Stellar Drive Engine
Sat, 15 Apr 2000 18:07:54 EDT

Hi Folks:

I am not sure if this has been previously posted, but it seems interesting:

Stellar Drive Engine


The Stellar Drive Engine is an electromagnetic device for generating
unidirectional thrust. It has no moving parts and generates unidirectional
thrust based on a flaw in Maxwell's electromagnetic equations which manifests
itself when two conductors carrying current with harmonics greater than the
fundamental interact through their magnetic fields. The vector sum for these
interacting magnetic fields is zero when the excitation is sinusoidal (which
is in general agreement with default observations based on standard
calculations) but they are not zero for sustained non-sinusoidal excitations.

In plain English, it means we may be able to build a machine that flies
without using propellants. If you want to short cut the theory then look at
the mental model first.

......Mental Model

A simple persuasive mental model of what a stellar drive engine is designed
to show how easy it is to explain the machine to someone else if you needed
to bring this up in a dinner conversation!

Consider what might happen if make large electromagnets as large as the Earth
and the Sun and place them millions of miles apart roughly to the scale of
the Solar system. These electromagnets are made of copper coils without any
magnetic cores such that when they are switched off there is nothing magnetic
there. When the Sun electromagnet is switched on, it will take 8 whole
minutes to reach the Earth. If as it reaches the Earth, you switched the Sun
magnet off and switched the Earth magnet on, then for the next 8 whole
minutes you could pull yourself towards the Sun. After the field from Sun has
passed by, you switch the Earth's electromagnet off. If there was a huge
intervening plastic rod between the Earth and the Sun, then the whole Sun,
Earth and plastic rod assembly would be unidirectionally accelerated. The
Earth generated magnetic field rushes to the Sun to do the equal and
opposite, but it takes 8 minutes to get there. If we wait another 8 minutes,
then it would have passed by altogether. After that we are free to repeat the
thrust generating cycle!



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