75% Weight Reduction Acheived by Electrogravitation

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Sat, 15 Apr 2000 22:26:39 -0400

I have read somewhere that T. T. Brown once got 110% lift or
weight reduction, but can't seem to find the link or experiment.

from: http://members.aol.com/jnaudin509/systemg/index.html

TEST From Fran De AquinoVerifies that ELF gravitational Reduction of Mass
Works! (75% weight reduction in Jan. 27, 2000 test.) Also, Gravitation and
Electromagnetism Correlation and Grand Unification with a technical paper
that correlates the gravitational mass and the inertial mass by an
electromagnetic factor. Coherent ELF waves below 1000 Hz control gravitation
in metals! GO: NEW THEORY With Positive Test Results!

Click around there is some interesting links and recent experiments!

v/r Ken Carrigan

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