RE: Bearden on Bedinis' motors

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Wed, 12 Apr 2000 14:33:14 -0400


>If these short duration driving pulses in this motor design
>do the same amount of work as regular AC but over a longer
>period of time, then wouldn't it have to be overunity?

In reading Beardens email over and over <g> and from his other
posts or writeups, he is concentrating on 'vacuum' energy and
the conjugate side of real power. I would term it 'image' or
'imaginary' part as in sqrt(-1)? Wonder where this fits into
the physical word or vacuum energy?

Anyway... YES! There is two sides to what is being stated and
alluded to. What I am interested in, and I think Keelynet, is
the overunity portion or 'free energy' or even COP>1 which is
really not overunity in the true sense.. but rather takes into
account renewable energy.. which is fine with me too! <g>

If I read Bearden correct it is the FAST switching or outrunning
of electron/ion flow. In copper wire, the 'classical' electrons
flow somewhat slower than 'c', and at higher frequencies such
as transients the flow is along the outside of copper at some
penetration of skin depth. I wonder is the wire length from the
load to batteries makes a difference? Papers from Bearden long
along stated that iron or rusty trash wire was the best as it
delayed the electron transport allowing 'potential' to arrive
but no current flow. Seems Johns Tesla switch or Ron Brants switch
uses only this philosophy of switching to achieve a charged
battery with only capacitors changed from parallel to series!
And THIS was shown to operate at Tesla Show, sponsored by IEEE
and Ford.. etc? This is what I want to try to duplicate as it
required no winding of coils, magnet placements, shafts, etc.

Once of your long ago emails (many probably) discussed Tesla and
his car, running off the aether from only some tubes that he
picked up at some local "Radio Shack" and small antenna, which
maybe even was not an antenna. Tesla was into spark gaps,
transients, capacitor charges, and of course coils! I have a
hard time seeing Tesla, the man who invented AC electricity,
faking a running electric car running off the aether. Maybe
it is as simple as SWITCHING THREE batteries, or one battery
and two capacitors on and off. Dirac also was VERY influenced
with electron interactions with electromagnetic fields and with
electrons in the negative energy states as his Dirac Theory

>I need to build the 10 year old girls machine...winding the
>coils is the only tedious part..<g>...
Exactly! Time to go to basement and dust off the shelves
and get some experiments rolling. Even a 5 volt 1.0F cap
with a dead 1.5 volt battery should work great! Provided
switching rates of thousands of dV/dt can be achieved, and
some crapping lengthy cable to hook it all up with! <g>
v/r Ken Carrigan

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