Brief. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 21 N0001296 $3.25

Physics of Love - The Ultimate Universal Laws
Explore Keely's 40 laws of physics of love, of harmony and of consciousness in an easy-to-understand and exciting book. The universal laws in this book are applicable to music, electronics, mechanics, healing and all branches of science and philosophy. This rapidly expanding science demonstrates the commonality that underlies all phenomena - vibration. Another name for Sympathetic Vibration is Love. This work is designed to give you an insight and understanding of the basic principles operating within the realm of sound and vibration. This book was primarily written to explain the basics of SVP as found in "Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: Keely's Secrets." It is also designed to enhance the evolution of a more wholistic philosophical concept of life and nature. 8.5" X 11" 145 pages. ISBN 1-57282-002-0 Testimonials: "It's slow reading - at times difficult reading, but when one finishes there is a strong and basic insight into fundamental principles. I cannot recommend it highly enough." Special from Frederic Stoessel: Recommended reading for those who want to know answers to what is really going on. "I did, however, want to thank you for your warm list welcome and tell you how thrilled I am to be reading your "The Physics of Love" book. I have only recently come across it, but this is definitely the right timing, as I have been intensely studying Earth energy, vibrational frequencies and everything in between for two years. I'd been searching for exactly what it was that I'd "discovered" - and this was difficult, since I'd been exploring so many different functions of vibratory physics...genetics, color therapy, health, sound, psychology, radionics, crystallography and how these mught be tied into ancient history and ancient art. I was extremely pleased to see your umbrella diagram on page 4, breaking "Sympathetic Vibratory Physics" into all the various fields. This was a beautiful confirmation for me that even though I might be studying many parallel "lines" , I am still on one basic track." C. 10/98 Pages: 144 B0001396 $15.95

Quartz Oscillators and Their Applications
Excellent technical book on crystals and crystal resonators. Covers quartz crystals, piezo-electric phenomena, quartz resonators, resonators in electric circuits, luminous resonator, quartz oscillator, frequency and thermal coefficients, nature of vibrations, applications and crystal structure. Referenced and indexed. Highly recommended. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 80 B0371192 $7.95

System of Chemistry, Vol. III
Volume III of four volumes. Reprint of original 1804 edition. Bridges old alchemy with modern chemistry. Many insights that "couldn't fit" were left out of the modern paradigm. Covers Affinity, Cohesion, Crystallization, Saturation and Repulsion. 8.5" X 11" Pages: 62 B0391192 $9.95

Temperature Controller for Crystal Resonators
A new temperature controller for quartz crystal resonators operates on less than 5W prime power and can heat a crystal from -10ƒC to +75ƒC in less than 45 sec. Temperature control is accurate to within 0.7ƒC. NASA Tech Brief. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 15 N0251192 $2.25

Temperature-Compensated Sapphire Microwave Resonator
A sapphire-dielectric-ring microwave resonator that operates in a "whispering-gallery" electromagnetic mode features a differential-thermal-expansion design that provides temperature compensation for ultrahigh frequency stability. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 12 N0003396 $1.65

The Universal One
A "must" for the serious student of Russell science and philosophy, The Universal One is Walter Russell's first expression of his new Cosmogony explaining the Mind-centered electromagnetic universe. Russell later revised some of the content of The Universal One in The Secret of Light and A New Concept of the Universe. Students of the Russell science should be aware of the historic sequence of Walter Russell s books of science, and note the various changes in details which Walter Russell himself made. Nikola Tesla told Walter Russell to hide his cosmogony from the world for a thousand years. Though a century or more ahead of its time, The Universal One, uniting spiritual Cause and scientifically observable Effect in a seamless whole, is now appealing to the many people scientists and laymen alike who are examining the nature of science and consciousness. In this 1926 historic volume, Walter Russell first reveals the possibility of transmutation of the elements. This is a universe of Mind, a finite universe, limited as to cause, and to the effect of cause. A finite universe, in which the effects of cause are limited, must also be limited as to cause; so when that measurable cause is known, then can man comprehend and measure all effects. The effects of cause are complex and mystify man, but cause itself is simple. The universe is a multiplicity of changing effects of but One unchanging cause. All things are universal. Nothing is which is not universal. Nothing is of itself alone. Man and Mind and all creating things are universal. No man can say: I alone am I. There is but One universe, One Mind, One force, One substance. When man knows this in measurable exactness then will he have no limitations within those which are universal." Walter Russell, from The Prelude to The Universal One. Part I: Creation; The Life Principle; Mind, The One Universal Substance; Thinking Mind; The Process of Thinking; Thinking Registered in Matter; Concerning Appearances; The Sex Principle; Sex Opposites of Light; The Reproductive Principle; Energy Transmission; A Finite Universe; A Dimensionless Universe; Concerning Dimension; The Formula of Locked Potentials; Universal Oneness; Omnipresence; Omnipotence; Omniscience. Part II: Dynamics of Mind & Light Units of Matter; Electricity and Magnetism; New Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism; Electricity; The Elements of Matter; The Octave Cycle of the Elements of Matter; The Instability and the Illusion of Stability of Matter; The Universal Pulse; Concerning Energy; Electro-Magnetic Pressure; Attraction and Repulsion; Gravitation and Radiation; Expressions of Gravitation and Radiation - Universal Direction; Universal Mathematics & Ratios; Charging & Discharging Poles; The Wave; Time; Temperature; Color; Universal Mechanics; Rotation; Revolution; Crystallization; Plane and Ecliptic; Ionization; Valence; Tone; Conclusion; New Laws and Principles. The Universal One Contains numersou charts and diagrams.The Universal One is both an historic and present/future treasure illuminating questions about universal cosmogony and philosophical considerations of the nature of the universe. 266 pages 8" x 11" Pages: 266 BKS100 $50

Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: Keely's Secrets Understanding and Using the Science of Sympathetic Vibration
Ten years of research went into this book. This collection of articles by Keely, Tesla, Dale Pond and many others reveals the scientific significance and correlations of Keely's work: the science of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics. The text has been completely retypeset, laid-out and re-illustrated. This volume contains the most comprehensive interpretation of SVP ever done. This is the definitive book on Keely's discoveries and science. It includes Pond's clarifications on Keely's 40 Laws of Harmony. Extensively illustrated including the original crystal clear Library of Congress photographs. Most of Keely s beautiful Acoustic Charts (donated by Mr. Tonn) have been computer enhanced and are legible and are included. Contains a comprehensive bibliography of source materials. 8.5" x 11", 284 pages. ISBN 1-57282-003-9 Testimonials: I have studied Keely's work and compared it to many other scientific and esoteric sources without finding anything proven that contradicts it. The thing is, there have been many impressive scientific achievements over the years which have been very useful but their explanations always seem uncomfortable, unsatisfactory speculation without cohesion. Whereas Keely's theories just seem to feel so right. When I read Keely's explanations I can't help but say to myself, that has to be how it is. "M.H., July, 1998 "This is future technology beyond anything we have discussed in FTIR. We have known of John W. Keely (and Dale Pond) since 1990, and brought Keely s work to your attention on a couple of occasions. Now comes this beautifully produced volume, over-size, with photographs, patent drawings, charts, graphs, etc. May be, at long last, Keely's genius and Dale Pond's persistence will penetrate a substantial market. Keely is truly unique, a technology unlike anything else we know about, magnificent intricacy. In brief, all is sympathetic vibration, and sympathetic vibration is the etheric force. But this essential simplicity may be why Keely's work has taken so long to penetrate. The casual reader opening a Keely book is faced with equipment that superficially resembles late 19th century workbench apparatus but described in musical, acoustical terms. Dale Pond has done a masterful job at laying out Keely s ideas and blending text with diagrams and photographs, but many of the concepts are elusive (As an example, Keely's triple chords still baffle this Editor.) Working in 1880, Keely is 200 years ahead of the rest of us. For example, on page 165 is a Keely schematic dated 1894 compared to a similar schematic by famed quantum physicist Richard Feynman over 80 years later. It takes an understanding of acoustics and musical theory to even begin to understand Keely. The essence is the "music of the spheres" known to ancient wisdom ... more simply all is sympathetic vibratory resonance. While modern engineering recognizes harmonics, Keely proposes many more relationships than merely doubling and halving frequencies. But this should not stiop you from spending time with Keely s ideas. With just an introductory physics course somewhere in your background and acquaintance with musical theory (much of Keely is in musical notations) you will travel a long way with this book. This is the kind of book you pull out time and time again over the years each time mastering a little more of Keely's intricate, unique concepts. This should be in your library, DEFINITELY." Anthony C. Sutton, editor Future Technology Intelligence Report. March, 1996. Just finished reading the book. I don't think you fully realize the extent your comments and Keely's discoveries have helped to extend my understanding of religion. I am speaking of religion in general not just one religion while disgarding the others. God created the world, science didn't. Therefore God comes first, science follows. Your book helped the bridge between religion, science, metaphysics, philosophy, etc. I cannot thank you enough for publishing this book. I hope you publish more on Keely and related discoveries. These books may not be on the best seller list but they are deeply appreciated. Please put me on your list if subjects on Keely or related topics are published." SG "I continue to find your work extremely interesting and exciting. I purchased your book "Universal Laws Never Before Revealed..." and thoroughly enjoyed it. I had trouble sleeping thinking about the many concepts covered therein... I also wrote a laudatory book review on the site, so hopefully more people can become aware of Keely and the study of sympathetic vibratory physics." IB Pages: 285 B0001689 $19.95

Using Spider-Web Patterns to Determine Toxicity
An apparaus and method for using statistical crystallography to determine and classify drugs by their chemical toxicity has been constructed. The method utilizes the sensitivity of the house spider, Araneus diadematus, to chemicals. This appears in the web pattern created by the spider. The resulting web pattern can be classified in one of five categories of toxicity. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 16 P0002595 $2.5

VHF Frequency Multiplier
The generation of a 361 MHz signal from a crystal oscillator was necessary for the first local oscillator injection for the Viking 1975 Orbiter Relay Radio Receiver. Alternative methods of generation of this 361 MHz signal include three active (transistor) doublers in cascade. However, this method normally requires higher current drain and, since it employs more components, particularly active components, is often not too reliable. Therefore, a step recovery diode, driven by a 45 MHz amplifier, was used for the X8 frequency multiplication. NASA Tech Brief. 8.5" x 11" Pages: 6 N0201192 $1.15

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