Medical Use of Ozone

mkostur ( (no email) )
Wed, 12 Apr 2000 14:38:50 -0600

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This is in response to te posting from re free =
radicals from medical ozone use.

Thanks for your response to my medical ozone information. It is my =
understanding that when the oxygen ion dissasociates form the ozone =
molecule, it attacks pathogens and other organisms within the blood, =
lymph and tissues (via the blood, which acts as a carrier for the =
ozone), etc.

It is my understanding that when this is done, it does NOT create what =
we are told is a "free radical", which are well documented to be harmful =
to the body, etc.

There is a great deal of information on this very subject in the medical =
ozone literature, but I have not had the time to dig into it and find =
further web listings for folks to reference. Unfortunately, my ozone =
books, journals and medical ozone papers are all in my storage unit 850 =
Km from here, so I cannot get to them to site you any specifics at this =

Please contact Saul Pressman at and inquire of =
him, as he will most certainly know. He is certainly one of the most =
knowledgeable people in North America (in my humble opinion) on such =

I hope this helps!

Clayton Hanna

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This is in response to te posting =from re free =radicals from=20medical ozone use.
Thanks for your response to my =medical ozone=20information.  It is my understanding that when the oxygen ion =dissasociates=20form the ozone molecule, it attacks pathogens and other organisms within =the=20blood, lymph and tissues (via the blood, which acts as a carrier for the =ozone),=20etc.
It is my understanding that when =this is done,=20it does NOT create what we are told is a "free radical", which =are=20well documented to be harmful to the body, etc.
There is a great deal of information =on this=20very subject in the medical ozone literature, but I have not had the =time to dig=20into it and find further web listings for folks to reference. =20Unfortunately, my ozone books, journals and medical ozone papers are all =in my=20storage unit 850 Km from here, so I cannot get to them to site you any =specifics=20at this time.
Please contact Saul Pressman at and =inquire of=20him, as he will most certainly know.  He is certainly one of the =most=20knowledgeable people in North America (in my humble opinion) on such=20matters.
I hope this helps!
Clayton Hanna
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